After transmigrating into the villain's daughter, I lie down and win

Chapter 622 I will be the god of death in the last days

After fighting for a while, someone noticed that Huo Biao and his wife were not there, so they cast doubtful expressions on their companions.

Aren't Miss Huo's parents here?

It's not that they are the parents who love their children the most. Why are they hiding when their children are killing zombies on the front line?
Then someone joked, "Don't forget, the villain is usually the last to appear. The bigger the villain, the deeper he hides, so he won't show up easily."

Everyone: "Oh~"

Before the "oh", I saw Huo Biao and Liu Su slowly walking over like big villains.


Fog grass!

They won't hear what you just said, right?
Thinking of what Jin Yan said that he didn't like other people's words without borders, the person who said it almost pissed off in fright.

As Huo Biao and his wife got closer, the man's legs became softer and his back became more sweaty.

Just after he heard footsteps behind him stop, the man dropped his sword, turned around and fell to his knees with a plop.

"Mr. Huo, Mr. Liu, I'm damned, I shouldn't be joking, I don't want to offend you two, I just want to liven up the atmosphere, please have a lot of adults, don't care about me, I thank you two seat!"

After the words fell, there were several gloating laughter from around.

The man raised his head. Apart from zombies, he couldn't even see a single person, let alone Huo Biao and his wife.

He asked his companion with his eyes, where is he?
The companion glanced to the side, and the man looked along. The scene in the distance made him think that his eyes had double images.

He looked at the couple who seemed to be in nowhere among the zombies, the corner of his mouth twitched, and subconsciously complained, "No wonder Miss Huo is so fierce, with such a pair of parents, it's no wonder she..."

Before finishing speaking, Huo Biao in the distance turned his head.


Can't you hear me?

Can you hear it so far away?
What kind of creature is this family!

We are all living in the same end times, why do all the mutations that feel good are concentrated on the Huo family?

this is too scary.

The man didn't dare to speak nonsense anymore, but slapped himself twice again, "Mr. Huo, Mr. Liu, Ms. Huo, I'm speaking unintentionally, you three don't get angry!"

After finishing speaking, he stood up abruptly and rushed towards the zombie without hesitation.

The wind is small and the water is cold.

The strong man is gone--

"Read your fucking poem, hurry up and help me, I'm going to be eaten by zombies!"


There were constant jokes here, but Li Dong and the others on the other side felt as if the sky had fallen, and everyone's expressions were uglier than going to the grave.

It's not that there are no strong people in their team, but because Yun Hanye is there, usually Yun Hanye is in the lead, and other strong people will subconsciously hide their abilities in order not to be excluded or to retain their vitality.

Now that Yun Hanye was dead, there was no one in front, and they could no longer hide behind.

Because no matter where they hide, the trash in front of them is dead, and what awaits them can only be death!

They can only bite the bullet and rush upwards.

In the scene of a fight, a woman tightly grabbed Li Dong's arm, "Miss Li, is Young Master Ye really dead? Do you think Young Master Ye is still alive? He's actually not dead at all, right?"

Li Dong didn't speak.

The woman seemed to be dazed, and she seemed to be trying to convince herself, "Ye Shao suffered so many injuries along the way, many of which were fatal, but he recovered in less than a while, and this time he should be as well." Will it be the same? That Ms. Huo and the others killed him so many times, if he didn’t die, then even if he was bombed, he probably wouldn’t die either!”

Li Dong couldn't answer the woman's question.

Next to him was Yang Yue who had been chattering since he escaped.

"I should have known that I should have followed Miss Huo shamelessly."

"Miss Huo is cruel, but she didn't really kill people casually. She might keep me for my pity's sake."

"Why am I so stupid, I choose the wrong answer every time!"

This sentence directly hit Li Dong, Ling Yan, and many people who betrayed Jin Yan.

Picked the wrong answer?


They didn't make a mistake, they made the right choice!

But I couldn't help feeling regret in my heart, it would be fine if I didn't make a wrong choice.


The addition of Huo Biao and his wife shortened the entire battle line by more than half.

Although no one dared to complain in person, in their hearts, many people labeled their family a "humanoid nuclear weapon".

Kill zombies while blowing up corpses.

The Huo family is so proficient and handy in destroying corpses and eradicating traces, so that everyone can't help but start to wonder if they often did this before!
Just when many people were thinking this way, Jin Yan suddenly said, "It's easy to kill someone, but it's hard to throw away the corpse, and even destroying the corpse is impossible. How can you be a qualified murderer?"

Everyone: "..."

What does Miss Huo mean? Why do you say such things suddenly?

No, listen to these words, why do they seem to be answering their questions?
For a moment, everyone looked at me and you, with surprised expressions, and the same question popped up in their hearts.

isn't it?
Can you hear this too?
What else can Miss Huo not hear?
With such a heaven-defying ability, what secrets do they have? Wouldn't even their underwear be stripped off by Ms. Huo?
In the distance, Huo Biao suddenly looked over.

Everyone: "..."

Fog grass!

This family, is it against the sky?

No, Mr. Huo can also hear it, so what should they do to prevent this family from discovering their thoughts?
For a moment, everyone thought about how to hide their consciousness.

"Well, I can sing the Great Compassion Mantra, how about I give you a section?" A thin man said.

other people:"……"

Great Compassion Curse?
Also, do it!

If you've fallen into this situation, you won't pick any more.

So, when Li Dong and others crawled all the way over after escaping from death, what they heard was the Great Compassion Mantra with the flavor of popular rap.

They don't understand the situation, but that doesn't stop them from expressing their purpose.

Yun Hanye is dead, and many of Yun Hanye's subordinates who they thought were masters also died in the battle just now. Now they are just a group of sick and disabled, not to mention fighting against zombies and fleeing T city, even if any bandits come, they will all There is no way to fight back.

So they came here.

The scene after that was comparable to the brainwashing scene of a cult. Everyone, regardless of gender, knelt on the ground and wept bitterly. They stated their unintentional mistakes while apologizing devoutly. Give them a place.

It is said that Huo Biao and his wife dote on their daughter very much, so the best choice for them is to get Huo Jinyan's forgiveness, then the mother Liu Su, and finally Huo Biao.

But this plan went bankrupt as soon as it came up.

Jin Yan gestured for the venue where they were, "You are too modest, there are too few seats, this large square, you can use it however you want, you can even erect a monument here, and write ' Notre Dame' three words, so that you can morally kidnap and judge others."

wanna die?random.

If you want to rub against the bodyguards, there is no door.

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