After transmigrating into the villain's daughter, I lie down and win

Chapter 659 The Daily Life of Xianxiawen Eating Melons and Farming

Chapter 659 The Daily Life of Xianxiawen Eating Melons and Farming (35)

The sky in Qixiajing is always longer than in the outside world.

In addition, it was raining, and the rain kept falling, which made people upset, and the time passed even longer.

After Song Huai noticed it, he admired: "This small spiritual land actually has its own cave."

Coming up from the mountain, he also saw many birds, beasts, spirits and monsters along the way. The wonderful thing here is that both those who have become spirits and those who have not become spirits are very simple and innocent in mind, and do not have so many bad thoughts.

Big monsters will not eat small monsters, and big monsters will not eat small monsters. They all guard their own world calmly and do not compete for or occupy other people's areas.

After seeing him, a completely strange and somewhat dangerous person, what those grass and tree spirits wanted was to protect Jin Yan from harm.

These spirits naturally grow here and absorb the essence of the sun and moon here to become monsters, but Jin Yan is obviously not one of them.

Jin Yan said that she was in Qixiajing as far back as she could remember. While eating dumplings, the flower demon told the wild ghost that they went down the mountain to beg for milk from Jin Yan, but were chased as hooligans.

That is to say, Jin Yan was sent here almost as soon as he was born.

Only those who practice can see the wonder of Qixia Mirror and know that it is full of spiritual energy and suitable for practice. However, not all practitioners can see through people's hearts, and naturally they cannot distinguish the good and bad of the monsters in this mountain.

Who would safely send their newborn baby to this deserted and dangerous mountain?

Can a father who can throw his daughter into this mountain be a good father?
The more he couldn't figure it out, the more curious Song Huai became.

But Jin Yan obviously didn't want to talk more about "Dad", so it was hard for him to ask again.

It was getting dark, but the rain was getting heavier and heavier.

After sitting under the eaves for a long time, Jin Yan felt a little cold, so she wrapped her cloak tightly around her body.

"Cold?" Chengying asked.

Jin Yan yawned, "It keeps raining and I feel sleepy."

Chengying: "Then take a rest early."

Upon hearing this, the bored vixen and the flower demon looked at each other, got up and ran towards Jin Yan's bedroom.

Song Huai's attention fell on Jin Yan, "You don't know how to sleep, so you still need those two goblins to accompany you."

Jin Yan's sleepiness gradually increased, and his consciousness began to blur, "Can't you? Two beautiful women, with delicate bodies and soft bodies, how comfortable it is to hold them softly?"

Chengying looked at her, his eyes darkened.

Even though he knew that Yan Ran and A Luo went in to make Jin Yan's bed, he still felt a little uncomfortable.

His body couldn't be softer.

Song Huai couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth, "The appearance of demons is all illusion. They have demon power and can change their appearance at will..."

"Demon Emperor, I am indeed no match for you, but that doesn't mean you can slander me in front of His Highness." Yanran said.

A'luo, who came out with her, was also very dissatisfied, "Lord Demon Emperor, we little demons have low magic power, but we also have a temper!"

The two great demons were mentally prepared to offend the Demon Emperor and have a big fight with him.

Unexpectedly, the Demon Emperor didn't care about their attitude at all. He only used the word "Your Highness" and said: "Your Highness?"

Yanran: "..."

She looked at Jin Yan, whose eyes were blurry, "What's wrong with Your Highness? Who is not a princess?"

Song Huai chuckled, "It turns out that little Jinyan is a princess herself. Why don't you call me daddy again? Then you can have the identity of a princess in the demon world. In the future, you will be more majestic when you walk in the six realms."

"Awesome? I'm afraid not all six realms are enemies." Jin Yan complained, "I'm only 15 years old, and I don't want to die yet."

Song Huai couldn't help laughing, "Is my popularity so bad in your eyes? Although I am the Lord of the Demon Realm, I have been a chivalrous and righteous person throughout my life, willing to do good deeds, and have made many good friends..."

Before he finished speaking, Jin Yan stood up.

She glanced at Song Huai and said, "Blow, just keep blowing, blow slowly, and see if you can blow it to the sky."

Song Huai: "..."

Is telling the truth called bragging?
Jinyan wandered towards the bedroom, and Chengying followed her in closely.Song Huai looked at it and didn't care whether he was bragging or not. He hurriedly said: "Xiao Jinyan, you are right. Although these two goblins are a bit ugly, they are at least delicate and soft. You should keep them in the bedroom. Not that unattractive piece of wood.”

Yanran Aluo: "..."

Wood·Chengying·Tou: "..."

In a word, three people were offended.

But this time no one paid attention to him.

Chengying followed Jin Yan into the bedroom. After watching Jin Yan fall asleep, he leaned on the bed, sat there and closed his eyes.

Song Huai waited outside for a long time but didn't see Cheng Ying coming out, and he suddenly became anxious, "Why doesn't he come out?"

A'luo said angrily: "Why did he come out?"

Song Huai: "He is a man."

Ah Rao was puzzled, "So what?"

Song Huai thought for a moment, "It's not about etiquette. Men and women are not allowed to be intimate. How can she, a majestic princess, leave a man in the bedroom?"

Could it be that Chengying is not only Jin Yan's bodyguard, but also her face?
A'luo rolled his eyes after hearing this, "Who saw them talking to each other privately? Chengying is a very skilled martial artist. He has spent the longest time with Her Highness the Princess. He has been by Her Highness's side to protect her safety since she was a child. So, Over the years, His Highness has long been accustomed to Cheng Ying’s presence, so it is reasonable for him to stay in His Highness’s bedroom!”

Song Huai: "..."

It sounds like not only Jin Yan is used to Chengying's existence, but these few people are also used to it.

He suddenly asked: "Xiao Jinyan is the princess of Xi Kingdom?"

Ah Rao nodded.

Song Huai: "The Emperor of Xi Kingdom is her father?"

Arao was silent.

"That's all, I'd better go and see for myself what the good father she praised as unique is like." Song Huai said.

One person, two demons and one ghost were silent.

They were so familiar with Jin Yan and were used to hearing that Jin Yan often talked about the rare good father in the world, so they really couldn't connect Emperor Xi with the father in Jin Yan's mouth.

After a while, the miracle doctor's feet moved.

"Miracle doctor, do you want to rest?" Wan Jiang asked.

Xie Ming: "The rain is so heavy, there may be disaster. I will prepare some more medicine, just in case."

Wan Jiang immediately said: "Then let me help you!"

After saying that, he looked at Ah Rao with innocent and apologetic eyes, "A Rao..."

A'luo couldn't stand the look in his eyes and said, "Let's go together. I just don't feel sleepy either. Anyway, Yan Yan is guarded by Cheng Ying."

Song Huai listened thoughtfully to their words.

After the three of them left, he glanced at Yanran and said, "It sounds like they want to prepare medicinal materials for good deeds. Why don't you go with them?"

Yan Ran: "I won't go."

She would also go down the mountain to check the water situation. If the mountain collapsed and the floods surged, she would ask Her Highness the Princess to wake up and take charge of the overall situation.

Song Huai asked strangely: "Why? You are both monsters, and your monster power is stronger than the flower demon and the old ghost. Are you excluded by them?"

Yanran: "..."

Song Huai: "No way, right?"

Yanran: "..."

The dignified Demon Emperor is so right and wrong.

(End of this chapter)

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