After transmigrating into the villain's daughter, I lie down and win

Chapter 660 The Daily Life of Xianxiawen Eating Melons and Farming

Chapter 660 The Daily Life of Xianxiawen Eating Melons and Farming (36)

Yan Ran came down the mountain, and Song Huai couldn't restrain his curiosity and went to the Xi Kingdom Palace overnight.

He and Jin Yan met because Jin Yan said "daddy", but Jin Yan was a disobedient master. He said "Sorry, I made a mistake" and no longer took him seriously.

When did he, the Demon Emperor, suffer such injustice?
Not to mention that in order to find Jin Yan, he sent out so many men and searched for so long before he found him. He eagerly came to recognize him, but they didn't want to pay attention to him at all and kept saying "My father is the best man in the world." His heart.

He wanted to see how good a "father" who could leave his newborn daughter in the wilderness was worth Jin Yan talking about and showing off every day!


early morning.

Jinse was bored and lying on the table in the restaurant's guest room. She looked at the door from time to time.

Why haven't you come back yet?

Where did Brother Tianyu go?

She was extremely bored, so she picked up a snack and went to the window. People were coming and going in the street market outside, and the sounds of various sellers and shouts filled her ears. When she heard someone shouting "Candy Blower", she immediately dropped the snack and left the room. .

Restaurant waiter: "Girl, where are you going?"

Jinse said dissatisfied: "What girl, don't confuse this princess with those common women. Also, who are you to dare to care about this princess?"

Xiao Er: "..."

Do not understand, but respect.

He didn't care about Jinse's confusing words, but said: "The young master Ling who came with you told you to wait for her in the guest room before he left."

Upon hearing this, Jinse asked anxiously: "When did brother Tianyu say he would come back?"

The waiter shook his head, "Master Ling only said that he would be back soon."

After hearing this, Jinse became unhappy again, "Okay, please step back."

Xiao Er: "..."

He wanted to persuade him again, but Jinse glared at him and said, "Get lost!"

The waiter didn't dare to say anything and could only do his own thing.

Jinse left the restaurant and came to the crowded street.

Before she even took two steps, she was squeezed.

She just said "presumptuous" and was slapped on the shoulder again.

Jinse frowned in pain, but there were people everywhere, and she had no idea who hit her.

After finally arriving at the candy shop, an accident happened again.

"Girl, this is the candy you want."

As soon as the stall owner handed over a candy man, Jinse stretched out his hand.

As soon as she took it, a female voice came from above her head, "This is mine, give it back to me."

Jinse said angrily: "How shameless, this is my princess's sweetheart, you want to steal something from me."

Before the girl realized what Jinse called herself, she subconsciously said: "But this is what I want first."

The stall owner also spoke at the right time, "This candy man was indeed ordered by this girl first."

Jinse sneered coldly, "Bold, it's a blessing that this princess likes it!"

Girl: "..."

The stall owner: "..."

Both of them looked a little confused, and they realized something later.Princess?

What princess?
As we all know, there is only one princess in the Xi Kingdom, and that is Princess Zixia, who is loved by thousands of people.

But even if the beloved Princess Zixia's trip is not as grand as the emperor's trip, she shouldn't not even have a palace attendant by her side, right?

The girl then said: "Don't make excuses. I bought this candy man first. You don't understand the principle of first come, first served, right?"

"I don't need to understand, this princess wants this thing." After saying that, Jinse took the candy figure and left.

The girl wanted to chase, but was held back by another older woman beside her.

"elder sister……"

The woman shook her head and told her not to pursue him.

This woman who claims to be a princess either has a brain problem and has no idea how serious it is to pretend to be a princess in the capital.

Or maybe she really is a princess.

The girl obeyed and didn't speak again, but the stall owner couldn't just let Jinse go. He hurriedly shouted: "Girl, if you like this candy, you can take it away, but you haven't paid for it yet!"

Jinse didn't even stop, and walked straight to the pie shop diagonally opposite. The stall owner had to catch up and stop her, "Girl, this is a small business, and I can't make a few pennies a day..."

"What does this have to do with me?" Jinse, who was stopped, looked impatient.

If Qiu Yue were here, she would have ordered Qiu Yue to deal with this expressionless old man.

The stall owner said bitterly, "You, you took my candy man, you can't take it for nothing..."

When the people around heard this, they all looked at Jinse, and everyone started talking. He looked like a human, but he didn't act like a human being, and he didn't pay for things he bought.

Someone corrected, "I didn't buy it, I snatched it. This candy man was originally wanted by another girl."

"It turned out to be a robbery. No wonder I had to know how to pay. I thought it was a waste of money!"

After hearing these words, Jinse's face instantly became very ugly.

She looked at everyone and sneered coldly: "This princess likes the candy figures he made. That's his blessing. If he doesn't kowtow to thank you, how dare he ask for money from me?"

Under the whole world, is it not the king's land, and the coast of leading the land is not the king's ministers.

This is the capital city with the most prosperous economy of Xi Kingdom. As the princess of Xi Kingdom, the palace belongs to her family, and the capital city is just her family’s garden. She, a majestic princess, has to pay for food in her own home. money?
Hearing her calling herself "princess", some of the spectators were surprised and gasped, some watched the fun and some were gloating.


"I'm afraid I've lost my mind and gone crazy. If I dare to pretend to be a princess in the capital city, I'm really risking my life!"

Jinse snorted coldly and said contemptuously: "Impersonation? I'll give you ten heads. Do you dare to pretend to be a princess? This princess said this, naturally because I am Princess Zixia! Without the auspiciousness given by this princess, Xi Guoneng has the peace it has today? He is able to sell candy here because of my princess’s blessing. What’s wrong with this princess using him as a candy man?”

There was a sudden sound of sobbing everywhere.

The stall owner returned to the stall in silence.

Some people left quickly for fear of causing trouble.

Some people continued to watch the fun and didn't mind the matter, joking and saying that the princess was so favored, how could she be alone outside the palace, and how could she not even have money to buy candy.

Someone else walked out of the crowd shouting "Ask the Princess!"

It was an old beggar in ragged clothes begging for food from a broken bowl. He only had one leg and one eye. His dark face was covered with scars and several teeth were missing. His back was hunched and his head was lowered. He looked pitiful and It's deceptive, old and decaying, as if everyone will die.

The old beggar slowly came to Jinse on crutches, raised his head, and looked directly at the superior Jinse who was full of contempt and disgust for him with his intact but cloudy eye. He said in a deep voice: "I dare to ask Princess , since Xi Country’s current peace is due to the auspiciousness brought by the princess and is the result of the princess alone, take that..."

He pointed to his blinded eyes and chopped off legs, with a deep and sad voice, "Then why were my legs and eyes injured? Why did countless soldiers who died on the border die? What are the reasons for those who are now injured? What are the soldiers who still stick to the border for what reason?"

 Thanks to Miss "Meow Me Nimi" for the reward and support ^-^
(End of this chapter)

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