After transmigrating into the villain's daughter, I lie down and win

Chapter 640 The Daily Life of Xianxiawen Eating Melons and Farming

outside the palace.

In a secluded courtyard, Jin Yan hangs bored on an old locust tree that is said to be thousands of years old.

This courtyard was already remote and quiet, and the old locust tree grew in a secluded southwest corner where few people go. Now that it is late at night, the place is even quieter.

Maybe someone has been here before, maybe someone has paid attention to this tree, but no one knows that this old locust tree that has not fallen down for thousands of years has developed its own consciousness. During the thousands of years it has been standing here, it has appeared as a bystander or The attitude of those who have experienced it has witnessed countless histories.

Those legendary, absurd, great and short-lived histories were eventually integrated into the long river of time. Only the old locust tree survived wars and natural disasters, survived all man-made disasters, and finally survived fortunately and became history. of witnesses.

A sound of wind passed by, and Jin Yan, who could not feel the coldness, subconsciously touched his arm, and the sound of wind behind him became quieter.

A familiar breath came to his face, and Jin Yan said in surprise: "Chengying! Are you back?"

Chengying said "hmm".

When he came back, Jin Yan was talking to the old pagoda tree.

Old Huaishu only became conscious, and he couldn't transform into a human form, nor could he speak, so he didn't understand how Jinyan communicated with Lao Huaishu.

But it doesn't matter, as long as Jin Yan is happy.

Chengying handed a few hot meat buns to Jin Yan, and then stood beside Jin Yan holding his sword.

Jin Yan had already eaten a lot in the palace, so he was not that hungry, but he still opened the meat bun.

She just ate one, and then she thought of something and said, "Do you have to keep acting cool like this all the time?"

Chengying: "..."

Playing handsome?

"Handsome" he knew.

The meaning of "playing handsome" does not seem to be difficult to guess.

Chengying: "If Your Highness doesn't like it..."

"It's not that I don't like it. I'm afraid you'll be tired. If you're not tired, just stand." Jin Yan said.

But as soon as her words fell to the ground, the shadow around her moved.

Soon, Chengying sat down on the tree trunk next to her, imitating her, with his legs hanging in mid-air.

More, such as shaking legs and so on, Chengying can't do it anyway.

Seeing his appearance, Jin Yan burst into a chuckle, Cheng Ying's expression didn't change, but his eyes clearly glanced at Jin Yan.

"If you want to see it, look at it openly, don't be sneaky, pretend I can't see it?" Jin Yan said.

Cheng Ying: "Yes."

After speaking, he really turned around and stared straight at Jin Yan.

Jin Yan: "..."

Seeing the terribly handsome beauty's face approaching suddenly, she was taken aback for a moment, then quickly and calmly stretched out her hand, pushing the beauty away.

"Your Highness..."



Jin Yan ate two buns and took a bite of the third one. A cold white hand stretched out and took the bun wrapped in oil paper from her hand.

She looked over in confusion, "What are you doing?"

Chengying didn't answer, but just finished eating the bun with a small mouthful in two or three bites.

Jin Yan: "Did you not eat before you came back?"

Chengying shook his head.

Jin Yan was speechless, "If you hadn't told me earlier, if I had known, I would have left one more for you."

She wasn't hungry, but she didn't want to waste Chengying's efforts, so she ate two more.

As a result, Chengying himself didn’t even eat.

Chengying shook his head, "One is enough, I'm not hungry." He knew that Jin Yan would not be hungry when he came out of the palace, but he always had Jin Yan wandering around that bun shop in his mind, so he bought it A few buns.

He finished the bun in just three mouthfuls, and he folded the oiled paper. He flew down and threw it into the pile of fallen leaves, returned to the tree, and sat down again.

Jin Yan moved his butt lightly, moved closer to Cheng Ying, sniffed his scent, and asked, "How many people did you kill?"

Chengying: "No."

Jinyan stretched out her hand and started to pull up his clothes. Before Chengying could react, she had already finished reading.

No obvious traces were found, so I asked, "Is there no injury?"

Taking the image as if hearing some innocent question, he turned his head with a smile in his eyes, "Your Highness, there are not many people in this world who can hurt me."

"Really? So powerful?" Jin Yan teased him with a chuckle.

Chengying paused for a moment and turned his head back.

Jin Yan asked him again, "Will killing so many people affect your practice?"

Chengying: "..."

Before he could say the word "no", Jin Yan said again: "Probably not, you obeyed my order to save brother, and you killed those people to complete the task of protecting brother, you It was just an indirect killing of people, I was the one who actually killed those people, so even if there was a murder, it should be retribution on me..."

Cheng Ying's expression changed slightly, and he interrupted her sharply, "Your Highness, don't speak nonsense."

Jin Yan was startled.

Seeing her dumbfounded look, Cheng Ying's expression softened again, and he said in a gentle voice: "I just made my voice louder, Your Highness atones, it's just these words, Your Highness, don't say any more in the future."

Jin Yan seemed to be frightened, and whispered: "Can't tell?"

I have never seen her look so cautious, Chengying thought that he had frightened her, and felt guilty, so she said softly: "It's not that I can't say it, it's just a matter of this world..."

"It's not that you can't say it, it's that you can say it, but I know what you mean, you are afraid that the murder will be retribution on me." Jin Yan said.

Chengying remained silent.

Jin Yan sighed, leaned over and leaned lazily on Chengying's shoulder. He said in a gentle voice, "I was born with a curse as an evil spirit. Do I care about killing more evil spirits?"

Chengying clenched his sword tightly, his expression gloomy.

Jin Yan touched his shoulder with her head, chuckled and said, "I'm not afraid of you, so what are you afraid of?"

Chengying didn't answer.

What is he afraid of?
He is afraid that something will happen that he cannot control, that he will meet someone he cannot defeat, and that...

At a corner that Jin Yan couldn't see, his gaze fell on Jin Yan again at some point.

Jin Yan didn't know Chengying's eyes.

She said, "I'm not afraid. Anyway, I'm in trouble, and you will definitely come to rescue me." Chengying said "hmm" in a low voice, and a young Taoist priest came in front of her.

The little Taoist priest bowed in the direction of Jin Yan, and then said: "The Imperial Master has ordered that the moon is dark and the wind is high tonight, making it difficult to travel. Please go to the wing to rest."

Jin Yan poked Cheng Ying's arm, "Do you think he can see me?"

Chengying's arm shrank almost invisible, and he said, "I don't know, but it's not important."

Jin Yan: "You are right. There are all kinds of wonders in the world. It doesn't matter whether you see it or not. Since you are here, let's stay here first."

After that, she jumped off the tree first.

Knowing that she won't be injured by the fall, Cheng Ying still has his heart in suspense.

But the moment Jin Yan jumped off, a dry branch gently supported her in an extremely soft posture.

Jin Yan fell to the ground safe and sound.

Chengying is relieved.

The little Taoist silently read a few words.

I am grateful for the support from the two ladies of "Other Aegean Sea" and "Zhuzhu. Afternoon Tea" ^-^

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