After transmigrating into the villain's daughter, I lie down and win

Chapter 598 I will be the god of death in the last days


Someone yelled "Run!" The others were awakened and ran to their cars, and the whole scene became chaotic in an instant.

Just when everyone was about to run away, Li Dong got out of the car.

Yang Yue saw her getting out of the car and was startled, "Miss Li, where are you going?"

She and Yang Qian said at the beginning that they still can't drive, and there are two wounded people behind, if Li Dong leaves, what will they do?
But Li Dong didn't even look back, he just plunged into the chaotic crowd.

After a while, many vehicles had already set off. Yang Yue and Yang Qian were anxious, and when they were considering whether to drive away, Li Dong came back.

With a relaxed and happy look on her face, she hummed a little song, and greeted the two of them after getting in the car, "What are you doing? Do you want to learn to drive?"

Yang Yue shook her head, "No, we just want to see where you are. Many cars have already left, so let's leave quickly, otherwise those things will catch up and they won't be able to escape."

Although she was curious about what Li Dong did when he got out of the car, the most important thing now is to save his life.

Li Dong: "Yes."

From the corner of the eye, Li Yunqing and Zhao Shulin looked a little strange, and she asked with concern, "What's wrong? Are your injuries serious again?"

Li Yunqing said, "Miss Li, the situation is critical now. Only by uniting can we have a chance to survive."

He didn't know what Li Dong did, but it must not be a good thing, otherwise Li Dong would not be so happy.

While starting the car, Li Dong said, "Brother Li, I don't understand what you mean."

Li Yunqing's lips moved slightly, as if mocking, "I just said it casually, and Miss Li just listened casually."

Diverting disasters to the east is not a 100% effective method, and it is impossible to succeed every time.

If you walk a lot at night, you will always meet ghosts.

But Li Dong seemed to really not understand, showing a blank and innocent expression, "Brother Li, what do you want to say, please be direct, I prefer people who are straightforward."

Li Yunqing did not speak.

Li Dong continued to drive as if nothing had happened, as if nothing had happened.

More than ten minutes later, the car drove out of the town, but the zombies were still chasing them.

In particular, some zombies with a high degree of mutation, strong speed and strength, seemed to have a radar system installed in their heads, and even followed Jinyan's car accurately and kept attacking.

"Why do they follow us all the time? Is it because they know that there are more experts in our cars?" Zhou Xia said.

Lou Di: "Impossible, zombies don't have self-awareness."

Xue Ling pondered for a while, "If this thing has its own consciousness like a human, then the world will not be over yet?"

"But if they are unconscious, how do they recognize it? Why do they keep attacking us? There are no injuries in our car..."

In the middle of Lou Di's speech, he suddenly stopped, "Did you find anything unusual just now?"

"What?" Zhou Xia asked.

Xue Ling suddenly said: "I remembered, I saw that Li Dong, but she was holding bread and water that others forgot to take away, I thought she was going to pick up supplies."

Lou Di immediately opened the car window, and before he poked his head out to check, he smelled an extremely foul smell.

"What's wrong?" Mu Lan asked.

Lou Di: "There is something on the car, it was wiped with blood, I don't know what kind of blood."

Zhou Xia cursed angrily, "A dog can't change eating shit, she is as bad as ever, if I had known this, I would not have beaten Mu Shan, I would have just killed her!"

At this time, several other vehicles also found the problem.

After Song Fang explained the situation, he asked Ye Liting, "Master Ting, do you want me..."

He made a gesture of wiping his neck.

Ye Liting: "Get out of here first."

Zai Xu picked up his words, "The general ledger can be kept and calculated later, if she survives."

Before that, there is still a lesson to be taught.

Afterwards, he signaled to Lei Ke, "Lei Ge, see the timing and hit it."

Lei Ke stepped up his horsepower, overtook several cars in a row, and finally came behind Li Dong and the others.

Li Dong was imagining the scene of Jinyan being eaten by zombies, when he was brought back to reality by a scream.

She gave Yang Yue a disgusted look, "What's your ghost name?"

Yang Yue pointed at the rearview mirror in fear, "Behind, look behind, they are catching up!"


Li Dong was stunned for a moment, and when she saw clearly that it was Jin Yan's car, she also panicked.

The next moment, the car behind suddenly approached, and before she had time to react, the car was hit and bumped a few times.

Then came the second, and then the third.

It wouldn't be fatal, but it also left her no way out.

Li Dong had no choice but to slam the steering wheel, thinking of passing the car in front and leaving here, but found that the car behind was coming up again.

"They're about to collide again!"

Yang Yue's cry and the impact of the car behind made Li Dong restless and confused.

Finally, when Lei Ke collided again, Li Dong stepped on the gas pedal by herself, and when she realized that something was wrong, their entire car had already flown off the road.

At the moment when the car hit the ditch heavily, Yang Qian and Yang Yue, who were so knocked to vomit blood that they couldn't speak, looked at each other.


On the road not far away, a car sped past, and they seemed to hear a hoarse female voice.

"Li Dong, goodbye!"

As soon as he finished shouting, Zhou Xia coughed uncontrollably.

As soon as the throat came out, the cold air choked into her lungs, as if there was a fire in her chest, it was really uncomfortable.

Half an hour after the car drove, there were only a few zombies still chasing behind, but they no longer posed any danger to the escape team.

The car stopped, Xue Ling and the others got out of the car.

Just when they were about to deal with the zombies, they saw Zhou Jiyuan holding a steel pipe.

Xue Ling couldn't help laughing and said, "Mr. Zhou, we can deal with these things."

Zhou Jiyuan tried to weigh the steel pipe in his hand, and said sincerely: "I don't know if I can beat them, I just want to take this opportunity to gain more experience, and I want to protect my wife and children."

If Xue Ling and the others didn't make a move now, by himself, he wouldn't dare to get out of the car unless it was absolutely necessary.

Zhou Jiyuan generously admitted his shortcomings, saying that he took advantage of the fact that everyone was not in any danger before he acted, and no one laughed at him, but others taught him their own experience.

It's not that they can't accept a person with insufficient ability, but the premise is that this person must be sincere, know how to work hard, know how to save himself, have no evil intentions, and will not betray his teammates whenever there is danger, and put oil on his feet.

They uphold the moral conscience that only a normal human society possesses, and stick to the bottom line of being a human being, in order to allow more people to live and civilization to exist, rather than to be calculated and trampled upon.

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