After transmigrating into the villain's daughter, I lie down and win

Chapter 517 The Villain Takes the Master Cannon Fodder Script

At that time, both Zhou He and Xie Jing thought that Yu Qingtang just disappeared from their eyes, after all, only they discovered his secret.

But after Jinyan's birthday ended that day, Yu Qingtang seemed to have evaporated from the world, and no one saw him again.

he's gone.

Go quietly.


He didn't even say goodbye to Jin Yan.

They thought that Yu Qingtang would leave for a period of time and be alone for a while, and he would come back soon after thinking clearly, after all, his dearest and most loved people were here.

Putting myself in their shoes, if their identities were exchanged, they might not be able to be as calm, restrained and decisive as Yu Qingtang.

He left as soon as he said he would, without looking back, and it took two full years to leave.

The person who had never been worried before, in order to better protect her, he also resolutely let go at that moment and chose to leave her.

But those who leave for love will eventually come back for love.


When going down the mountain, Xie Jing remained silent.

However, Zhou He talked more and more, and he never stopped talking along the way.

"He will come back when he comes back. The old man is so old. If he doesn't come back again, what if... Sigh!"

"But isn't he a bit willful? Once he disappeared, he couldn't be seen for two full years. He made so many people worry about him. He is really heartless."

"In the past two years since he left, Jin Yan has not been as cheerful and smiling as before. When we meet this time, I must beat him up!"

"Xie Jing, you said the two of us teamed up..."

"Can you shut up?" Xie Jing couldn't bear it anymore.

He knew that Zhou He was too anxious and irritable to keep talking, but it was too noisy.

Zhou He confidently said no.

He kicked the grass on the side of the road irritably, he was still angry, and kicked twice in a row, but his foot missed, and his whole body almost fell into a pit.

At the critical moment, Xie Jing quickly grabbed his wrist, and Zhou He used his strength to stand firm.

With a stinking face, Zhou He pushed all the grass away, and soon revealed a small pit covered by wild grass, so that no one else would sink into it.

And Xie Jing took out a handkerchief and wiped his hands.

Obviously, his cleanliness is severely allergic to Zhou He.

Both of them saw the other's actions just now, but didn't say a word.

When he was about to step into the village, Zhou He said discouragedly: "I admit that I am stingy. When Jinyan was unhappy, I coaxed her that Yu Qingtang would come back soon. At that time, I really hoped that he would suddenly appear in the village. In front of them, Jin Yan will definitely be very happy..."

"Now that he's finally back, I'm not happy at all, and I even hope he never comes back."

After Zhou He finished speaking, he stopped, as if he didn't want to continue walking.

It seems that if you don't enter the village or see Yu Qingtang, you can change anything.

But Xie Jing didn't say anything, just glanced at him lightly and walked forward.

Ten seconds later, Zhou He's voice came from behind him, "Anyway, at this moment, we are brothers in the same camp, why can't you persuade me?"

"No need." Xie Jing said, "With or without you, it's the same."

Zhou He: "..."

Was he despised by his love rival again?


In the room, after Jin Yan changed her clothes, she went out to meet her grandfather, grandparents and other seniors, and talked with them for a while.

Later, Yu Sheng saw that she was a bit bored, so he asked her to go back to the room to rest or check her phone and computer.

After Jin Yan went back, she sat and read the book for a while, and when she held the book that she could read in any environment, it seemed as if there was a hypnotist sitting opposite her, and she fell into a daze after a while.

Knowing that she had returned to the room, Mu Yu took the time to come over and bring her a plate of fruit. Seeing that Jin Yan was drowsy, he asked her to lie on the bed and sleep for a while. If her hair got messed up, she would comb it again later.

Jin Yan promised, but his body didn't move half a step.

After a while, Mu Yu gave her another box of snacks.

After eating fruit and snacks, people who are already sleepy will feel even sleepier after eating.

When there was a noise outside the door, Jin Yan thought it was Mu Yu who came to bring him food again, so he shouted, "Mom, I can't finish eating these, so don't bring me any more food."

"Mu Yu" didn't respond, but the footsteps were getting closer.

Jin Yan lay halfway on the table, and said in a daze, "Don't look for any more stylists, I just celebrate my birthday, and I don't want to get married, so it doesn't need to be so grand."

"Mu Yu" still didn't speak.

At this time, Jin Yan noticed something was wrong.

What was getting closer was not the sound of mother's footsteps.

Thinking of something, her eyes widened slightly, and before she could turn her head, she heard a voice at the door that had appeared countless times in her memory.


marry whom?
Jin Yan didn't move, but his hands on the table slowly clenched.

It was the voice she was most familiar with.

Compared with the memory, the voice was obviously deep and hoarse.

The footsteps gradually approached, the familiar atmosphere became stronger and stronger, the sunlight coming in from the window was cut and blocked, Jinyan's eyes darkened, and his whole body was instantly submerged in a shadow.
She stood up suddenly and looked straight at the person coming.

As if the other party couldn't bear her frank direct gaze, his body obviously leaned back, but although his figure dodged, his feet didn't move at all, and his eyes never moved away from the person in front of him.

Eyes facing each other, silence speaks louder than sound.

Jin Yan saw the green stubble on Yu Qingtang's chin, his messy hair, the folds on his shirt, and the scarlet bloodshot eyes.

Such a posture should not appear on him.

And Yu Qingtang also stared at Jinyan, but only stared at her face all the time, as if looking at other places more was like blasphemy, like a crime.

A few seconds later, Yu Qingtang's lips moved.

Knowing that he had made a mistake by not saying goodbye, he just wanted to admit his mistake, "I'm sorry" before he said "yes", and then he heard Jin Yan call "uncle".


Yu Qingtang's heart choked.

She is an adult, but she doesn't know anything yet.

There's nothing wrong with calling it that.

He looked at Jin Yan whose expression was a little cold like before, knowing that she was angry at him for leaving without saying goodbye, so he lowered his voice, "Yan Yan, I'm back."

Jin Yan let out a "hmm".

Yu Qingtang thought she would say something, such as asking him why he disappeared without saying a word, why he didn't contact her for two years after he left, why he didn't answer her phone, why he didn't even come back to see her when she was sick...

He imagined countless times what questions Jin Yan might ask, but she didn't ask any of them, but turned around and sat back on the chair calmly.

Yu Qingtang suddenly became at a loss.

Before discovering his feelings, no matter why Jin Yan was angry, he had thousands of ways to make her happy.

not now.

Although he still loves her, even more than before.

But his heart is no longer as simple and pure as before, without asking for anything in return.

Ask for a ticket~

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