After transmigrating into the villain's daughter, I lie down and win

Chapter 475 The Villain Takes the Master Cannon Fodder Script

Chapter 475 The Villain Takes the Master Cannon Fodder Script (39)

"Of course!"

Jin Yan raised her small chin slightly, her delicate face could not hide her pride and arrogance, her cute little expression, anyone who saw it would be stunned.

But not long after, Jin Yan began to fall asleep under Yu Qingtang's gentle pats.

After she fell asleep completely, Yu Qingtang put her on the escort bed, covered her with a blanket, and then showed Yu Sheng the evidence she had obtained.

Yu Sheng looked at the relevant screenshots and videos, and noticed that the other party had also photographed Jin Yan, and the temperature in his eyes disappeared little by little.

"Where is this man?" he asked.

Yu Qingtang: "I don't know."

Yu Sheng: "..."

Yu Qingtang: "I'm serious. Maybe he's in the emergency department, or he's in the orthopedics department. Of course, he might be in the chest or thoracic surgery department. Who knows."

He doesn't care anyway.

When he saw Jin Yan's frontal photo from the other party's phone, he was already murderous.

Unfortunately, the price of killing is still too high.

What the other party did was not to the point of being damned. In order to save unnecessary trouble, he gave a little lesson.

It's just that how the follow-up injury will recover, whether it will affect his future work and life, etc., are out of his consideration.

Because the current price is what he deserves.

Hearing what he said, Yu Sheng knew it in his heart.

Yu Qingtang swaggered back to the ward, and it was naturally handled properly, so he didn't need to ask if anyone saw it.

After listening to some recordings, he asked Yu Qingtang to import all the evidence into the computer, and then said: "It's getting late today, the three of you should go home quickly."

Yu Qingtang glanced at the sleeping Jin Yan, then raised her eyebrows and looked at Yu Sheng, "The baby is asleep, let me carry her out of the ward at this time, what if I wake up on the way, brother, do you really have the heart?"

Xie Jing: "I don't care if I sleep or not, my sister just fell asleep."

Yu Sheng: "..."

He couldn't persuade the two of them, and he really couldn't bear it, so he called Mu Yu and told her to go home to eat well, sleep well, and don't come to the hospital again.

From his accident to the present, Mu Yu has been constantly searching for evidence of the car accident, trying to prove that the perpetrator was not really a psychopath, and that this accident was deliberately done by someone.

But how easy is it to prove this?

The perpetrator died in the explosion a long time ago, and the only surviving mobile phone in the accident and his personal family situation and social relations all prove that he is indeed a man who has lost confidence in life, society and everything. An antisocial personality who wants revenge on society is a mental illness.

What is the reason for the mentally ill to kill?
Just because at that moment his mental state was unstable, and he wanted to kill someone, so he killed someone.

That's it.

Mental illness is the gold medal for avoiding death, not to mention that this person is already dead and paid for his life. If the investigation continues, more and more people will stand up and accuse them.

It's like the benevolent people who appeared inexplicably in the past two days accused Mu Yu of pursuing the truth in order to force the poor family members of the perpetrator to death.

They said that the family members of the perpetrators have had enough hardships and pitiful lives over the years, and now that the person who harmed them has finally died, they can breathe a sigh of relief and live a peaceful life. Sue, insist on compensation, what is this not to force others to death?
Anyway, you were lucky enough to survive the explosion, and you survived the catastrophe. If you don’t thank God for saving your life, why care about what you have?
People die like lights go out.

The perpetrators are all dead, and the karma he brought should also be buried with his death.

At this time, to pursue the responsibility and ask the family members to compensate is to be unreasonable, to push an inch, and to be vicious and cold-blooded.

In particular, people who knew that Yu Sheng was a doctor, that the old man was a master of Chinese medicine, and that Mu Yu ran a pharmaceutical company used the phrase "the benevolence of a doctor" as a moral kidnapping, accusing them of not being legally responsible.

Yu Sheng, who lives in the ward and can't go out, has never heard such words, but Mu Yu, who is on the go every day, has been listening to them, and her ears never stop.

But instead of being hit, Mu Yu became more and more courageous as he fought, and he became more determined to thoroughly investigate the truth and hold everyone accountable.

Yu Sheng called, but at nine o'clock in the evening, Mu Yu came to the hospital anyway.

She continued to ask the doctor in charge about Yu Sheng's treatment. After arriving at the ward, she hugged Yu Sheng as usual, kissed her sleeping daughter, and chatted with Yu Sheng to relieve boredom.

She never mentioned to Yu Sheng the dirty and nasty people and things that happened outside the hospital, those unsavory remarks and aggressive expressions.

It's just that Yu Sheng knew it all.

At ten o'clock, Yu Sheng asked her in a low voice, "The hospital bed is very wide, why don't you sleep here tonight?"

Xie Jing went outside to answer his mother's call. Yu Qingtang was sitting by the bedside of the escort and playing with his mobile phone. When he heard Yu Sheng's words, he immediately stood up, "Sister, you stay, I'll go home .”

Mu Yu: "..."

She gave Yu Sheng an embarrassed look.

Still quiet?

Let Qingtang hear it all.

She just wanted to say that she would go home soon, but Yu Qingtang had already walked to the door, "The kid answered the phone mysteriously, and he didn't know where he went for a long time. I'll go out and have a look, and take him home along the way."

Mu Yu was a little worried, "Then you call Alan first to confirm their location, and I'll tell Brother Zhang to take you back."

Yu Qingtang did not refuse, and then quickly left the ward.

After he left, Mu Yu looked at Yu Sheng, and just wanted to teach him a lesson, when he hugged him into his arms.

A familiar breath rushed towards his face, Mu Yu was afraid that someone would come in and wanted to push him away, but he didn't move around, for fear of accidentally touching a painful part.

She leaned against Yu Sheng vaguely, "I want to see the baby, she sleeps close to the bed, I'm afraid she will fall."

"Nonsense, babies are the best when they sleep, and they won't move after sleeping." Yu Sheng mercilessly exposed her lies, and didn't intend to ask her to make any more excuses.

He hugged his wife for a while before patting her on the shoulder lightly, "Close the door and go to bed."

Mu Yu: "..."

She sat still, and Yu Sheng lowered his head and kissed her on the lips again, "Why are you in a daze? Hurry up, sleep from now on, and it will only be six or seven hours tomorrow morning."

Mu Yu: "..."

Yu Sheng kissed her again, put his chin on Mu Yu's shoulder, hugged her waist and whispered, "Honey, I miss you, and I want to hug you to sleep."

"Or, you can hold me, as long as you are by my side."

He acted like a baby all of a sudden, and Mu Yu was caught off guard.

Of course, even in normal times, Mu Yu was powerless in front of Yu Sheng.

This is her love at first sight since she was a child. She has been in love for many years ignorantly, but she was seen through her mind and confessed first. It was logical to enter into marriage and become a husband and wife. She has been integrated with her life so far, regardless of each other's lover.

(End of this chapter)

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