After transmigrating into the villain's daughter, I lie down and win

Chapter 654 The Daily Life of Xianxiawen Eating Melons and Farming

"All right."

After completing Liu Yong's life, Jin Yan quickly put down his pen.

Her body had been lying for a long time, and her muscles were a little stiff. Writing so many words at once made her wrists really uncomfortable.

"Thank you for your hard work, Your Highness," the miracle doctor said.

Others chimed in.

Jin Yan: "Of course I worked hard, my wrist..."

Halfway through the words, Jin Yan noticed something was wrong in everyone's eyes.

I definitely meant it sincerely when I said "Thank you for your hard work", but the expressions on everyone's faces didn't seem like it.

Jin Yan: "What's wrong with you?"

"It's okay. Don't worry, Your Highness. We all know that you did not write these words." said the miracle doctor.

In this way, His Highness shouldn't have to try so hard to hide the fact that she can write lyrics, right?

Jin Yan was very satisfied when he heard this, "It's good that you know. By the way, where are Aluo and Yan Ran..."

Said that Cao Cao Cao Cao arrived.

Soon two different voices came from outside.

One shouted "Your Highness" and the other shouted "Vixen, please save your face. I was the first to notice His Highness's return. I should see His Highness first."

Then Yanran replied, "Shut up if you don't have the guts, and stop talking nonsense."

A'luo didn't hesitate to give in, "Shut up, just shut up, as if someone likes to talk to you. If it weren't for His Highness being bored here, I wouldn't be interested in getting along with a coquettish fox like you!"

Yan Ran also retorted, "To each other."

Listening to the conversation between the two thousand-year-old monsters, a thought flashed through Jin Yan's mind. She looked at Wan Jiang and the miracle doctor, "These two people, these two monsters, haven't been fighting since I left, right?"

Miracle Doctor: "Of course."

Wan Jiang: "They will rest when they are tired. After they have rested, they will continue to fight."

The corner of Jin Yan's mouth twitched, "These two ruthless people are too energetic. With this energy, they might as well go down the mountain to help farmers plow their fields."

Miracle doctor: "They are demons."

Even if they are good demons with a pure nature, even if they never do anything harmful to nature, they will not be free to help the people.

Unless it's Jin Yan's order.

In that case, I'm afraid these two monsters will fight again to complete the task assigned by His Highness.

Wan Jiang: "Your Highness is not here, and they won't listen to anyone."

A'luo didn't even bother to talk to him, and said that she was tired of seeing their two faces every day when she opened her eyes.

"Yes, Ah Luo ignored Wan Jiang."

"Yes, A'luo also said that he is tired of watching Wanjiang."

"Yes, A'luo doesn't even like Wan Jiang now."

The little monsters were talking to each other, and the scene was very lively, but it was suspected of spreading rumors.

Wan Jiang immediately clarified: "Aluo just can't see His Highness, misses His Highness, and feels depressed, so he doesn't want to see me. It's not that he doesn't like me anymore."

Jin Yan: "Oh~"

The little monsters all said in unison, imitating Jin Yan: "Oh~"

Everyone's teasing successfully made one ghost blush.

At this time, two beauties in red walked in from the door, their steps were gentle and their postures were leisurely and elegant, as if the previous quarrel had never happened.

But this is just an appearance.

Privately, the two people were still secretly competing with each other in their eyes, and their gentle steps were speeding up quietly. Each wanted to stand in front of Jin Yan before the other.

Everyone knows that.

And these two people, three steps away from Jin Yan, really showed their true colors.

Ah Rao changed her posture first, and quickly ran towards Jin Yan.

But Yan Ran on the side was even more stunning than her. She rarely showed her real body directly, but she actually revealed her true form at this moment, and then rushed towards Jin Yan at an extremely fast speed.

Aluo, who had never expected this scene, was dumbfounded.

She was distracted and didn't look at the road. She staggered and almost fell forward, but was caught by Wan Jiang who was always paying attention to her.

Yan Ran, who turned into a nine-tailed red fox, jumped in front of Jin Yan as he wished.

She was so anxious to decide the winner with A'rao that she didn't notice the bright expression in Jin Yan's eyes. By the time she reacted, it was already too late.Yan Ran was held in Jin Yan's arms. While stroking Yan Ran's smooth fur, she said, "I can't even remember the last time I saw Yan Ran's body. Thanks to A'luo, today A'luo Remember the first achievement."

Aluo: "..."

She had been fighting with the vixen for a long time, purely to make wedding clothes for others, but in the end she had become the vixen?

A'luo couldn't be more upset.

After a while, Yan Ran struggled to get down, and Jin Yan put her on the ground. In the blink of an eye, there was another cold beauty in front of everyone.

Wan Jiang's voice suddenly sounded, "Your Highness, are you hungry? I'll cook for you."

After saying that, the sight of the miracle doctor Youyuan next to him fell on him.

Jin Yan: "Okay, I can't eat too much."

A'luo immediately said: "It's okay, Yan Yan, let's all eat together today."

Jin Yan nodded, "In that case, let's eat dumplings."

Yanran: "I'll get the meat."

Aluo: "I know how to wrap it, and it looks good!"

Wan Jiang: "I'll make a meeting."

He looked at the miracle doctor again, "Have you found the pepper that His Highness mentioned last time, miracle doctor, you can just provide the spices."

Divine doctor: "..."

Ha ha.

I asked for spices and thought of him. What were you doing before?
Apart from Jin Yan, Chengying was the only one who didn't have any job, so everyone's eyes were naturally turned to him.

Chengying raised her eyes slightly, and the moment her cold eyes looked at everyone, they turned their eyes away again.

Wan Jiang coughed, "Chengying is responsible for protecting the princess, so it's reasonable for him to do nothing."

Neither Yanran nor Aluo, the miracle doctor, had any objections.

In terms of force value, the two demons, a ghost, and a plug-in miracle doctor are not as good as Cheng Ying and one finger.

The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility.

Chengying, who shoulders the heavy responsibility of protecting the princess, should do nothing.

Seeing the delicate expressions of these people, Jin Yan wanted to laugh, and she said, "No, Cheng Ying is not allowed to work, are you trying to isolate him?"


Several people slandered, who dared to stand alone in the shadow?
Chengying's sword is always the fastest.

They are not tired of life.

Jin Yan suppressed a smile and said, "Chengying is the best knife maker. Leave the job of chopping stuffing to him."

Chengying: "Yes."

Several others: "..."

Sure enough, only the princess can use the shadow.

After arranging the work, everyone took action separately.

Yanran went down the mountain to buy meat, Aluo went to see Wanjiang to make noodles, and the miracle doctor went to his pharmacy to look for spices. Chengying, who had nothing to do for the moment, stood by the swing, protecting Jinyan who was swinging.

Suddenly, Jin Yan stopped.

"Your Highness?"

"We have guests."

At the foot of Qixia Mountain, Yanran held a vegetable basket and looked at the man in black opposite him warily, "Who are you? Why are you following me?"

"Don't know me?"

The man smiled and changed his attire. As soon as the beauty mark with dark hair and white clothes came out, Yan Ran recognized him instantly, "You are..."

"Song Huai." The man reminded her.

Although they were acquaintances, Yan Ran did not let down his guard, but became even more defensive, "I wonder what the Demon Emperor is doing when he comes?"

Song Huai looked up at Qixia Mirror who was shrouded in aura, and slowly uttered two words.

"Looking for relatives."

Thanks to Miss "Feng Qing Yueying" for the reward and support^-^ Feelings
Ask for a ticket~

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