After transmigrating into the villain's daughter, I lie down and win

Chapter 559 I will be the god of death in the last days

Mu Lan's "conscience" was at peace, but the current Mrs. Mu fainted from fright after seeing the three charred bodies.

When she woke up and learned that the most severely injured body was her baby brother, she fainted again excitedly.

Unlike the first time when she fainted due to the stress of being frightened, this time she fainted, if she hadn't been rescued in time, she might have gone to Huangquan to accompany her biological brother.

But it's not over yet.

She woke up in the hospital bed, saw that her daughter and her husband were not in the ward, and called them

Not long after, Mu Shan came.

Madam Mu asked Mu Shan, "Where's your uncle?"

Mu Shan played with her phone absently, "It's dealt with."

Mrs. Mu adjusted her posture, sat up a little, and said with concern: "So your father called the police? Then if the murderer was found, how did the funeral home arrange it, when will our family see him, and..."

"Mom, what are you fussing about? What I'm talking about is that my uncle's body has been burned by my father." Mu Shan said.

Mrs. Mu's mind seemed to be drained. She understood every word her daughter said, but she couldn't understand a single sentence.

It took her a long time before she made a dry voice, "What do you mean burned? I don't even know how your uncle died..."

Mu Shan interrupted her, "What's the use of knowing? Uncle is dead, and it's impossible to come back from the dead. Dad actually called the funeral home, but they said they were busy with business and let us handle it ourselves. Dad asked someone to burn uncle."

Mrs. Mu looked at her daughter with strange eyes, as if she was meeting her for the first time, she said with difficulty: "That's your uncle, have you forgotten that he often bought you things for you, took you out to play, and even helped you fight?"

Mu Shan has been impatient for a long time, and now she doesn't hide it anymore, "I haven't forgotten, but what can I do? My uncle is dead. And he spent all the money you gave him to buy me, and the money is all my father's..."

Before she finished speaking, a loud slap fell on Mu Shan's face.

Although it was not the first time Mu Shan had been slapped, it was the first time she had been slapped by her mother who had always loved her unconditionally.

Mu Shan was aggrieved and angry, and immediately said: "I am your own daughter, how could you beat me for a dead person? Sure enough, what Dad said is right, it is really unlucky for uncle to die. He is dead, and it also destroys the relationship between our family."

After cursing, she turned around and left, completely ignoring Mrs. Mu who was so angry that she vomited blood and passed out again.


"It seems that the result you want has been achieved." Zai Xu said.

Mu Li took off the earphones and shared the situation of the three members of the Mu family with Zai Xu, "I thought they would only be able to see each other's true faces when the end of the world came and life and death were in front of them. I didn't expect that they would all be exposed so soon."

Zai Xu commented appreciatively, "This is my nature, I can't hide for long."

But Mu Lan shook her head, "That was when you had never seen them act, that kind of disgusting scene, so many people would believe and be moved..."

"Have you ever thought that those spectators don't really believe them, nor are they moved, but their class and situation require them to hypnotize themselves to believe and be moved?" Zai Xu said.

Mu Lan laughed self-deprecatingly, "You're right, I've been stuck in a corner for too long."

When the car passed a market area, I saw a few people grabbing things from a distance, and the ones who were pushed to the ground by them were an old man with limited mobility and a boy who was only seven or eight years old.


As soon as Zai Xu said a word, Mu Lan turned the car around and drove towards the opposite side.

The car stopped on the side of the road, and when Mu Li got out of the car, she also grabbed a steel pipe that had been in the car before. When he and Zai Xu walked over, the snatchers obviously panicked.

After realizing that they only had steel pipes in their hands, the leader with the gun became arrogant again, staring greedily at Mu Lan's car, "Brothers, this car is not bad."

"Brother likes it, then we will take it!"

"At that time, we will spray a layer of green on the outside..."

Before the word "lacquer" could be said, the man was kicked by Mu Lan and fell to the ground. When the others saw it, they were about to rush forward, and the boss stopped him again.

"Being presumptuous in front of me depends on whether you have the capital to be presumptuous!"

The boss just raised his wrist, before the muzzle of the gun was aimed at Zai Xu, a look of disbelief flashed across his face, he didn't even see what Zai Xu did, he was already stepped on by Zai Xu, and the gun used to intimidate others was now on his forehead.

The man panicked all of a sudden, what kind of hero spared his life, grandpa spared his life, elder brother spared his life, and the hero spared his life and said a lot.

And a younger brother next to him recognized Zai Xu, and motioned to the others excitedly, "Brother, he is that star, that actor, he is rich..."

No one threatened or stopped, the man himself became a mute.

Zai Xu has endless money.

But the problem is, they are the ones who are facing death threat at this moment, not Zaixu, and Zaixu is not a fool, so how can he give them money?

Then, these people watched Mu Lan let the old man and the child sit in the car, and helped them move their things to the trunk.

"Brother, please forgive me. We don't mean to bully the weak. We really have nowhere to go. Look at the world, where the weak prey on the strong. Everyone wants to survive, and so do we..."

Before the "boss" could finish speaking, Zai Xu kicked his mouth crookedly, and the man's face became completely deformed.

"You're right, the strong prey on the weak, so it's reasonable for you to be beaten to death by me now?" Zai Xu asked.

The man shook his head frantically, obviously not agreeing with this statement.

For others, the law of the jungle is justified.

For myself, that is another standard.

The result of shaking his head was that he was kicked by Zaixu again, and several other people also received the same treatment.

Before leaving, Zai Xu took a few banknotes to several people, saying it was for medical expenses.

But as soon as he left, those people were beaten to death for money. In the end, the injuries became more serious. They lost arms and legs, and it was a problem for them to survive. It was impossible to bully the weak.

After sending the old man and the child outside the village in the city where they lived, Mu Lan and Zai Xu went back to the hotel after watching the grandpa and grandson enter the house.

It was getting dark, and there were not many people on the street, but there was a lot of chaos outside the hotel. Some people claimed that they could add money, and they only needed the hotel to provide them with a safe and comfortable place to live.

But except for the daily reserved rooms, the hotel is basically full, and they don't have that much time and energy to entertain more guests.

The most important thing is that when there are too many people and mixed fish and dragons, the hotel will become the most unsafe place.

After being rejected, those people made more trouble.

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