After transmigrating into the villain's daughter, I lie down and win

Chapter 665 The Daily Life of Xianxiawen Eating Melons and Farming

Chapter 665 The Daily Life of Xianxiawen Eating Melons and Farming (41)

Jin Yan sat on the rocking chair for a while and soon began to doze off again.

Chengying: "No one is making any noise, you can go in and sleep."

Jin Yan shook his head, "Forget it, we have to eat soon, and I won't be able to sleep well."

Just as he was talking, A'luo came back, carrying two chickens and a basket full of eggs and radishes.

"Look at these things, Aunt Liu asked An An to give them to me. We are all exhausted in the past two days, so we can all replenish our bodies."

After A'luo finished speaking, he asked strangely: "Your Highness, why don't you go to sleep in the house?"

"Can't sleep..."

"Woke up."

Jinyan and Chengying spoke at the same time, and Arao immediately understood what was going on.

"Princess, just wait, I will avenge you."

After saying that, Aluo went straight to the kitchen. After a while, the sound of chickens and dogs jumping could be heard in the kitchen again.

Jin Yan glanced at Chengying, "Do you really want to see Wan Jiang get beaten?"

Chengying: "He should be beaten."

But Wan Jiang's soul is too weak. If he takes action, Wan Jiang will be seriously injured even if he doesn't use any force.

Jin Yan was a little helpless. Thinking of something, he grabbed Chengying's hand and looked at it carefully.

When they were rescuing people last night, it was clear that a flash flood had already broken out, but some people just didn't believe in evil and refused to listen to advice. They refused to leave their homes. In order to successfully transfer those people, Chengying spent a lot of effort.

Without the use of demon power or martial arts, neither Yanran nor Aluo could fight against those strong men as strong as cattle. Only Chengying could subdue those men effortlessly.

But it's just a uniform.

After discovering that Chengying would not hurt anyone, some people became emboldened and punched and kicked Chengying to vent their resentment at having their crops in their homes flooded and forced to move.

When she saw it, she asked Chengying to knock the man unconscious to scare the monkeys. As expected, there were less troubles later.

But the situation was urgent and she didn't have time to care whether Chengying was injured.

Looking at the bruises on the back of Chengying's hands and wrists, Jin Yan said dullly, "I should give the order for you to kill that person."

After hearing this, Chengying shook his head. He squatted down and placed his hands on the armrests of the rocking chair. From another angle, it looked like he was hugging Jin Yan.

He looked straight into Jin Yan's eyes, his eyes gentle and tolerant, "You won't. You are the princess of Xi Kingdom. They are the people of Xi Kingdom and your people. They have not committed any damnable crime. You won't." Will kill them."

Even if she never grew up in the palace for a day, and even if Emperor Xi never recognized her as his daughter, the fact that Jin Yan was the princess of Xi Kingdom could not change the fact.

She saw how difficult people's livelihood was at a very young age, so she became involved with the people at the foot of the mountain, teaching them farming techniques, helping them improve their farm tools, teaching them how to fertilize, and how to breed, so that they no longer have to worry about their livelihood.

Over the years, what she has done has always been to strengthen the country and enrich the people, not to bully the weak and kill innocent people indiscriminately.

Chengying didn't use any gorgeous words, but his words were more sincere than all the compliments.

Jin Yan couldn't stand his pious and sincere eyes. She coughed and shifted her gaze to Cheng Ying's neck, "You think of me too well."

"Your Highness is the best." Chengying said.

Before he could hear Jin Yan's voice, he looked down and found Jin Yan staring blankly at his Adam's apple.

Chengying was stunned, and for some reason his ears suddenly burned.

"Don't move." Jin Yan said suddenly.

Chengying was slightly puzzled, "Your Highness, I didn't move."

Jin Yan reached out and pressed her fingers on his Adam's apple, "I said, don't move it."

As soon as she finished speaking, Chengying's Adam's apple slipped from her hands.

Chengying's ears turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye.

He coughed uncomfortably, and just when he was about to speak, Jin Yan had already retracted his hand. Without the wonderful touch, his Adam's apple became hot uncontrollably.

Jin Yan lay back on the rocking chair. She still looked at Chengying and said with a smile, "It turns out there are things you can't control."

Chengying was speechless for a moment.

What he couldn't control wasn't just his Adam's apple.

Suddenly there was a cough from the side.

The two of them turned around and saw A'luo standing opposite the water court with a strange smile. They didn't know how long they had been here.

"What's wrong?" Jin Yan asked.

A'luo hesitated slightly, thought for a while, and then said: "The vixen sent news that the common people were making trouble again, saying that they believed our words and came down from the mountain. Now a flash flood has broken out and flooded their homes and land. They have no homes and no crops, so we have to compensate them for their losses, help them build houses and give them money until the crops are harvested next year.”

Jin Yan: "Is there any more?"

Aluo: "A few of them were injured because they were not transferred in time. It is said that it was because we disliked the poor and loved the rich, so we notified the families living down the mountain first, but failed to notify them in time and failed to protect them in time, so they were injured. If they are injured, in addition to building a house and giving them money, we have to pay for their medicine until they recover.”

Jin Yan yawned, "Is that all?"

A'luo paused and glanced at Chengying first. Chengying immediately realized that what she was about to say was not simple.

"What's wrong? Can't you tell me?" Jin Yan said.

Aluo: "This is the most outrageous. His son got typhoid when he was young. The failure to treat him in time left the root of the disease. He has been stammering and can't see in one eye. But their family has land and money, so he They arranged to marry their son, but this time it rained and the family refused to move. As a result, the house collapsed and the money was washed away by the flood. Their son was also injured in the leg by the collapsed beam and was paralyzed. The betrothed family turned against each other on the spot and disowned the marriage. He said..."


A cold light flashed.

A'luo was shocked and stopped. She looked over subconsciously, and sure enough, Chengying's sword had been unsheathed.

This is going to kill.

Jin Yan: "Keep talking."

After that, she held Chengying's hand again and inserted the sword into the scabbard.

Seeing that Jin Yan didn't seem to be affected, Ah Rao said: "On the basis of what those people just said, they are also demanding that His Highness give them a daughter-in-law. It is best that His Highness can marry into their family."

In fact, the couple first looked at her and the vixen from head to toe with disdain and contempt. Although the couple were not good people, they had really good eyesight. They could tell at a glance that the vixen looked coquettish and scolded her for being too coquettish. He said that both of them were a bit promiscuous and not worthy of their son.

Later, he said that His Highness's body is delicate and frail, which may not be good for the heirs.

After all kinds of picky and weighing interests, the woman from that family finally spoke up and said in a charitable tone that they could be aggrieved and allow His Highness to marry into their family.

After all, His Highness is smart and generous, and he is their master. If you marry His Highness, you will get two beautiful maids and a generous dowry.

As for His Highness's body, let him be weak. He will need to be recuperated so that he can continue the family lineage.

(End of this chapter)

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