After transmigrating into the villain's daughter, I lie down and win

Chapter 518 The Villain Takes the Master Cannon Fodder Script

Human greed is endless.

At first, he only hoped that Jinyan would not be afraid of him, and would not stay away from him.

Slowly, he hoped to get a look from her.

But time is like a deadly poison. His love for him, his restraint and forbearance, and his compromise have all produced a huge backlash under the soaking and erosion of this poison.

The more restrained he is, the more forbearing he is, the more he doesn't like or love, the more he compromises, the more he misses.

Sometimes it turns into a long arrow full of barbs, sometimes it turns into a sea of ​​flames soaring into the sky, sometimes it turns into a dark and terrifying bloody mouth, and sometimes it turns into a dark, deep and bottomless abyss...

The Long Arrow seems to have undergone a top-level mechanism transformation, and it is always changing various forms, but every time it transforms, it has to be tested on his body. He was shot with holes all over his body, and blood penetrated every hole. It gushed out from the wound on his body, dyeing his world a blood red.

He is also scorning himself.

You shouldn't like Jinyan.

But by chance, his feelings for her changed.

This punishment is what he deserves.

But he is not reconciled.

He watched her grow up since she was a child. They have no blood relationship, and they are not on the same household registration book. He was just taken in by his kind and kind brother. He is the person who knows her best. Why can't he love her?
He couldn't even stand watching others confess to Jin Yan, so how could he just watch her marry someone else, enter the marriage hall with another man, and grow old forever?

In such a battle between heaven and man, he, covered in blood holes and barefoot, calmly passed through an entire blurred and deformed world, and fell into the sea of ​​flames soaring into the sky.

The blazing flames are devouring his hair, his skin, his flesh and blood, his ribs...

Everything was burned and turned into a piece of dust that could be dispersed without wind.

But his heart was still beating vigorously.

What the sea of ​​fire didn't engulf was his love.

He loves Jinyan.

There is no doubt about that.

From childhood to adulthood, he has always loved her with his life.

But the confession two years ago ruined everything. For many days and nights after escaping, he even frantically wanted to go back to the past and kill that boy.

If there hadn't been that confession, if he hadn't broken through that confession, he wouldn't have found that he was actually jealous of an inexperienced and penniless brat, and his feelings had changed...

But time can't turn back, and he can't go back to the past.

Love already loves, he has no choice.

If there is only one option of "not loving" left in front of him, then he would rather die.

Let that bloody maw of all things ghastly and ghastly dread swallow him, let him disappear.

But how could he be willing?

Of course he was not reconciled.

Obviously he is the one who loves her the most.

Since you are not reconciled, then accept it calmly.

After accepting his own feelings, he felt extravagant hopes in his heart. He didn't care about other people's eyes, but he didn't want Jinyan to regard him as a weirdo, or even a pervert.

But greed is endless.

With a little extravagance, there will be more.

Greed continued to breed and grow wildly, and now, he began to long for her response, even if it was just a look.

But this is not enough, he even wants to get the same feelings.

And he is very clear that the result of doing this is that if he is not careful, he will fall miserably, fall to pieces, and stay under the unfathomable abyss forever.

But he came back anyway.

If you can't get...

Then let him fall to pieces, let him die in the dark and closed abyss.


During the time when no one spoke, the time was stretched and everything slowed down, but people's senses became more acute.

Yu Qingtang thought about how to organize his words, apologizing for his resignation two years ago.

Yes, he didn't want to confess on such a day.

He hoped that Jinyan's birthday would be a little happier, as it has always been.

But even so, last year's birthday, he was still absent, and even if he made up too many gifts and blessings in the future, it would not be able to make up for last year's today.

He racked his brains, but his mind was blank, he could only hear the heartbeat that was too high and too fast and Jin Yan's shallow breathing, and there was only a stubborn girl who refused to look back at him in his eyes.

After an unknown amount of time, Jin Yan heard him say "I'm sorry".

She was slightly taken aback.

At this time, Yu Qingtang said again: "Baby, happy birthday."

In fact, after she was ten years old, Jin Yan stopped letting her family call her that. Everyone said they knew it, and they would still call her that when there were no outsiders in private or when they were excited and happy.

It's even more strange to call it out of Yu Qingtang's mouth.

She was annoyed and wanted to say what you did two years ago, where you went in the past two years, even if you want to think about something, you can always answer the phone, right?

But before she could make a sound, Zhou He's hearty and sunny voice came from outside, "Jin Yan? Where's our little princess? Aunt Mu said that grandma made you a new dress, let me see it!"

Jin Yan stood up as usual.

She was about to walk towards the door, but Yu Qingtang grabbed her wrist.

Jin Yan turned his head, "Uncle?"

Yu Qingtang's breathing was slightly stagnant, and then she quickly let go of Jin Yan as if she had been burned, but after a long while, that arm was still hanging in the air as if stiff.

He looked bitter, with endless sadness hidden in his eyes, like an isolated island.

With just one glance, Jin Yan's heart was also burned.

She took a breath, and the moment she turned her head, a smile appeared on her face again.

Zhou He and Xie Jing came in one after the other, and the expectant expressions on their faces froze almost invisible when they saw the tall, handsome, mature and stable man behind Jin Yan.

Zhou He frowned, anticipation and joy faded from his face, leaving only mocking concern, "Uncle? When did you come back?"

When he first arrived in Lanzhen at the age of seven, he never called Uncle Yu Qingtang.

It's called that now, and the purpose is self-evident.

And Yu Qingtang knew this very well, so he just gave a faint "hmm".

Indifference and alienation from outsiders has always been his style.

But the calmer Yu Qingtang was, the more angrily Zhou He became.

It has made Jinyan sad for two years, why can he still act as if nothing happened?
Seeing that Zhou He's temper was on the rise, Xie Jing stepped up and blocked Jin Yan's coming-of-age ceremony because he was afraid that he would say something wrong and disturb Jin Yan's coming-of-age ceremony.

He also called Uncle, but the irony was not so strong, after all, their relationship was not the same as that of Zhou He.

When he first arrived at He's house, he didn't like Yu Qingtang, who was trusted and relied on unconditionally by Jin Yan, and Yu Qingtang didn't like him either. At that time, they were hostile to each other.

But even so, Yu Qingtang is still taking care of and protecting him, which is why he respects Yu Qingtang.

But respect does not mean non-dispute.

Even if the opponent is Yu Qingtang, he will not give up half a point.

Good night, sweet dreams

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