After transmigrating into the villain's daughter, I lie down and win

Chapter 476 The Villain Takes the Master Cannon Fodder Script

Chapter 476 The Villain Takes the Master Cannon Fodder Script (40)

After Yu Qingtang left the ward, she found Xie Jing in an empty corner of the hospital.

I can't explain why, but he actually dislikes a child who is five years younger than him, like an old enemy.

But no matter how annoying and hostile, Xie Jing couldn't have an accident here.

Otherwise, my brother will be regarded as a sinner by that He Xiao again, and the old man will have to go through another trial, then he may not be able to rest in peace until he dies.

Xie Jing was on the phone, Alan and Charles stood behind him, Yu Qingtang did not approach, but found a rock and sat down, and called Shen Lin by the way.

After picking up the phone, Shen Lin reflexively said: "I've inquired, Madam Bai already knows 100% the news that your brother's life or death is uncertain... It's not me, I haven't had time to ask for help, I don't have anything Said, it's my cousin, she went to show off to Mrs. Bai, deliberately told about your brother's accident to provoke Mrs. Bai..."

Yu Qingtang: "Then has her goal been achieved?"

Shen Lin paused, shook his head and said: "I don't know, but my cousin scolded Mrs. Bai on the phone, saying that Mrs. Bai was mentally ill, and would not let go of other people's sons, but she didn't care about her own blood, and even scolded Mrs. Bai It is hypocritical to say that Mrs. Bai is not as good as her lowly mistress."

Although the cousin is not a good thing and has done so many bad things, she really seeks benefits for her son.

On the other hand, Mrs. Bai, pretending to be ignorant, deceiving herself and others, her own son was seriously injured and his life or death is uncertain, she pretended not to know, didn't care, and worked hard all day long for her fake son to gain a real foothold in the company.

For Bai Songmo, she has indeed fulfilled her duties and obligations as a mother.

But it would be too ridiculous to say how great her maternal love is.

If there is true love, even the third child's child can love, why can't you take a look at your own son?


White House.

"Madam, it's getting late, why don't you rest first," said the nanny.

A woman in a silk pajamas was sitting on the sofa with a magazine in hand. On the opened page was a young man in a gray suit, with the words "Bai Song Mo" written in the text message.

Upon hearing this, Mrs. Bai raised her hand to look at the time, it was already past ten o'clock.

She asked, "Is the hangover soup ready?"

The nanny said yes.

Madam Bai covered her mouth and yawned, obviously a little sleepy, "Go out and have a look, Songmo should be back by this time."

As soon as he finished speaking, within 2 minutes of the nanny leaving, Bai Songmo, reeking of alcohol, walked into the hall.

Madam Bai immediately dropped the magazine, walked forward quickly, and together with the nanny helped Bai Songmo to sit on the sofa.

"Why do you drink so much?"

Madam Bai distressedly took a wet towel to wipe Bai Songmo's face.

Bai Songmo took the towel and wiped it on his face indiscriminately a few times. At the beginning, the movements were light and slow, but in the end, he intensified the force, and the veins on the back of his hands burst out.

When he dropped the towel, there were already a few obvious scratches on his face.

"How did you make it like this? Could it be that those old things are cheating on the old and forcing you to drink?" Mrs. Bai said distressedly.

Bai Songmo shook his head, "No, they are the old people of the company. From grandpa to dad, they have made a lot of contributions to the company. They should be more airy."

Mrs. Bai's face darkened, "What should you mean? You are the heir recognized by your father and the president of the Bai Group. They are just employees of the company. It was your grandfather and your father who gave them the gift of kindness." Shares, take the benefits, and die for the company. That's what it should be. Now that your father has an accident and can't wake up, they bully others with their seniority and seniority. They deliberately suppress you because you are young, and they refuse to do so. Isn’t it for their own benefit to agree to hold a board of directors?”

"Mom, they are indeed credited to the company..."

"They have merit? Who has no merit? Even the toilet sweepers and gatekeepers still have merit. What did they say? It was these people who saw your father collapsed and wanted to take the opportunity to suppress you so that they could get out of your hands." To seize power, to carve up the Bai Group!"

Madam Bai was full of anger, and when she thought of something, her eyes suddenly lit up, "Songmo, I asked you to call your uncle, did you call?"

Bai Songmo was leaning on the sofa, his face still flushed abnormally after drinking, but his expression was very innocent, looking very fragile.

He shook his head, "I don't want to trouble others about our family's affairs..."

Mrs. Bai said confidently: "How can you trouble others? He is your uncle. He has such a high status in the medical field and has such a wide network of contacts. As long as he is willing to speak out, those old guys in the company will never dare to make things difficult for him." You, when the time comes, the company won’t be your only one?”

Bai Songmo still shook his head, "It would be a bit bullying to ask my uncle to come forward, and it would be bad for our Bai family if it spreads. Maybe those directors didn't really want to embarrass me, maybe they were just testing my ability, I did it myself. It’s not good enough to get their approval.”

Madam Bai scolded the directors of the company a few times, but she couldn't do anything to them, so she turned her head and called the nanny, the hangover soup is ready, why hasn't it been brought yet.

Nanny: "I just brought it over, and you asked me to put it on the coffee table."

Madam Bai looked down and saw that the hangover soup was indeed there, so she blamed the nanny for not reminding her, and it would cool down later.


After urging Bai Songmo to finish drinking the hangover soup, Mrs. Bai said: "Even if you bully others, those old guys in the company, Rabang, bullied you first. They did the first day of junior high school, so naturally we can do fifteenth."

She sat down by the sofa, and said slowly: "It's already late today, you can call him tomorrow, his dog legs are all over the world, and there is no news about the medical industry that he doesn't know, you call, He knew what was going on."

Bai Songmo hesitated, "But uncle and aunt..."

"It is precisely because he is sorry for your aunt, sorry for your grandfather, and he is not reasonable in terms of morality and public opinion, that he will help you. This is what he owes our Ye family!" Madam Bai said.

Xi Le and his eldest sister were in free love and marriage at the beginning, but at that time he had nothing, no background, no family background, no money, no social status. He only gained his current fame with the support of his father after he became the son-in-law of the Ye family and status.


The son is Zhongshan Wolf, and he is mad when he is successful.

After gaining social status and fame, the first thing Xi Le did was to cross the river and demolish bridges.

He cheated on the eldest sister's good friend when the eldest sister was pregnant, and continued to frame and slander his father's reputation, eroding his father's power, and finally drove his father to a dead end step by step...

Xi Le's debt to the Ye family cannot be remedied by a trivial matter.

Now it's just asking him to do her son a small favor, and he will never refuse.

(End of this chapter)

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