After transmigrating into the villain's daughter, I lie down and win

Chapter 62 The Crown Princess Who Was Disengaged

Chapter 62 The Crown Princess Who Was Disengaged (62)

Xie Yan's words sounded casual, but it pleased Jin Yan.

"The Seventh Highness said so."

Jin Yan was lazily leaning on the carriage, not wanting to get up, so he motioned to Xie Yan, "There is a secret compartment over there, and there is wine in it, please trouble His Royal Highness to take it."

Xie Yan followed suit.

He was holding the delicate and beautiful wine jug, thinking of Jin Yan holding it to drink, his heart felt like a fire was burning.

"Does the county chief drink?" Xie Yan asked.

Jin Yan nodded, said to drink, and hesitated for a while, "I can only drink three glasses at most. If I drink too much, I will get drunk easily. Daddy won't let me drink too much."

Xie Yan's deep and dark eyes fell on Jin Yan's face again.

So good.

Why is she so good?

But what does she look like when she's drunk?

Xie Yan poured two glasses of wine, and handed the missing one to Jin Yan, "As a parent, you can't avoid worrying. Since the Prime Minister has asked, the Princess will drink less."

Jin Yan let out a "hmm".

Xie Yan still wanted to say something, but Jin Yan had already picked up the wine glass and drank it down.

"More." Jin Yan raised the empty wine glass again.

Xie Yan's expression was gloomy, and his eyes were fixed on Jin Yan's slender and slender wrist, which slipped onto her fingers, and he said softly as if coaxing a child, "I'll count the second cup for the princess."

Jin Yan glanced at him, "Why are you just like my father?"


Xie Yan froze for a moment.

Does he look like Prime Minister Gu?

But at this moment, seeing Jin Yan's obedient and obedient appearance, he really experienced Gu Chengxiang's happiness as a father.

Xie Yan is still hesitating, what if Jinyan wants to continue drinking after drinking, is he strictly following Prime Minister Gu's "three cups" standard, or is he conniving?
Jinyan's family is full of children, so it's okay to drink a little more now and then, right?
But after a while he realized that he was worrying too much.

Jin Yan is really obedient.

If you say three glasses, you really only drink three glasses.

Afterwards, she leaned against the soft quilt and stared at Xie Yan boredly in the corner, "Your Highness the Seventh like this wine?"

Xie Yan nodded, "I seldom drink alcohol."

"This wine was brewed by a friend of my father's own. He said drinking it would be good for my recovery. His Highness the Seventh Prince liked it. I'll send two altars over later, but there is one thing, you are not allowed to drink too much." Jin Yan said.

Xie Yan didn't expect to have an unexpected harvest, so he couldn't hide his joy for a while, "Then thank you Princess."

Jin Yan suddenly laughed, "I like you ahem..."

Before finishing a sentence, Xie Yan's eyes widened.

Half of his body was hidden in the shadows, blocking his red and hot ears.

So Jinyan didn't notice anything strange about him.

"Princess, drink your saliva first." Xie Yan opened the hidden compartment with familiarity, and took out the tea from it.

Jin Yan drank a few sips, suppressed the discomfort in his throat, and then spoke again, "Sorry, I was rude just now."

"It's good that the princess is fine." Xie Yan said.

Jin Yan: "I just like your straightforward and unfailing temper. Talking to you makes me feel very relaxed."

Xie Yan: "..."

It wasn't what he expected, but it wasn't bad either.

He smiled, "I also like the princess...'s temperament."

After saying the word "Princess", his tone suddenly became so soft that it was almost as if he hadn't spoken the last three words.

But Jin Yan didn't seem to notice.

She stared at Xie Yan with blurred eyes, a pair of wet eyes were clear and clear, reflecting Xie Yan's figure clearly.

Innocent, pure, dependent.


Xie Yan's whole body became hot from the sight.

At this moment, he finally knew why Prime Minister Gu didn't let Jin Yan get drunk.

 good night

(End of this chapter)

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