After transmigrating into the villain's daughter, I lie down and win

Chapter 597 I will be the god of death in the last days

Zhou Xia slashed left and right, using all her strength, without leaving any room. Mu Shan, who has always been pampered, has no strength to fight back under her hands.

It was Mu Lan who stopped her because she was afraid that Zhou Xia would hurt her hand.

Zhou Xia stopped, but Mu Shan was still dodging habitually.

The pain in her body reminded Mu Shan all the time, so she didn't dare to provoke her any more. She moved carefully to go behind Mu's father and the others.

Zhou Xia looked at her and sneered, "Get lost, don't let me see you again."

"Miss Zhou, we are all a family, we should help each other, why are you aggressive?" Mrs. Mu said.

Zhou Xia let out a "bah", "Don't put gold on your face. My surname is Zhou and not Mu. You want to be my family, and you don't want to find a mirror to see if you are worthy!"

Bai Yueguang's voice came from behind, "Miss Zhou, I have a mirror here."

Zhou Xia burst out laughing, "Bright spot, show her."

"Alright!" Bai Yueguang said.

But the mirror he was talking about was not the mirror everyone thought, but a broken knife.

The blade was severed from it, half remained in the body of the big man, and half he carried with himself.

Bai Yueguang cherishes this knife very much, and when he has nothing to do, he wipes the knife. It is shiny and shiny, with a cold light overflowing and a murderous look, which makes people feel terrified at the first sight.

Mrs. Mu didn't understand knives, and she didn't know what happened to this knife, but when she saw the sharp blade at the break, she was so scared that her back started to break out in cold sweat.

She said resentfully: "Miss Zhou, if you don't want to recognize our relatives, we won't force you either. Why do you hurt the harmony between the two families?"

"Harmony? It seems that you still want to die." Zhou Xia said.

Bai Yueguang immediately put the knife horizontally, and the sharp blade was directly five centimeters away from Mrs. Mu.

Mrs. Mu was so frightened that she began to tremble, and Zhou Xia laughed happily.

"This kid is too discerning."

"He has always been clever, otherwise how could he get into Miss Huo's team."

It's not enough to use a knife to intimidate her. With a movement of Bai Yueguang's wrist, the blade is a little closer to Mrs. Mu. As long as she moves a little, the slender skin on her neck will be cut instantly.

Mrs. Mu felt cold all over, and she didn't dare to move, but she clearly felt something warm coming out from under her body.

It was also at this moment that Bai Yueguang put away the knife and moved away from her very quickly.

During the escape, everyone's senses became very sharp, consciously or unconsciously, and when the white moonlight receded, everyone else understood what happened.

"I thought it would be so arrogant, but that's all."

"Her work is on the bed, but not here."

"It's okay to be smoked by the stench of zombies, but after finally resting, I will be smoked by the stench. I don't want to watch this excitement."

The spectators dispersed, Bai Yueguang left, Zhou Xia and Mu Lan also returned to the car, but "embarrassment" took root in Mrs. Mu's heart.

Mrs. Mu was so embarrassed that she didn't dare to raise her head, but Father Mu's insults sounded in her ears.

Even if he himself was easily put down by his son, even if he fell down and sat on the ground without getting up again, watching his beloved wife and daughter being beaten and frightened like a bystander, he remained indifferent. , he still wants to reprimand his wife who made him lose face.

Mrs. Mu listened silently, and did not refute anything.

Suddenly, Father Mu's voice stopped.

Then there was another cry of misery and pain.

When Mrs. Mu and Mu Shan came back to their senses, they saw that Father Mu's chin seemed to have been pierced by something, and blood gushed out from it, instantly staining the white sweater on his body red.

The mother and daughter were startled. Just as they made a startled sound, something hit the ground in front of them again.

This time they saw clearly that what was embedded in the concrete floor was not a bullet or a dart, but an ordinary stone.

But such a stone has become a weapon that can easily kill people in the hands of these people.

Ye Liting's figure appeared in front of them, his voice was calm and gentle, even unprecedentedly gentle, "If you make a little more sound, the place hit by the stone will not be the ground."

Hearing that Mu Shan raised her head and saw Ye Liting's face clearly, she was so stunned that she forgot about her situation.

It was Mrs. Mu who pulled her to make her hear that the man in front of her had pierced her father's chin with a stone and wanted to kill them, and Mu Shan was frightened again in an instant.

But Ye Liting only said a word and went back to the car.

The surroundings became quiet again.

This time, no one specifically reminded them, and they didn't dare to make the slightest sound.

In the car not far away, Yang Qian and Yang Yue were already frightened.

These people are so vicious, how did the two of them survive yesterday?

Thinking that they lied a lot yesterday and tried every means to take advantage of the other party, they were scared to death.

"What's wrong with you?" Li Dong asked.

She didn't seem to see the guilt and fear of the two of them.

Yang Yue shook her head, "It's okay, I'm just scared by the situation outside."

Li Dong gave an "en" and said lightly: "They have always acted like this, see them a few more times, and get used to it."

Yang Yue: "..."

What do you mean?
There is a story here!
Miss Li knew those people?
Yang Yue was full of gossip thoughts, but Li Dong didn't have the desire to gossip at the moment, she frequently looked at Jinyan's car.

Zhou Xia, Mu Lan, Lou Di, Ye Liting and Zai Xu all showed up, but Huo Jinyan was not seen.

I just don't know if Huo Jinyan is sleeping, or...

Li Dong's heart moved, and he suddenly had an idea.

Seeing Li Dong's expression from cold and skeptical to a smug chuckle with his own eyes, Yang Yue's body was covered with goose bumps.

She glanced at Yang Qian, and found that he had the same expression as hers, and the two of them shrank into a corner.

They are not good people.

But this Miss Li is obviously not simple.

She feels like she's on a thief ship now.

In the evening, the temperature dropped again without exception, Ye Liting and Zai Xu were wearing thin training uniforms, and the down jackets were covered on Jin Yan.

At night, they rotated as before, one was sleeping and resting, and the other was in charge of vigilance. Fortunately, this night was very peaceful, until the sky turned white, and there were no accidents.

This seems to be a signal, making people who are constantly struggling between life and death feel unprecedented ease and hope.

But God just gave them a chance to breathe.

Just when they were about to leave the town, a degraded train broke off the original track and rushed into the town on a rampage.

Before people realized what happened, they saw countless zombies breaking open the doors and windows of the train and turning out from the inside.

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