After transmigrating into the villain's daughter, I lie down and win

Chapter 63 The Crown Princess Who Was Disengaged

Chapter 63 The Crown Princess Who Was Disengaged (63)

Gu Jinhe hesitated for a moment, and when he followed, the carriage had already arrived in the alley of the Prime Minister's Mansion.

"Eldest son."

When Gu Jinhe came, Chunting and Xia Chan breathed a sigh of relief.

The princess didn't speak, and it was not easy for them to go in and disturb them, but they were not at ease seeing the princess and His Highness the Seventh Prince alone in the room.

As soon as Gu Jinhe came over, he heard Xie Yan's voice from the carriage.

He has seen Xie Yan's ruthlessness and fearlessness when he ran into a ghost village alone, and he has also seen Xie Yan's cold-blooded and bloodthirsty Sen Leng when he slashed and killed an assassin.

But at this moment, Xie Yan's voice sounded soft and soft, but he had never heard of it.

The coachman of the Gu family looked at Gu Jinhe and asked what to do next.

Gu Jinhe pondered for a moment, then motioned him to continue driving.

When they arrived at Gu Mansion, the carriage stopped.

Gu Jinhe got off the horse and hesitated before knocking on the window and lifting the curtains. Just as he was about to get directly into the carriage, the curtains parted.

Xie Yan's jade-like delicate face appeared in the shadows, the possessiveness and imperativeness in his eyes had not been completely put away, and all of them were exposed in Gu Jinhe's eyes.

When their eyes met, Gu Jinhe was taken aback for a moment, and then his face sank, "I've seen His Highness the Seventh Prince."

Xie Yan seemed to realize that his eyes were too predatory, so he restrained himself.

"It turned out to be brother Jinhe. I was just about to tell your maid that the Princess fell asleep after drinking a glass of wine." Xie Yan said.

Fuck your brother Jinhe, do we know each other so well? Let's get close!

Gu Jinhe's head was full of nasty words, and when he heard that Jinyan was drunk, he couldn't care about anything else, so he quickly got into the carriage.

Fortunately, the space in the carriage is large enough, even if there is one more person, it will not look so crowded.

Jin Yan slept in a corner, with the original quilt in the carriage under his body, and a dark cloak covering his body.

Gu Jinhe seemed to be feeling something, and hurriedly turned his head to look at Xie Yan, who was only wearing a black slim brocade robe.

Undoubtedly, what Jin Yan was wearing was Xie Yan's cloak.

Xie Yan, what virtue and ability is he!
Gu Jinhe's stomach full of swear words was finally hidden under good cultivation.

He said politely and indifferently: "Thank you, His Royal Highness, for escorting my little sister. I will definitely come to pay my respects some other day."

"There's no need to thank you. It's getting late today, so I won't bother you. Brother Jinhe should hurry up and send the princess back to rest." Xie Yan said.

Gu Jinhe thanked him.

He wanted to hug Jinyan to get out of the car, Xie Yan helped him lift the car curtain, and helped wrap the cloak around Jinyan.

Gu Jinhe frowned, "Your Highness, this is..."

"It doesn't matter, the princess drank and fell asleep. You can't catch a cold. It's important to send the princess back to the house first." Xie Yan said caringly.

Gu Jinhe had nothing to say.

I was very annoyed again.

Why didn't he wear an extra cloak when he went out today?

Over there, Xie Yan still looked at Jin Yan from time to time.

The only one who is more obedient than Jin Yan is the sleeping Jin Yan.

Gu Jinhe couldn't stand Xie Yan's eyes, fearing that if he stayed any longer, he would not be able to help but commit a crime, so he hurried back to the house with Jinyan in his arms.

When he put Jin Yan on the bed and ordered the maids to take care of Jin Yan, when he went out with his cloak, there was nowhere was Xie Yan at the door.

"Where is Your Highness the Seventh Prince?" He asked the guard at the door.

Guard: "His Royal Highness Seventh ordered that he still owes our Princess some things, so he is not in a hurry to return his cloak."

After hearing this, Gu Jinhe cursed, "Who sent him a big cloak? It's really ulterior motives, with ulterior motives!"

A fox is a fox after all.

No matter how good the camouflage is, the tail will still be exposed!
 ask for a ticket

(End of this chapter)

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