After transmigrating into the villain's daughter, I lie down and win

Chapter 671 The Daily Life of Xianxiawen Eating Melons and Farming

In order to save the refugees, Shen Chen specially asked people to set up a temporary office space where the refugees were concentrated to facilitate him to deal with the refugees in the city.

Except for a few very formal matters that need to be carried out in formal occasions like the county government office, he basically handles all other matters, large and small, here.

After he gave the order, the Yamen servant immediately went out to deliver the message.

What about people?

After going out, Jinse and Ling Tianyu were not found, so the yamen officer asked other people. When he found Jinse and Ling Tianyu, Jinse was complaining, "It's so slow. You can't handle such small things. No wonder you can only do A government official!"

Yamen servant: "..."

After Jin Se finished speaking, he scolded Shen Chen again, "These people are starving to death. We don't even give them anything to eat. They don't even let them drink more white porridge. I don't know how this county magistrate works. There is such a thing." Officer, no wonder this place is so poor!"

Yamen servant: "..."

Sure enough, he is someone who has never been hungry.

Once you have really been hungry, you will know that you must not eat too much at this time. Otherwise, it may hurt your stomach and make you sick, or you may lose your life.

The officer was about to reason when Jinse said again, "If I hadn't been in the capital now, I would have complained to my father and had this county magistrate pulled down and beheaded!"

But Ling Tianyu didn't say anything, and always looked at her with helpless and doting eyes.

Hearing Jin Se say "Father" repeatedly, the Yamen servant felt a little nervous, but the words Jin Se said made him suppress the fear in his heart. He stepped forward directly and said Chen Chen's words intact. .

"My lord has said that pretending to be a princess is a capital offense, so please stop it in moderation to avoid getting killed."

Jinse was so angry after hearing this, "Pretending to be a princess? This princess is Princess Zixia, why do you pretend to be so? Why should I pretend to be myself? Huh! He, a small county magistrate, is disobeying the decree and not coming out. It’s enough to meet this princess, does he want to kill her?"

Along the way, they also stopped in several places, but when the officials in those places heard the name "Princess Zixia", they knelt down and kowtowed to her, arranged food and accommodation, and paid tribute to her. This is the first time that silver jewelry has been looked down upon like this.

She couldn't swallow this breath, so she said to the yamen officer: "What is your county magistrate's name? Tell him, if he comes to pick up my princess quickly, I will still think that God will spare his life for the sake of good life." , but if he doesn’t know the so-called good deeds and refuses to correct his mistakes, then don’t blame this princess for being ruthless!”

"Girl, our magistrate is busy with official duties..."

"Official affairs are busy, how busy are you? Can you be busier than the emperor on the throne? The emperor will put aside all other affairs for the sake of this princess. Even if it is an urgent border report that has been expedited for eight hundred miles, the emperor can handle it later, let alone him. A small county magistrate, could it be that the affairs of these untouchables are more important than this princess?"

Before the yamen officer could speak, an old man not far away who was slowly feeding his grandson porridge suddenly spoke.

"Just now, the girl blamed these government servants for not giving us food. Why do you want us untouchables to die now?"

"Do untouchables not deserve to live?"

"Isn't the matter of untouchables nothing?"

After the old man spoke, Jinse was stunned for a moment, "Bold! Presumptuous! Who are you, how dare you be disrespectful to this princess!"

The old man raised his head and looked blankly in the direction of Jinse with his cloudy eyes. Only then did everyone realize that his eyes seemed to be blind.

After just one glance, he lowered his head again and looked at his little grandson in his arms.

Everyone only saw that he had been feeding the child porridge, and then they realized that the porridge had not entered the child's stomach at all, but had slipped from the corners of his mouth and stood on the child's neck.

Looking at the child again, his face was pale and lifeless, his lips were chapped, and his eyes were closed tightly. It was obvious that he was no longer alive at all.

The old man couldn't see it, but he skillfully put his hand on the child's head. He gently stroked the little chirp on the child's head with his palm.

When everyone thought that he was frightened by Jin Se's identity and did not dare to speak again, he spoke again. "A dying pariah."

This is the old man's answer.

Then he talked to himself again.

"I have three sons and one daughter. The eldest son joined the army and died in the war; the second son farmed and was forced by the county to dig jade stones for the county magistrate to honor Princess Zixia, and was buried in the mountains; the youngest daughter was killed by a wealthy businessman. The young master forcibly took him away, and he was tortured to death within three days."

"San'er went to seek justice for my poor daughter and sued the government. Unexpectedly, the county magistrate and the wealthy businessman were relatives. They colluded and beat my little girl to death."

"Natural disasters continue, my home is destroyed by floods, and there is no grain harvest. The county government says that the court has not allocated disaster relief money, and the county magistrate does not allow untouchables to enter the county. My poor old woman, two daughters-in-law, and eldest granddaughter The sick will die of illness, and the hungry will die.”

"I only have this single seedling left, and now I am starving to death."

"The old man only has one life and one head. If Your Highness the Princess wants my head and this life, just take it."

"It's too late, it's hard."

Just as the old man finished speaking, he suddenly stopped moving.

Someone noticed something unusual and immediately went forward to check. Before his fingers touched the old man's nose, the old man fell straight to the side.

The old man died suddenly.

There was no residual heat on his body, and his body immediately became hard.

It was as if he didn't die at this moment at all, but had died a long time ago.

But even if he died, he still held his little grandson tightly with both hands and did not let his poor little grandson get hurt.

At this time, a gray-haired old doctor staggered over. He squatted down, checked the pulses of the grandfather and grandson, and then shook his head with a heavy face.

The grandfather and grandson should have "died" a long time ago. It is simply a miracle that they can survive until now.


I don't know who shouted, "Your Highness, the old man is skinny and hard. His head is not easy to chop. My neck is soft. If you want to behead, chop mine!"

As soon as he finished speaking, all the "untouchables" around him looked at Jinse.

There was suspicion, fear, disdain and hatred in their eyes. What they looked at most was endless unspeakable hatred.

Jinse had witnessed this look with his own eyes when he was in the capital, and it could even be said that he remembered it vividly.

That was when the old beggar asked her why those soldiers died guarding the border and why his eyes and legs were injured.

But now, these lowly people looked at her with the same eyes, as if she had killed this old man!
"You untouchables, come here and take them..."

Jinse was furious. She wanted to pull down all these people and kill them, but before she could say anything, her hand was held by Ling Tianyu.

Ling Tianyu shook his head gently, signaling her not to speak again.

These common people, hungry and cold due to natural disasters, went through hardships and fled here to survive, not to die.

If Sesu changes his words again, he may anger these people and the situation will be out of control.

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