After transmigrating into the villain's daughter, I lie down and win

Chapter 560 I will be the god of death in the last days

There were too many people making trouble outside the hotel gate, so as not to cause complications, Mu Lan drove the car to another reserved exit.

The two had just taken the elevator upstairs when they ran into Xue Ling who had just come down the stairs.

Xue Ling smiled, "What a coincidence, the matter is over?"

Mu Lan: "Yes."

Xue Ling said to himself: "I was swimming in the open-air swimming pool above, but the farce outside was so exciting that I couldn't help watching it for a while. Unfortunately, I haven't fought until now."

"An accident happened again?" Mu Lan said.

Xue Ling put his hands in his pockets, still looking foolish, "Didn't you watch the Internet? Some people claim that there will be meteorites falling tonight, some say that there will be polar day and polar night next, and some say that there will be a big tsunami soon..."

He repeated all the rumors on the Internet, "In a word, these people believed the rumors, and they didn't know where they heard that this hotel has the strongest ability to resist attacks and the most abundant supplies, so they all flocked here."

Mu Lan knocked on the door and said, "Since you believe the rumors, how can you come here instead of running to a safe place?"

Xue Ling shrugged, "How can I understand the rich man's thoughts?"

After entering the guest room, Zai Xu glanced at Jinyan's room, and Zhou Xia immediately said, "She didn't wake up, but I think she didn't sleep very well, and her temperature seemed to be a little high, but we found a doctor, did an examination and took her temperature, everything is within the normal range..."

Zai Xu's expression changed suddenly after hearing this, "You mean, Jin Yan has symptoms similar to a fever? When did you find out?"

Zhou Xia nodded, "Just half an hour ago"

"Then why didn't you inform me?" Xue Ling was also anxious.

Young Master Ting specifically told him that once Miss Jinyan had such a situation, he should let him know as soon as possible.

Zhou Xia glared at him, "How do we know where you've been? The hotel is so big, we have to take care of Jin Yan so we don't have time to look for you. Besides, Jin Yan's situation has happened before, and Lou Di and I know how to deal with it."

As soon as she finished speaking, Zai Xu pushed open the door of Jin Yan's room, and Xue Ling followed him to the door.

At this moment, Jin Yan's face was flushed, sweat was all over his forehead, and the broken hair on his forehead seemed to be soaked in water. If you looked closely, you could find that the water mist was evaporating.

This has never been done before.

Zhou Xia was shocked when she saw it, "When Lou Di and I watched it 10 minutes ago, she wasn't sweating yet, and she didn't look like this..."

And Zai Xu didn't say anything, just sat on the edge of the bed, reached out his hand to check the temperature of Jin Yan's forehead, then bent down, and put his ear to her heart.

Just as Lou Di was about to stop him, he was stopped by Mu Lan.

"Don't be impulsive, he won't take this opportunity to offend Jin Yan." Mu Lan said.

And Xue Ling contacted Ye Liting directly.

Ye Liting: "Say."

Xue Ling: "Master Ting, the phenomenon you mentioned really happened to Miss Jinyan."

Soon there was the sound of footsteps, followed by the sound of the engine starting, obviously it had already set off.

Ye Liting: "When did it start?"

Xue Ling: "It was half an hour ago, but I just found out that I was negligent."

Ye Liting was silent, and his breath became very dangerous.

Song Fang was driving the car, glanced at the other person's face through the rearview mirror, and couldn't help but sweat coldly for his old partner.

A cold voice came from behind, "Hurry up."

Song Fang: "Yes."

There weren't many cars along the way, Song Fang kept stepping on the gas pedal, and after playing for countless times, he arrived at the hotel within 15 minutes.

The outside of the hotel was still noisy, the bodyguards brought by the rich were confronting the hotel security, the injured people were carried aside, and the entire gate was still blocked.

"Master Ting, wait in the car now, I'll get off..."

Before Song Fang finished speaking, Ye Liting had already opened the car door and jumped out.

He hastily stepped on the brakes.

When Song Fang got off the car, Ye Liting jumped up and climbed over the outer wall of the hotel and entered inside.

The walls of the hotel are not very high, and it is not difficult to climb over. What is difficult is the anti-touch facilities on the walls that seem to be gorgeous and luxurious, but are actually dangerous.

Song Fang demonstrated in his heart the consequences of climbing the wall, and then decisively turned back to the main entrance of the hotel.

On the other side, after Ye Liting arrived at the hotel, he saw that the elevator was occupied by someone, so he ran up to the eighteenth floor.

When he knocked on the door, Lou Di was fighting with Zai Xu, while Xue Ling was sitting on the sidelines watching the tigers fight.

Hearing the sound, Xue Ling immediately opened the door.

As soon as Ye Liting appeared, the two fighting inside stopped instantly, and the others also looked at him.

From the moment he saw him, Zai Xu's face became very ugly, and the fierce light in his eyes couldn't be hidden no matter what.

And Lou Di looked at him puzzled, as if he was thinking about the reason for his sudden appearance.

Ye Liting didn't care about the crowd, he only asked Zhou Xia, "Where's Yan Yan?"

It was obviously a fierce tone, but there was also an indescribable tenderness hidden, as if calling for a lover on the tip of his heart.

Zhou Xia: "..."

Yan Yan!

Why are you called Yan Yan who has never shown your face!

But Ye Liting's eyes were too fierce, she was a little scared, so she subconsciously showed timidity, but even so, she didn't give Ye Liting the way.

But Ye Liting seemed to have the eyes of the sky, and he walked to Jinyan's door with a feeling. Zaixu and Lou Di immediately chased after him to stop him, but Ye Liting was caught off guard by Ye Liting who made a sudden move.

They only took a step back, Xue Ling immediately stepped forward to stop them when he got the chance.

Ye Liting closed the door after entering the room, while Xue Ling blocked the door like a door god.

"Xue Ling, what are you doing?" Zhou Xia scolded.

Mu Lan also advised him to get out of the way, otherwise Xue Ling wouldn't be able to stand up if Lou Di and Zai Xu attacked at the same time.

Xue Ling stood still, "I'm sorry, everyone, I lied to you. The reason why I stayed in the hotel lobby all night was because Young Master Ting had received the news that something would happen that night. He asked me to stay at the hotel to protect Miss Jinyan's safety."

Zai Xu kept a cold face, without any surprise on his face.

He had already guessed it.

But Lou Di and Zhou Xia had a big reaction, Zhou Xia said: "Nonsense, does he know Jin Yan..."

"I've let Miss Zhou down. We Young Master Ting and Miss Jinyan were childhood sweethearts, and we made a baby kiss before we were born!" Xue Ling said sorry, but in fact, there was no trace of apology on his face.

Lou Di: "This is impossible."

Zhou Xia also said: "Jin Yan never mentioned him, and he almost never appeared around Jin Yan. What about baby kisses, childhood sweethearts, you might as well say that he is just for sex."

Xue Ling: "Just because you don't know doesn't mean it didn't happen, but you are Miss Jinyan's good friends. You should know that there is someone in her heart that no one can replace."

Speaking of this, Zhou Xia and Lou Di's expressions have changed.

Seeing the reactions of several people, Xue Ling proudly said, "Unfortunately, that person is our Young Master Ting."

Ask for a ticket ~ good night

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