After transmigrating into the villain's daughter, I lie down and win

Chapter 542 I will be the god of death in the last days

Jin Yan said in his heart that I know your bloody brother.

But she didn't speak, and the staff came running from all directions.

The young man who had been serving before directly blocked Jin Yan behind him, and then looked at the two girls opposite with a sullen expression, "Are you two guests of the hotel too?"

"Go away, you don't deserve to know our identities!" The tall girl who hit someone was still shaking her hands, obviously her hands were numb from the shock just now.

The young man was neither humble nor overbearing, "Sorry, please show your room cards."

The tall girl cursed again, "Go away", and the smaller girl next to her said, "Sorry, sorry, this is all a misunderstanding, please don't take it seriously."

"I'm sorry, if you can't show your room card, then we can only turn you over to the public security organ." The young man said.

The tall girl started swearing again, while the little girl kept laughing and explaining.

At this time, Zhou Xia changed her clothes and came down.

"Jin Yan..."

"Xia Xia, long time no see. I didn't expect to meet you here." The little girl said.

Zhou Xia froze for a moment, "Who are you? I know you?"


Unspeakable embarrassment filled the air.

A flash of anger flashed in the girl's eyes, and it quickly turned into grievance and disappointment, "We only met the year before last, have you forgotten? Ever since we separated, I have been thinking about you, I thought..."

"If you have something to say, don't drop cat urine, I'm hard-hearted." Zhou Xia said.

As soon as these words came out, Jin Yan and several staff members couldn't help laughing, and the little girl couldn't hold back.

"I'm Mu Shan. I heard from my brother's friend that you seem to be coming to Haicheng to play. I wanted to ask my brother when you will come, but he is too busy. I..."

"Stop! Who do you think you are? Mu Shan?" Zhou Xia looked him up and down as if he just remembered.

Mu Shan nodded, she didn't like being scrutinized, but she endured it at the moment.

Zhou Xia said "Oh", with a disdainful expression and a mocking tone, "I remembered, the illegitimate daughter of the Mu family has occupied the magpie's nest for so many years, I thought you were very proud, but it turned out to be like this mixed together?"

When talking about "this kind of stuff", she also glanced at the girl next to Mu Shan, who was staring at Jin Yan viciously.

Mu Shan wanted to defend herself several times, but she couldn't get in. She felt aggrieved and embarrassed, "Xia Xia, I know you have problems with me and my mother, but my mother and father are in free love, and they don't hinder... "

"Don't disturb others? Then why is your mother with a man who just died a few days ago? My aunt has only been there for a few days, and your mother can't wait to take you into Mu's house, and even put the five-year-old My cousin kicked out?" Zhou Xia asked coldly.

Mu Shan kept shaking her head, "It's not like that, Mom and Dad are in love with each other..."

"Falling in love with a married man, your mother is really a pure and flawless white lotus."

"No, you don't know the truth..."

"The truth is that your mother is the mistress of that scumbag of my uncle. The truth is that your mother had an affair with a married man and gave birth to you. It was my aunt's bones that you stepped on her bones to celebrate!"

"Xia Xia, I am full of joy waiting for you to come, why do you..."

"Thank you, I'm disgusted!"

Mu Shan was so shocked that she was speechless. The girl next to her said unfairly for Mu Shan: "What are you? Mu Lan doesn't have such a big opinion on Shanshan's identity as you do. What right do you have to treat her?" Pointing fingers?"

Zhou Xia sneered, "Which onion are you? I know you? Just to remind you, before interrupting, you'd better reveal your identity, otherwise don't blame me for calling you mean."

"Xia Xia, you can scold me, but you can't scold my friend. Xiahou Ying is innocent." Mu Shan cried to stand up for her friend, and she didn't forget to mention the name "Xiahou" to deter others.

Zhou Xia said "Oh" and said, "Who did I say? It turned out to be the eldest lady of the Xiahou family. I heard that your mother came to power by stepping on the bones of her own sister, and even accused her nephew of being a murderer." It was sent to the prison, the combination of mistress and illegitimate daughter, no wonder you guys like each other so much, "

After saying this, both Mu Shan and Xia Houying broke their defenses.

Mu Shan was still pretending to be weak, but Xia Houying couldn't bear it anymore and raised her hand again.

Seeing that another slap was about to fall, Jin Yan dragged Zhou Xia behind her, raised her foot and kicked Xia Houying in the stomach.


Xia Houying's gaze moved away from Zhou Xia's body, and slowly landed on her own stomach. Before she could react, she had already fallen backwards into the swimming pool.

Seeing that her friend was being bullied, Mu Shan began to criticize Jin Yan again, but Zhou Xia didn't give her a chance to export at all, and going up to have sex was just a random beating.

When Zhou Xia stopped crying, "The palms are so hot", Mu Shan's fair and tender face was already covered with red marks, completely swollen into a pig's head.

Mu Shan continued to murmur while covering her face, while Xia Houying was swimming on her back in the water with a painful expression on her face.

Jin Yan said to the staff: "Criminals sneaked into the hotel, insulted and slandered us, and injured us violently. Out of self-protection, my friends and I fought back in self-defense. You will deal with the rest."

"I see, Miss Huo, you two are shocked today, we will arrange a doctor to examine you, this way please."

The staff led the way, and as soon as Jin Yan and Zhou Xia left, a familiar figure approached from the other side.

"Hello, did you see the two girls staying with me?" Li Dong asked.

Staff: "Follow me, please."

Passing by the pool, Li Dong was startled when he saw the people soaking in it, "Why are you in the water? Mu Shan, why did your face become like this?"

The hotel staff wanted to take Xia Houying and Mu Shan away, but when they heard Li Dong's words, they asked, "Miss, do you know these two?"

Li Dong nodded, "We came in together..."

"These two sneaked into the private area of ​​the hotel for no reason, insulted and slandered our distinguished guests, and intentionally hurt them. The hotel has decided to sue the two, and the lawyer is already on the way. Since the two were brought in by the lady, then Just ask Miss to come with us and cooperate with our work."

Li Dong looked at Mu Shan and Xia Houying puzzledly, wanting to know what happened, but got no response.

After some questioning, it was learned that Li Dong had only known the two of them for an hour, and that she had brought them in together after hearing the two say "the room card is lost", so the staff didn't make things difficult for her anymore, but here What happened, they immediately told the people who should know.

Li Dong was dazed and at a loss, she didn't expect that the friend she just met was enemies with Zhou Xia, let alone that Xia Houying actually beat Jin Yan.

But, after all the shots, why didn't that slap fall on Huo Jinyan's face?

It's such a pity.

Eighth watch~→_→Little fairies, please vote! ! !

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