After transmigrating into the villain's daughter, I lie down and win

Chapter 621 I will be the god of death in the last days

Chapter 621 I will be the god of death in the last days (91)

The appearance of Huo Biao was unexpected by many people.

But this result was completely within Jin Yan's guess.

Ever since she thought that her parents couldn't kill Yun Hanye, only she could kill Yun Hanye, she knew that they would definitely show up when she and Yun Hanye met.

Sure enough, they came.

Jin Yan was stunned for a moment, realizing that Huo Biao and Liu Su were really here, and when he wanted to run towards them, Huo Biao and his wife walked towards her quickly.

Ye Liting and Zai Xu retreated at the same time, and stood aside as a protector.

"Mom and Dad..."

"Honey, you're doing great."

After Huo Biao finished speaking, Liu Su glared at her, and she hugged Jin Yan again, "Baby, you really did a good job, mom is proud of you..."

Huo Biao, who was pushed away, was innocent. Is there any difference between their words?

Liu Su suddenly choked up, "Mom doesn't want to be proud of you at all, she just wants you to stay with mom and dad, so that you will never have to endure the wind and rain outside, and don't have to experience cruel and ugly human nature. The experience along the way, my mother is so distressed!"

Huo Biao was also very uncomfortable, but he still took a look at Liu Su. He was so good, why did he steal his lines again?

Liu Sucai didn't care so much, she hadn't seen her daughter for a long time, ever since Jin Yan left her, she had been worried about sleeping and eating, but now that she finally saw her, she couldn't get enough of her, so she just wanted to keep her in his sight.

Huo Biao endured it a few times before saying, "Professor Liu, please abide by the rules and don't take up my time with my daughter."

Liu Subai glanced at him, "Then tell me, I didn't seal your mouth, and I didn't stop you from speaking."

Huo Biao: "..."

It was a virtue not to interrupt, and he had always had it.

The couple were still arguing, but Jin Yan, who sensed the approaching danger, reminded them in a low voice, "Mom and Dad, what do you have to say, wouldn't it be better if we leave here and talk about it?"

The two nodded at the same time.

It seems that they didn't hear what Jinyan said at all, and what it meant, but you quickly turned your attention to Jinyan again.

Huo Biao: "Does this power affect the body?"

Liu Su: "When we get to a safe place, Mom will give you a checkup first, and then we'll check you carefully when you get back to West City."

Jin Yan was obedient, "Okay."

"Good!" The couple said in unison.

Not far away, Lou Di, Liu Qingcheng and others who were used to this scene all had normal expressions. Others who saw how cruel Jin Yan was to zombies along the way, and knew that she wore a watch on her wrist with a bomb hidden, all doubted life.

Are you sure this word is correct?
This innocent and harmless good boy in front of me is really Miss Huo who is decisive in killing and blowing up as soon as she goes crazy, and is she not possessed by someone?

Everyone was full of complaints, but due to the intimidation Jin Yan brought to them and the momentum of Huo Biao and his wife, everyone dared to speak out what was in their hearts.

And after Jinyan said "Leave immediately", the doubts in their hearts were left behind by them again, and their survival instincts made them get into their cars quickly, and followed the leader in an orderly manner. car.

Jin Yan's intuition came true again.

When a large number of zombies rushed up, many people's expressions were already numb looking at the densely packed deformed heads and limbs.

Some even complained, "I now suspect that this zombie disaster was actually caused by a small day. The nuclear contaminated water they dumped back then has finally exploded."

"Fuck! Makes sense!"

"Then why are you still standing there, let's make a living!"

"You don't need it, just let the fat man and the little boy go."

"Don't be ridiculous, everyone. We still need us to clear things up? Over the past few decades, earthquakes, tsunamis, typhoons and volcanic eruptions have continued. Their broken island has sunk long ago."

"Sorry, forgot!"

In the last car, Huo Biao, who also has good hearing, said with a smile, "The people around my baby are all optimistic and humorous."

Jin Yan calmly spoke the truth, "Father, before this, many of them suspected you were actually you."

Huo Biao: "..."

Liu Su gloated and laughed out loud.

But Jin Yan's words made her unable to laugh again, "Mom, don't be too happy, Dad is an ambitious man, and you are also one of the masterminds behind the scenes."

Liu Su: "..."

There was a brief silence in the car.

Later, the couple asked her, "What about you?"

Jin Yan: "I'm a vested interest. The careerists have tried their best to create a doomsday just to reshuffle the world. I am the biggest beneficiary of the reshuffled world."

The couple fell silent again.

Jin Yan looked at them and said with a smile: "What a precise description, we are simply the big villains walking in the last days."

This made the couple laugh.

Jin Yan said again seemingly unintentionally, "Since ancient times, yin and yang have been opposite each other, black and white are distinct, where there are protagonists, there are supporting roles, and where there are villains, there are decent ones. Maybe because our family is all villains, there is Yun Hanye." The kind of child of destiny who is favored by the world."

The couple paused for a moment, so fast that no one could see the moment when they changed their faces.

Huo Biao sneered, "The dead Son of Destiny is not the Son of Destiny."

Liu Su also said: "Just in time, we can take this opportunity to tell everyone that the villain can live to the end."

Jin Yan: "From today onwards, we are the villain's family—now, the villain will start killing zombies and conquer the world!"

After speaking, she was the first to get out of the car, Huo Biao and his wife hadn't moved yet, Ye Liting and Zai Xu chased after them.

Zai Xu complained halfway, "I kind of know who Jin Yan's temper has followed."

Ye Liting: "Anyway, don't follow us."

Zai Xu paused, and scolded amusedly: "You are shameless for taking advantage of Jinyan? Why didn't you talk in the car just now?"

Ye Liting: "..."

Who dares to make trouble in front of his father-in-law?

What's more, this father-in-law's surname is Huo Mingbiao!

"Stop quarreling with the little chickens, hurry up and help, these things are disgusting, and blood is splashed all over my body."

Jin Yan's voice came from the front, and the two speeded up to catch up.

in the car.

Liu Su looked at Huo Biao and asked, "What do you think of what the baby said?"

Huo Biao followed Jinyan's figure outside, saw her skillful technique, and smiled with relief on his face, "She grows up very fast, doesn't she?"

"Yes, I'm talking about villains and Destiny's Child, I'm worried about baby." Liu Su said.

After seeing Ye Liting and Zai Xu guarding Jinyan's side all the time, Huo Biao looked away. He looked at his worried wife and gently took her hand, "What about the villain, what about the child of destiny, we are the ones who survive .”

Liu Su was still worried, "But baby..."

Huo Biao hugged her and comforted her gently, "I think she is more awake than us, and knows better than us what to do."

West City is their gift to their daughter, and it is also a gift from her daughter to mankind and this planet.

 Thank you "Feng Qing Yue Ying" for your support~
(End of this chapter)

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