After transmigrating into the villain's daughter, I lie down and win

Chapter 543 I will be the god of death in the last days

No one knows about Li Dong's regrets.

But she will soon know the consequences of that slap that she regrets so much.

When Mu Shan and Xia Houying were driven to the police station by the security guard, they happened to pass by an off-road vehicle.

After discovering the off-road vehicle, Mu Shan grabbed the clothes of the companions and said, "Stop, stop! The car just entered belongs to my brother. He and Huo Jinyan are good friends. As long as you let me get out of the car, let me tell him Knowing that this matter is a misunderstanding, he will definitely not let Huo Jinyan sue us..."

"Miss Mu, it is our hotel that is suing you, and has nothing to do with Miss Huo." The staff member said.

"Fart! If she didn't sue, would you bother?" Xia Houying said.

Staff: "The hotel's normal rights protection is not superfluous."

Mu Shan: "But this matter is a misunderstanding. We can sit down in the hotel and discuss it slowly. There is no need to go to court..."

"Don't talk nonsense with him, that bitch kicked me, my stomach hurts like hell, even if they don't sue me, I have to sue them for bodily harm to me!" Xia Houying said.

Mu Shan wanted to persuade her again, but Xia Houying didn't listen at all, and the two became deadlocked.

On the other hand, after knowing what happened in the hotel, Lou Di and the others rushed to find Jin Yan and Zhou Xia, but the two of them were sitting in the restaurant eating dessert like nothing happened.

"Aren't you injured?" Lou Di asked Jin Yan.

Jin Yan: "Do you think they can hurt me?"

After making sure she was fine, Lou Di was relieved.

Naturally, he wasn't worried about Jinyan's skill. What he was afraid of was that something unexpected would happen. If the sleepy bug did something wrong again and Jinyan fell asleep at that moment, it would be terrible.

Mu Lan stood next to Zhou Xia, watching her angry face and teasing her, "I've been gone for a long time, are you still angry?"

"I hate them." Zhou Xia said.

Mu Lan didn't deny it, "I hate it too."

Zhou Xia: "I also beat Mu Shan and turned her into a pig's head. That old man won't settle accounts with you, will he?"

Mu Lan said it didn't matter, "He can look for it if he wants, and I'm not the plaintiff, so it's useless to look for me, and if he comes to look for me, it will only make Mu Shan die faster."

Knowing Mu Lan's attitude, Zhou Xia has nothing to worry about.

She patted Mu Lan's shoulder in an old-fashioned way, "Cousin, if you stay in the central city, you must come back. That Mu Shan is just like her mother, and the tea is full of tea. I can imagine how many times you have been here." How much grievances have I suffered in the past year."

Mu Lan just wanted to laugh, "Why do you think I'm the one who was wronged?"

"One of you, three of them, and the Xiahou family, even if they can't beat you with all their wits and force, they can still be disgusting to death." Zhou Xia said.

Thinking of some kings, Mu Lan nodded seriously, "You're right, it's really disgusting."

As soon as the words fell, Li Dong came in.

There were no other guests in the restaurant. As soon as Li Dong came in, the four of Jin Yan all looked at her. At that moment, Li Dong seemed to be frozen, and his expressions were all frozen.

But she quickly explained that the reason was the same as what she told the staff before, but Zhou Xia didn't believe it, "I've only known each other for two hours, and you don't even know the other person's name, so you dare to believe what they say, and make people feel When you go to this kind of hotel, you always educate me, saying that I am heartless and will cause trouble for everyone, why do you do the opposite?"

Li Dong: "Xiaxia, I know you are prejudiced against me because of what happened yesterday, but I really thought they just forgot their room cards. I really don't know their names, but even strangers would not refuse that A trivial favor, right?"

The corners of Zhou Xia's mouth were flattened, and his tone was mocking, "I didn't have prejudice at first, but now I have."

Li Dong choked.

And Zhou Xia raised the issue again, "It's not surprising if you don't know the other person's name after knowing each other for two hours. Some people hit it off right away, but they can become very good friends without knowing anything."

She changed the subject and said coldly: "But why do you treat others as fools? Or do you think Jin Yan and I look deceptive? What do you think the surveillance cameras in the hotel are for?"

Thinking of surveillance, Li Dong's heart tightened, and he finally knew why Zhou Xia's attitude was like this.

Zhou Xia stopped eating. She leaned back on the chair and looked at Li Dong mockingly, "We have checked the surveillance, and you called Mu Shan's name as soon as we met. Maybe you want to say that there is someone with the same name and surname?" A lot, you didn't expect that this 'Mushan' would have anything to do with my cousin, but since you don't think there is any relationship between the two of them, why do you deliberately hide this?"

Li Dong was speechless.

She overheard the conversation between Mu Shan and Xia Houying by accident. Mu Shan said that she saw someone in her circle of friends saying that Mu Lan went out with a very beautiful girl, and deliberately provoked Xia Houying to say that she wanted to destroy that girl. close to the two.

It's just that she didn't expect that the opportunity was right in front of her eyes, Xia Houying missed it, and Mu Shan could only whine.

Huo Jinyan would not be able to sit here if Xia Houying held a knife or something to spray.

"Li Dong!"

Zhou Xia suddenly yelled, startling Li Dong.

Zhou Xia: "Aren't you going to apologize at this point?"

If it were her, if she had hidden so many bad intentions, she would definitely be ashamed to stay after being exposed.

But she underestimated Li Dong.

Not only did Li Dong not apologize, but he stubbornly raised his chin, "I know you won't believe what I say, but I still say that, if you haven't done it, you haven't done it. I have a clear conscience!"

This wave of operations was really unexpected.




After the applause ended, Jin Yan put down his hands expressionlessly.

She originally wanted to see how long Li Dong could pretend, but she didn't expect to be so impatient.

Li Dong was stunned for a moment, and looked at Jin Yan in confusion.

What does it mean?
Noticing her gaze, Zhou Xia smiled, "Don't look, what Jinyan means is that now you can get out of here mellowly!"

Li Dong: "..."

Before she came to the restaurant, she saw Lou Di and Mu Lan, so she deliberately slowed down a few steps, and wanted to wait for the few people inside to finish exchanging information before entering.

Before entering the door, what she thought most about was how to deal with Huo Jinyan, but she didn't expect that Huo Jinyan didn't say a word the whole time, but Zhou Xia, who was usually gentle and generous, kept teasing her.

During the past two days, Zhou Xia has really refreshed her cognition, and also answered her long-standing temptation.

She always thought that Huo Jinyan and Zhou Xia could become good friends because Zhou Xia always put herself in a low position, because Zhou Xia blindly flattered Huo Jinyan with her sweet mouth...

Only now did I know that Zhou Xia was just pretending to be a pig, eating a tiger, pretending to be crazy, deliberately hiding her clever, cunning and sharp side.

In essence, Zhou Xia and Huo Jinyan are the same kind of people.

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