After transmigrating into the villain's daughter, I lie down and win

Chapter 655 The Daily Life of Xianxiawen Eating Melons and Farming


Jinse, who was forcibly sent out of the palace gate by the palace guards, stood at the gate of the palace at a loss while carrying an extremely heavy package.

She looked at the closed palace door in front of her, thinking about the emperor's last look at her, and the uneasiness in her heart was amplified little by little.

What she said about leaving the palace was that her birthday banquet had been held, and her father, emperor, mother and concubine arranged for someone to escort her out of the palace for fun, which was not the case now.

There was no one to see her off, no one to keep her, no gorgeous and spacious carriage, no accompanying guard of honor, not even the guards to protect her or the maids to take care of her food, clothing and daily life.

It shouldn't be like this!

After standing at the palace gate for a quarter of an hour, Jinse still didn't understand why things developed like this.

At this time, the little eunuch who had been bowing his head in an inconspicuous corner said: "Your Highness, it's getting late, it's time for you to set off."

Jinse suddenly looked at the little eunuch, "Start? What journey? This is the gate of the palace, this is the capital, and this is my princess's home. I can do whatever I want. Do I need a mean reminder from you?"

The little eunuch hurriedly knelt down and said, "I don't dare."

Seeing the frightened look on the little eunuch's face, Jinse felt a great sense of satisfaction.

Ever since she was banned, the attitude of the palace officials toward her seemed to have changed.

Today is especially weird.

If those palace officials were not afraid of death and did not stop her, she would not have rushed in when her father was furious, and would not have angered him.

In the end, it's all the damn palace people's fault.

However, these things were still arrogant and ignorant. Her father asked them to send her out of the palace. Unusually, they began to look at her with contempt, sympathy, and gloating about her misfortune.

Thinking of this, Jinse became even more angry, "Don't you dare? According to my princess, you are very brave. My father asked you to send this princess out of the palace. Is this how you do it?"

The more she talked, the angrier she became, "Where is the mother concubine? Does she know that this princess is out of the palace? Where is Qiuyue? Since I have grown up, Qiuyue has been taking care of me. Now that Qiuyue is gone and there are no other palace maids, what should I do? Who will serve this princess? And most importantly, what about my princess’ safety? Where are the guards? Are all the guards dead?”

Seeing Jin Se's doubts about life, the little eunuch's lips curled up slightly and said, "Back to the princess, your majesty ordered that only the princess be allowed to leave the palace alone. His majesty did not mention the other people mentioned by the princess."

After hearing this, Jinse was furious, "How presumptuous! Is this how you do things? You are serving my father and you don't even know how to figure out the holy will? My father loves this princess so much, how can you trust me to leave her alone?" Leaving the palace? It seems to me that you are the ones who are cheating, neglecting your duties, and going against my father's wishes!"

Young eunuch: "It is a serious crime to speculate on the Holy Will. If you give me a hundred courages, I will not dare to do that."

Seeing the little eunuch's helpless appearance, Jinse cursed: "Stupid pig! So stupid! You just don't do anything without my father's instructions, right? Are the princess's words sacred to you? ?”

The little eunuch lowered his head.

Seeing his humble and cautious look, Jinse felt a little more comfortable. She said, "Now, according to my princess's wishes, all the maids in Qiuyue and Zixia Palace will be sent out, and a group of imperial guards will be sent to protect my princess." Safety."

Little eunuch: "..."

Royal Army?
How long has it been, and Her Royal Highness is still here dreaming of her spring and autumn dreams!
Princess Zixia didn't know about everything that happened in Qinzheng Hall, and maybe she didn't take it seriously if she knew it, but they were all on duty by His Majesty's side, and they would not miss anything His Majesty said or did.

Not to mention the Mei family who deserved death, just talking about the origin of Princess Jinse, just the words "the goddess descended to earth" is enough to make the current majesty angry.

The difference between heaven and man is the difference between immortals and mortals.

It is true that His Majesty is an emperor, but he is also a human being, born and raised in the mortal world. Even if he dies, he will be buried in the mortal world.

But Princess Jinse, a goddess who was born with auspiciousness, even if she dies, her soul will eventually return to heaven and gain eternal life.

And eternal life is what your Majesty wants but cannot get.

Your Majesty has been angry so many times in succession, and each time it is related to the identity of Princess Jinse. However, Princess Jinse is so ignorant that when His Majesty is furious, she actually says that God will no longer protect the Kingdom of Xi and His Majesty. .

She had no idea how lucky she was to not be killed on the spot for saying such an outrageous thing.However, Princess Jinse still didn't understand.

They have all been kicked out of the palace, and they are still fantasizing and dreaming here.

It's ridiculous and pathetic.


"Why are you still standing there? Hurry up and get things done!" Jinse scolded.

Little eunuch: "Princess, the only ones who can mobilize the Imperial Guard are Your Majesty and His Royal Highness the Crown Prince."

Jinse's eyes lit up, "By the way, Brother Prince, then go find Brother Prince and ask him to send a team of people. No, one team is too small. The mother-in-law said that it is very dangerous outside the palace, and there are robbers and bandits. We must send more people, then you go to the prince brother and ask him to send the masters around him to protect this princess!"

Little eunuch: "..."

This is more than just a spring and autumn dream.

This is crazy!

The East Palace and the imperial concubine have always been fighting to the death.

She actually expected His Highness the Crown Prince to protect her, and even expected His Highness the Crown Prince to abandon his most powerful bodyguard for her.

Really crazy.

"Are you deaf? You're so stupid. Go find Brother Prince, hurry up!" Jinse urged.

The little eunuch had an expressionless face and said solemnly: "His Royal Highness the Crown Prince fainted while trying to save His Majesty, and has not regained consciousness. Everyone from the Imperial Hospital has gone to the east..."

Before he could finish speaking, Jinse worriedly said, "Brother Prince is injured? Is it serious? Have you not woken up yet? Then why are you standing there? Take this princess to see Brother Prince. I want to stay with the Prince." By my brother’s side!”

Little eunuch: "..."

You even fainted and asked if the injury was serious. Do you have a brain problem?


In terms of self-talk and stupidity, no one can compare to Princess Jinse.

Jinse was still urging, but the young eunuch was eager to return to the palace to report his duties, "The time has come, please go on your way, Princess!"

After that, without looking at Jinse's furious expression, he turned around and walked towards the palace gate.

Jinse reacted and wanted to chase after him, but was stopped by the guard at the door.

"Princess, stay here. Your Majesty has ordered that from now on, Her Majesty the Princess is not allowed to step even one step into the palace gate."

Jinse was completely confused, "What do you mean?"

"Your Majesty ordered that Princess Zixia is not allowed to enter the palace gate. If she disobeys the order, she will be executed."


The word "cut", like a thunderbolt from the clear sky, completely brought Jinse from fantasy back to reality.

Father, actually, really doesn't want her anymore?
Jinse's whole body became cold, her consciousness became blurred, everything around her began to become silent and blank, and she became a sculpture in this dead space.

In the corner where no one saw, a man dressed in white who looked like an immortal looked at Jinse's direction with a distressed expression on his face.

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