After transmigrating into the villain's daughter, I lie down and win

Chapter 664 The Daily Life of Xianxiawen Eating Melons and Farming

Chapter 664 The Daily Life of Xianxiawen Eating Melons and Farming (40)


“It was amazing!”

"They say it's better to come early than to come in time. I didn't expect that I would stumble into such a wonderful drama."

Song Huai stood at the door of the main hall, looking at the palace servants who were obviously scared to death but pretending that nothing happened, kneeling on the ground and wiping the blood, a hint of sarcasm flashed across his face.

The six realms called him crazy, cruel, vicious, and worthy of death. Probably because they had never seriously understood the human world.

When the emperor was angry, he buried millions of corpses and bleed thousands of miles.

And the Mei family who shed blood this time are the ones who truly display the despicable cruelty, viciousness, and cruelty of human nature to the fullest. They are worthy of punishing the ten clans.

But in his opinion, the emperor of the Xi Kingdom, the good father in Jin Yan's mouth, was not cruel enough. He should not let the Mei family die so happily. He should issue an edict to let the Mei family die with a sigh of relief. They cannot die or live, they can only die and wake up again and again in the torture that is worse than death, until one day they really die.


Good daddy?
This emperor seemed to have never mentioned Jin Yan's name from beginning to end!
Song Huai immediately didn't care whether the Mei family died immediately or repeatedly. He was about to find someone to inquire about it, but was attracted by the familiar atmosphere and came all the way to the East Palace.

In the hall, Liu Huaijin said: "Your Highness, the Mei family and Jinse were deposed, and the Mei family was executed. This is a good thing. Why is Your Highness not happy to see it?"

The prince walked to the window, looked at the dark clouds in the distant sky and said, "The Mei family and the Mei family are nothing to be afraid of. Even if we don't take action, His Majesty will not tolerate the Mei family for too long."

"Then what are you worried about, Your Highness? Jinse?" Liu Huaijin also came to the window and stood side by side with the prince.

The prince shook his head, "Jin Se is stupid and brainless, and there is nothing to worry about. The only thing he cares about is the man in white who suddenly appeared next to Jin Se and behaved like a ghost."

Liu Huaijin: "Your Highness is afraid that that person will affect the future situation?"

Prince: "More than that."

Judging from the news from the secret guard, the man came and went without a trace, and used some techniques that were very similar to those used by the national master. It can be said that his skills have reached a state of perfection.

The Imperial Master also said that the origin of Jinse is indeed extraordinary.

So he suspected that the man in white was Jinse's old acquaintance in heaven.

Judging from some details of the two people's time together, I'm afraid the relationship between the two is much closer than that of old acquaintances.

"What are you worried about, Your Highness?" Liu Huaijin asked.

Prince: "I'm just wondering whether Jinse's reincarnation is destiny or whether it's related to the man in white."

After a pause, he pursed his lips slightly, with a cold look in his eyes, "If it's the latter, then Jinse happened to be born on the day my sister was born. Is it also related to my sister's fate? And the fate approved by Qin Tianjian for my sister Ge, is it God's will, or has someone changed God's will?"

Liu Huaijin's brain suddenly understood the prince's worries.

If Jinse's reincarnation, or in other words, the man in white was the mastermind behind his reincarnation, then why did he choose to have Jinse and Yan Yan be born on the same day and at the same time?

Is that the right time for Jinse to be reincarnated, or can they gain something from this?

For example, sister Jin Yan was judged to be unlucky when she was born. Is her "unlucky" a will from God or man-made?
At this moment, Liu Huaijin's heart also surged with overwhelming anger and resentment.

If it's the latter, why?
Just because they are immortals, just because they have powerful magic powers, just because they think they are superior to others, can they arbitrarily change the fate of a mortal?
Sister Jinyan is so innocent!

You could hear needles dropping in the main hall. On the tree outside the main hall, Song Huai was sitting lazily on the branch. He looked at the window with two figures, a flash of appreciation on his face.

It turns out that he is Jin Yan's brother who is related by blood. No wonder there is Jin Yan's aura here.

Jin Yan is very smart, and this prince is not bad either. He reacts very quickly. He is much better than the "good father" that Jin Yan calls him.

However, even a broken grass can be protected by the God of War. Although his daughter, Jin Yan, does not recognize him now, he has identified Jin Yan as his daughter and will not let anyone bully Jin Yan.

Neither can God.Especially a god like Yu Tian who is sanctimonious but aloof!

Qixia Mirror.

Wan Jiang was killing the chicken, but the chicken escaped without catching him. He held a knife in one hand and waved at the old hen with the other, but after waving for a long time, he couldn't make the old hen, who was running away desperately, look back at him.

So he found himself a foreign aid.

He had dragged the miracle doctor here, and he had been chasing him for a long time in the hospital, but he still found nothing.

Jin Yan was woken up not long after she fell asleep. She scratched her hair irritably. Her beautiful bun suddenly became messy, but there was a kind of messy beauty.

"Your Highness, did I wake you up?" Wan Jiang said apologetically.

Jin Yan sat down on the rocking chair. She gently raised her tired eyelids, glanced at a person, a ghost and a chicken, and said feebly: "I heard chickens and dogs jumping in the yard. I came out to see what happened. What."

Wan Jiang: "Dog? Where are the dogs?"

Divine doctor: "..."

The miracle doctor who had insight into everything shook his head helplessly. It seemed that Her Royal Highness's resentment at this moment was really deep.


After staying up for two days and two nights, I finally fell asleep and took a nap. I was woken up less than a quarter of an hour later, and it was impossible for anyone to be without resentment.

If he were His Highness, Wan Jiang would have been poisoned by now.

Although those ordinary poisons could not cause real harm to Wan Jiang, he had to take revenge as soon as possible to satisfy his addiction to revenge.

Wan Jiang was still looking for the dog there, muttering "How could there be a dog in Qixiajing?" when Jin Yan, who was so sleepy and yawning over there, had already taken action.

She casually picked up a red bean on the table and threw it gently. The small and exquisite red bean shot out like an arrow from a string.

No one could see Hong Dou's trajectory clearly, and the chicken who hid in the forest died suddenly without even making a sound before he died.

The miracle doctor kicked Wan Jiang and said, "Don't be stupid, I really can't find it. There is a lot of water in the water garden. You will know if you go and take a photo."

As expected, the honest man Wan Jiang went to Shuiting.

He looked at the clear water in the courtyard for a long time, walking back and forth, still looking puzzled, "Miracle doctor, where is the dog?"

The miracle doctor rolled his eyes and said angrily: "The dog has made itself stupid. Just leave the dog alone and chop up the chicken."

Wan Jiang paused, "By the way, I haven't caught the chicken yet!"

The miracle doctor was so angry that he blew his beard and stared, "You don't need to catch me, they are all dead."

Wan Jiang asked again: "How did you die?"

The miracle doctor was completely speechless. He was unable to face Wan Jiang again. He just said "you are stupid" and ran away.

On the water court, Cheng Ying appeared at some point and gently covered Jin Yan with a white cloak.

Noticing that the corners of Jin Yan's lips were slightly raised, he said softly: "Your Highness, you can laugh if you want, don't hold back."

Jin Yan reluctantly opened one eye.

She is a professional when it comes to holding back laughter.

But Wan Jiang is so funny sometimes hahahaha~
(End of this chapter)

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