After transmigrating into the villain's daughter, I lie down and win

Chapter 663 The Daily Life of Xianxiawen Eating Melons and Farming

At the gate of the city, Ling Tianyu suddenly stopped and looked back into the city.


"What's wrong, brother Tianyu?" Jinse asked.

Ling Tianyu said nothing, but concentrated his mind, and in an instant the entire capital fell into his eyes.

Looking at his slightly frowned brows, Jinse asked worriedly: "Brother Tianyu, what happened?"

Ling Tianyu comforted her, "It's okay."

Just now, he noticed that there was a powerful demonic energy approaching, but after a search, nothing suspicious was found. Maybe it was just his illusion just now.

Jinse immediately said: "Then let's go quickly and leave the capital. My father doesn't like me as much as before. I hate my father. I never want to be his daughter again, and I never go back to the palace!" "

Ling Tianyu touched her hair distressedly, "If you don't want to, don't come back, just leave."

As soon as the two people walked out of the city gate, several figures ran towards the city like ghosts.

Not far from the city tower, the Demon Emperor dressed in black suddenly appeared. He looked at the two figures, one tall and one short, outside the city gate with interest.


Really interesting!

A few days ago, my subordinates said that the God Realm had been invaded many times in recent days, and all forces believed that the Demon Realm was responsible.

This is simply bullshit. He was so focused on finding his daughter that he didn't bother to attack the God Realm.

But if the demon world doesn't take action, there must be someone who does.

At that time, he asked the people below if there was any powerful person in the Six Realms recently who dared to act in the name of the Demon Realm.

Everyone under my command said they didn’t know and had never heard of it.

He didn't care about the God Realm, so he forgot about the matter afterwards. Only when he met an acquaintance today did he understand the reason.

It turns out that Yu Tian, ​​the God of War in the God Realm, is not in the God Realm at all.

What's more, the majestic god of war from the divine realm mixes in the human world, flirting and flirting with each other on the same old grass that doesn't know the height of the sky, which is ambiguous.

There is no God of War to guard the God Realm. There is only a group of drunkards who are full of ideas about dividing the world's creatures into three, six or nine grades. It is no wonder that they are attacked.

Ling Tianyu and Jin Se's figures became smaller and smaller, and Song Huai didn't want to see them flirting anymore, so he flew away.

On the other side, a man who looked like a hawker quickly passed through the market, and then pretended to be a food delivery person and entered the Zhenguo Mansion.

"I have seen the prince."

"They're out of town?"


"Keep watching."

"Yes, my subordinates obey."

Just as the secret guard dressed as a hawker was about to leave, Liu Huaijin stopped him again, "Did you find anyone else during your surveillance?"

The secret guard nodded and explained the situation in detail. Liu Huaijin immediately laughed when he heard Jin Se's last words.

He asked the secret guards to step back, then changed his clothes and went out.

He got the news, and the emperor should have got the news as well. He had to go to the palace quickly to tell His Highness the good news.

In the palace, after the dead soldier Jin Se's words about "not wanting to return to the palace again" were repeated verbatim, the emperor became furious and issued several decrees one after another.

Since Jinse no longer wants to be his daughter or return to the palace, then let her get her wish, deprive her of the title of princess, and cancel her treatment as a super princess. From now on, the palace door will always be closed to her, and she will no longer be able to Half a step into the palace gate.The eunuch in charge did not dare to waste a moment and quickly passed on this decree.

Upon hearing the news, the imperial concubine, who was still in confinement, ran to the emperor desperately to intercede for Jinse.

A few days ago, she wished she had never given birth to a daughter like Jinse, a white-eyed wolf with an elbow turned outward and who never knew how to understand her. What use would she have for a daughter like this?
But she also knew the fundamental reason why she had been favored for so many years.

No matter how selfish Jinse is by nature, no matter how bad her temper, no matter how considerate and considerate she is, she is still her daughter, who was born during her ten-month pregnancy. .

If Jinse is really deposed as a princess and no longer enjoys any privileges from His Majesty, and cannot even enter the palace, then they, mother and daughter, are really finished!
The imperial concubine broke into the palace against the order, and the palace people tried their best to stop her. In the end, the imperial concubine and Jinse used the same trick. They both pointed sharp weapons at their own necks to threaten the lowly palace officials.

The difference is that Jinse uses a short sword, while the imperial concubine uses a hairpin.

The imperial concubine threatened her with death, and no one dared to block the way. The imperial concubine then traveled smoothly and came to the angry emperor.

She knew that the emperor was afraid of being a "god", so she once again mentioned that Jinse was the reincarnation of the goddess of heaven. She thought she was implicitly hinting to the emperor that Jinse was a person in heaven. If Jinse was humiliated in the world, God would definitely punish the world.

The emperor who promulgated the decree was the first to bear the brunt.

She thought that by saying this, the emperor was afraid that God would punish him, so he would take a step back and take back his life, and then Jinse would be safe.

However, the emperor was like a firecracker filled with gunpowder. Before she even finished her words, the emperor had already exploded.

"God? Condemn?"

The emperor looked at the imperial concubine with a ferocious smile, "I am the emperor on earth, who dares to punish me?"

She had never seen the emperor like this before. The imperial concubine was frightened on the spot. Before she could step back, a cold light flashed in front of her eyes, and the sound of a sword being unsheathed rang in her ears.

Severe pain came from her shoulder, and the imperial concubine realized that the emperor was holding a sword in his hand, and the sword cut straight down and pierced into her shoulder.

The imperial concubine tilted her head slightly, and from the corner of her eye, she could only see that half of her shoulders were stained red with blood.

Your Majesty wants to kill her?

Your Majesty actually wants to kill her?

This thought almost scared the imperial concubine to death. When she looked at the emperor, there was no trace of love or dependence in her eyes, only the most intense fear.

The emperor quietly admired the scared look on the imperial concubine's face, and then slowly raised his hand to take out the sword.

But the blade of the sword was already pierced into the bone. He tried to take it out, but instead stirred the blade, causing the blade to pierce deeper.

The severe pain made the imperial concubine temporarily forget her fear and hesitation. Her eyes were soft and sad, staring straight at the emperor, and she called out to your majesty in a low voice.

The emperor sneered, and after having enough fun, he pulled out his sword.

The imperial concubine could no longer bear the pain and fell backwards.

The emperor stretched out his hand, and the eunuch in charge immediately gave him a clean cloth.

He picked up the cloth, wiped the blood on the sword elegantly, and casually issued an order:

"Abolish the position of the Mei family's noble concubine and relegate her to the cold palace; abolish the position of Princess Jinse and demote her to a commoner; in the case of the Mei family, the evidence is conclusive, and the ten clans will be punished..."

After hearing this, the imperial concubine fainted and died.

The emperor didn't even look at the person beside his bed who had always been so kind to him in the past, leaving only a ferocious and cold profile to everyone.

"Don't let her die before I am punished by heaven."

So he wanted him to be punished by God, so he gave Mei this opportunity to live and see with her own eyes whether God would punish him.

But it won't take long for her to know that "death" to her is something further away than God's sin against the Xi Kingdom and him, the emperor.

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