After transmigrating into the villain's daughter, I lie down and win

Chapter 490 The Villain Takes the Master Cannon Fodder Script

News spread quickly on the Internet, and by the time Xi Le found out, the majority of melon-eating netizens had searched the melon fields and gnawed all the melons.

Xi Le was furious and asked his assistant to cancel the trending search, but the assistant hesitated, "Teacher, if you cancel the trending search now, netizens will think that there is no silver 300 taels here, and their misunderstanding of you will be even deeper."

Netizens will say, you have no ghosts in your heart, why are you withdrawing from the trending search?
It was nothing more than being poked at a sore spot, afraid of being exposed, so he hurriedly lowered the hot search and covered his mouth.

The truth is this, but Xi Le can't turn a blind eye to the comments on the Internet that curse him to death.

After pondering for a moment, he still said: "Take it down, and deal with those netizens who use bad words."

He didn't believe that those netizens would remember these things for a lifetime!


Do not believe?

Netizens have good memories, but they also hold grudges.

But when it comes to handling, should I report the title or drink tea offline?

Xi Le didn't say anything, but his assistant has been by his side for many years, and he knows his behavior too well, and soon knows what to do.

That night, all the posts on the Internet related to breaking the news were blown up.

Not to mention those posts that used various obscure nouns and symbols to replace Xi Le, it was some ordinary Weibo posts by netizens, as long as they involved relevant words, they were not spared.

There are countless netizens who have been silenced and banned, and I don’t know how many have been invited to drink tea offline.

Xi Le thought that such threats and intimidation could scare away netizens and stop them from meddling in their own business. However, some people are righteous and brave, while others are rebellious. For them, the harder you suppress, the more they will resist. more intense.


When Yu Sheng and Yu Qingtang found him, Old Man He was sitting alone in a cave smoking a cigarette. Every time he went up to the mountain to collect herbs, if he couldn't go down the mountain in time when it rained heavily, he would stay in the cave to shelter from the rain, or even in the cave. overnight.

But hiding in the cave today is purely because of his guilty conscience.

Yu Qingtang sat down on a polished and shiny stone, "Old man, do you know that we have been looking for you for a long time?"

They almost searched the entire Herb Mountain, and found many caves, large and small, but they were almost exhausted.

Yu Sheng stood at the door, blocking the light coming in from outside. He just looked down at Old Man He from a height, "Master, no one will persuade you to fight, but should you tell us beforehand?" One sound?"

Old man He was a little dissatisfied, "What can I tell you about a small matter? My old man doesn't even have this power anymore?"

Yu Qingtang deliberately said: "My brother didn't mean that, of course you have the right not to discuss with any of us, just like the sun is going down soon, you insist on hiding in the cave to see us."

Old Man He: "..."

When the old man can't hear you're mocking?

Seeing that the old man didn't speak, Yu Qingtang intensified his sarcasm, "Not only did he not see us, but even the baby, it's really cruel. When my brother and I came out, the baby chased us all the way to the door. I saw her small figure at the door."

The picture Yu Qingtang said appeared in front of old man He as if it were real, and his guilt gradually increased at this time.

"Even the baby knows to go home early when it gets dark. Some people don't know it even when they are old. Do you know how many times the baby asked where grandpa went today?" Yu Qingtang said again.

It's nothing more than murder.

Old man He's guilt reached its peak.

When the three returned to the village, they happened to run into Liu Cong and Liu Yue who were about to go out.

Liu Cong said happily, "Hey, Qingtang, you guys are back? Did Grandpa He find it?"

Yu Qingtang: "Where are you going?"

Liu Cong pointed to the mountain in the distance, "Go to Yaoshan, you didn't come back, and Grandpa He didn't come back, Xiao Jinyan was worried, I just happened to go to your house to deliver something, and she wanted to go out to look for you, so I told you Tell me to help her find it."

Yu Qingtang thanked him, said "I'll go home first" to the old man and Yu Sheng, and left without looking back.

Liu Cong chirped and asked where old man He had gone, but the old man who was upright in the cave was embarrassed to speak now.

He was also anxious to go home to coax his little granddaughter.

It's just that he was old and his legs and feet were not as good as a young man's, so he was taken the lead by a young boy.


After dinner, Yu Qingtang wanted to wash the dishes, and Jin Yan was afraid that he would be lonely in the kitchen, so he followed him to accompany him.

It is said to be companionship, but in fact it is my uncle washing the dishes and she playing with water.

Xie Jing watched her play with water.

In the yard, Mu Yu entered a few phone numbers on the old man's mobile phone. The old man asked what he was doing, and she said, "These are people from my father's side. They used to be special soldiers, and they are all very good at it. When you go out, we can rest assured that they will follow you to protect you."

The old man was moved in his heart, but he said firmly: "I need some kind of protection. Most of my body has been buried in the ground. If I die at this time, everyone will suspect him, and he will not be cleared."

Mu Yu knew what he meant, "That's what I said, but animals are different from people, what if he likes to take risks?"

They can't afford to gamble.

In the medical and health field for so many years, Xi Le's status and influence have long been deeply ingrained. Those who have interests and collusion with him will try their best to keep Xi Le in order to protect their own interests and maintain their status.

This is also the source of Xi Le's unafraid all along.

"Anyway, you only need to know that you disappeared for only one day, and the baby's eyes went to the door hundreds of times, and the eyes are red from crying." Mu Yu said.

Old Man He: "..."

Now he, a bad old man, can be manipulated casually.

But he couldn't refute a word.

After saving the number, Mu Yu said, "I'm going to pack Ah Sheng's clothes, you can talk to Ah Sheng."

Old man He suddenly lost his composure, "Ah Sheng is going out too?"

Mu Yu: "Yes."

Old Man He: "Where is he going?"

Mu Yu glanced at her husband, and said with a smile: "Of course it's where you go, where he goes, you're so old, do you really think we can let you go out alone with a few bodyguards? If that's the case, then You are raising Ah Sheng for nothing."

As soon as she left, old man He immediately persuaded Yu Sheng. He firmly refused to let Yu Sheng go with him.

Similarly, Yu Sheng did not agree with him going out alone.

No one can convince anyone.

I don't know how long it took, the dishwashing trio came back from work.

Old He looked like he had grasped at straws, and immediately asked Jinyan about his attitude. At this time, only Guaibao could persuade Ah Sheng.

Ah Sheng doesn't listen to what other people say, but what his daughter says is an imperial decree.

Unexpectedly, Jin Yan came up and said: "Let Dad go together, Dad wants to go."

Old Man He: "..."

Why did this little girl rebel?

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