After transmigrating into the villain's daughter, I lie down and win

Chapter 489 The Villain Takes the Master Cannon Fodder Script

Yu Qingtang told a story to Jinyan, and just as she fell asleep, Shen Lin sent another message.

Shen Lin: "If you call me Brother Shen, it's not impossible for me to find out what they talked about for you."

Yu Qingtang replied: "No need."

He didn't care what Bai Songmo and Shen Hua talked about, it was nothing more than how to deal with his brother in different ways.

Their plot will not succeed.

It's just that no one expected that before Shen Hua's mother and son took action against Yu Sheng, Xiao Kuang, Xi Le's student, shouted in the public forum that he would challenge old man He's medical skills. Belittling his teacher.

As soon as the challenge book came out, it shocked the entire medical community.

Netizens who knew the past were also in an uproar.

"Even if you question the character of the two bosses 'He Yu'! But you want to question their medical skills! I really don't know what to say! ps: I didn't mean to say that the characters of the two bosses are bad , who has bad character, everyone knows [funny]”

"The young people nowadays are either questioning the salary of the old actor who is higher than him, or questioning that the medical skills of the big boss in the medical field are not as good as that of a student who has not even completed a master's degree. Who gave him the courage?"

"Whoever is his backstage, that is who!"

"Whoever he bites for, that's who!"

"Watchdog, you know everything!"

"Everyone is so reserved, but I'm different. Let me just say it. His courage was of course given by Xigou [Kouqu]. Except for him, I can't think of anyone else who would miss He Lao so much!"

"Be careful upstairs. A lot of people opened the box last time. We can't scold some dogs."

"The account was bombed last time, but I still want to say, when will Xigou die?"

"Go back upstairs, right now!"

"I'll pack a bag of spicy sticks and put them upstairs, and Xi Gou will die immediately!"

"This student really lives up to his name. Xiao Kuang is arrogant and arrogant. He provokes Mr. He. No matter whether Mr. He will fight or not, no matter what the final result is, he can use the phrase "youthful and vigorous" to explain what he has done. The reason is that it is Mr. He, who is already old, and when he is unable to do what he wants even if he is highly skilled in medicine, if there is an emergency, many people will rush to scold him for his fame..."

"Then let me say something first, those who scold Mr. He are all animals."

"Elder He has challenged!"


"He Lao has been reclusive for many years. So many colleges and hospitals have invited him to come out of the mountain, but he has not agreed. He knows that the other party is not good, how can he still agree?"

"Mr. He responded. Mr. He said that his disciple, the descendants he adopted for Mr. Yu, suffered two very serious car accidents within a month, and the perpetrators were either drunk driving or mentally ill. Both of them had perfect The evidence can prove that they did not intend to murder, but in addition to the car accident, that Mr. Yu also encountered many accidents that would destroy his reputation, disable him and even lose his life. Just like what we all think, Mr. He also does not believe that this is a coincidence , he stands up to fight now, just to protect his disciple!"


"Why is there no news about this kind of thing on the Internet?"

"It's not that it didn't happen, it was suppressed. The second accident was on the hot search. In the video uploaded by netizens, the truck did crash into Mr. Yu's car, and then the car exploded, and Mr. Yu At the moment of danger, what he thought was not to run for his life, but to push his friend away and not hurt his friend."

"At the gate of the court that day, the situation was really critical. The truck exploded and black smoke billowed. The driver who caused the accident died before being rescued. Mr. Yu was lucky to survive. Later, when I went to the court to work, I heard some lawyers talk about In this case, it is said that the mobile phone left by the perpetrator and his family relationships all show that he is an antisocial personality, so it is impossible to judge that he murdered Mr. Yu, and everyone is dead, unless new clues and new evidence are found, Otherwise, this case can only be closed!"

"Seeing this, I seem to have some impressions. At that time, I thought it was an ordinary accident, and I mentioned it to my friend. Later, my friend said that I lied to her, because she searched the Internet and couldn't find the video I mentioned. Now everyone knows it, and it has been removed from the hot search."

"For so many years, even the benefactor's descendants have not been spared. Xigou is really a beast!"

"Don't insult the dog, the dog also knows gratitude and loyalty, unlike some livestock, it is simply a walking white-eyed wolf, an old animal that will kill all its vengeance!"

"Working in a hospital, when the first accident happened, Mr. Yu just got out of the car. The accident happened to Mr. Yu's five-year-old daughter. The child was blind after the car accident. The perpetrator was arrested. During the trial of the case, the perpetrator's The family also harassed Mr. Yu and his family many times..."

"Does anyone know if Mr. Yu's baby is cured now?"

"In the same village, I didn't expect to see acquaintances here. First, I would like to thank the netizens for their concern on behalf of the neighbors. The baby's eyes can now be seen (the whole village likes the baby very much. She is really cute, smart, and lovable. ), let me tell you about the speed of recovery, her father, grandfather and uncle are all doctors."

"It's great that the baby is fine! Also, landlord, do you not need to go out to see a doctor in your village?"

"I also want to ask, it is really convenient to have a doctor by my side, and there are three in their village!"


"Hahaha netizens are so cute. Regarding the question of whether to leave the village or not, many people have asked me before, whether you should go to the hospital or will you go to the hospital, should you have surgery or will you do it? Surgery, after all, the hospital's medical conditions and sterile environment are very important, but when it comes to treatment, according to the condition and the doctor's advice, whichever is suitable for you can be used... Don't try to bully me with Chinese medicine, our Chinese medicine can be passed down thousands of times Years, naturally there is a scientific basis for it to be handed down!"

"My own people say that Chinese medicine is useless. It is a feudal superstition and a lie. However, there are two thieves next door. One stole so many medical skills quietly, and the other shamelessly stole our various national quintessence and intangible cultural heritage traditional culture. ..."

"Of course the thief knows what is the most valuable!"

"Speaking of this, I remembered it. Ten years ago, Xigou cooperated with Xiaozhai on a Chinese medicine exchange project. At that time, he said in front of the Xiaozhai media that Chinese medicine originated from Xiaozhai. At that time, the Internet did not exist. It is developed, and there are few people on the Internet, but people who know the news are scolding Xigou, but this project is still going on, and it has cultivated batches of second devils for us!"

"That's why Xi Gou was regarded as a guest of honor by Xiaotian!"

"If these things are true, then the dog is not dead, it's too much for God!"

Thank you [Aegean Sea on the other side] for your support~

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