After transmigrating into the villain's daughter, I lie down and win

Chapter 639 The Daily Life of Xianxiawen Eating Melons and Farming

Imperial Preceptor: "Your Highness, these words..."

Jin Yan: "No way?"

National Division:"……"

Jin Yan: "Understood, I won't talk about it from now on."

National Division:"……"

Admit it in time, but will you really not say it again in the future?

The Imperial Master himself has the answer to this question.


Jin Yan suddenly sneezed again.

Before the words of national teacher's concern were spoken, she was greeted with a question, "Master national teacher, you were the one who scolded me just now, right?"


"Forget it, I'm in a good mood today, I don't care about you, you go out of the palace, I will leave the palace by myself after dinner." Jin Yan said.

Being pestered by Jin Yan's small talk for a long time, the national teacher himself almost forgot his purpose of coming here.

He was not unkind enough to let Jin Yan disappear in front of the queen and prince in such a hurry, but he would not let her do whatever she wanted.

"Your Highness, the palace is no better than the outside. You are now in a soul state. As time goes by, for you..."

"Don't you just want to say that an emperor is an emperor even if he has no way? I am a lonely ghost, and I am afraid that I will be hurt by his dragon energy, don't you?"


"I really want to see if he can kill me."


"Just kidding, I'll go first."

As soon as he finished speaking, Jin Yan disappeared.

The national teacher stood there for a while, and was about to leave, but saw a stream of light quickly drawn down the sky, and finally disappeared in the Zixia Palace.

At the same time, Jin Yan also looked at the location of the Zixia Palace with awareness, and she asked the Queen, "Queen Mother, where is it over there?"

The queen hesitated, with worry and hesitation in her eyes, as if she didn't know how to speak.

Seeing her troubled expression, Jin Yan understood immediately.

That's probably the Zixia Palace, the heroine Jinse's bedroom.

"Yan'er, is there something wrong there?" the queen asked.

Jin Yan shook his head, "It's nothing, I just heard the noise over there, so I asked casually."

The queen seemed to believe her words, she didn't mention Zixia Palace, she only cared about whether Jinyan had eaten well.

The parting was imminent, but her mood was much calmer.

She asked Wan Yue to pack all Jin Yan's favorite snacks and the clothes she had revealed that she liked, and stuffed two boxes of gold leaves and gold beans inside.

Jin Yan said that someone took care of his basic necessities, food, housing, and transportation, and he didn't need so much money at all. The queen ignored it, and took another box of pearls and put them in.

Jin Yan: "..."

Get rich overnight?
The queen's maternal love has no place to rest, and she wishes to make up for all the regrets of the past 15 years.

When the empress finally stopped, Jin Yan said goodbye to her, "Empress, what I said is true, I am in Qixiajing, everything is fine, you and brother don't have to worry about me, on the contrary, you should be careful in everything .”

The queen held back her tears and told Jin Yan many things before sending her out.

Jin Yan went to the East Palace, and what he saw was the scene of the prince rummaging through boxes and cabinets to search for treasures again.

She was sitting on the chair, shaking her feet slightly, watching the prince put a box of pearls into the bag, and finally couldn't help saying: "Brother, I want to go back to Qixia Mirror, but It’s not that they will never come back.”

Prince: "I know."

I know, but the action didn’t stop.

Soon there was another heavy package.

"Brother, Chengying is very powerful, but you can't treat him like a mule." Jin Yan said.

The prince couldn't help laughing when he heard the words, "Don't let him carry it, my brother will arrange a carriage for you."

Jin Yan: "But if I go back inside my body suddenly, he will definitely run after me immediately."

The prince paused, and then said: "It's okay, you take a step first, I will send these things to the foot of Qixia Mountain."

Jin Yan: "..."

She has nothing to say.

The crown prince packed all the things himself, ordered Chengfeng to send them out of the palace, and was about to give Jin Yan some advice when Liu Huaijin hurried over.

"Your Highness, the national teacher is visiting..."

"Oh, I should go."

As soon as Jin Yan finished speaking, a golden light flashed, and she disappeared from the spot.

The prince's expression changed, and he immediately rushed out to look for Jin Yan, but after searching around for nothing, he returned to the palace with a sullen face.

"Where is the Imperial Master?" he asked.

Liu Huaijin: "It's gone."

The prince was so angry that he slammed the table, gritted his teeth and said, "This old thing!"

Second time.

This is the second time, he watched his sister disappear from before his eyes.

Zixia Palace.

Jinse was wronged by the imperial concubine and the emperor successively, and when she returned to her own palace, she was depressed all the time, and in the end she didn't even eat dinner.

In normal times, if the news spread that she didn't eat, not to mention other people who wanted to please her, the imperial concubine and the emperor would be very worried, and they would definitely try their best to make her happy and coax her to eat.

But today, the imperial concubine is quiet, there is no movement at all.

The emperor sent someone here, but they came to convey the decree that she should be banned and copy books.

Jinse has never had a problem with the emperor's oral order.

As usual, she ordered the messenger eunuch to be kicked out, and all the books and papers were burned.

But within a quarter of an hour, the emperor sent someone again, and this time the task of copying books was doubled.

Jinse didn't want to believe that the father who loved her all this time had changed, so she continued to burn the newly brought books.

Just like this over and over again, over and over again.

She is completely unaware of the emperor's anger.

But her mood was that she couldn't suffer any more.

The moon was in the middle of the sky, thinking of the piles of books in the hall and the two nuns who came to supervise her copying, Jinse sat up from the bed angrily.

Qiuyue held the lamp and came to the bed for the first time, "Princess, what's the matter?"

Jinse ordered her, "Qiuyue, burn those two mean old guys along with those disgusting books!"

In all her life, she has never seen anyone who disgusted her more than those two old nuns.

Qiuyue: "Your Highness, it's inappropriate to be so afraid. Those two nuns are Your Majesty..."

"What's wrong, will my father kill me because of this?" Jin Se said, "Hurry up and find a way for them to disappear. The thought of facing two old faces like that makes me sleep ugly Don't feel it."

Just when Qiuyue wanted to persuade her, Jinse heard a strange voice.

"It's bullshit."

The voice is cold, but nice, and inexplicably doting.

Jinse blinked, feeling like he had heard this voice somewhere, but he couldn't remember it.

She thought she was hallucinating, so she asked, "Qiuyue, did you hear any sound?"

Qiuyue shook her head, as if nothing had happened, she kept persuading Jinse to calm down and stop angering the emperor.

Jinse nodded perfunctorily, "Understood, you go down, my princess is going to rest."

Qiuyue breathed a sigh of relief before she backed down, and Jinse heard the same voice again, "Human life is at stake, don't mess around."

Jinse looked around suddenly, "Who?"

No one around.

There is only a distant voice that seems to be non-existent, "Remember, all things have spirits, don't easily hurt people or kill them"

sleepy sleepy sleepy sleepy

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