After transmigrating into the villain's daughter, I lie down and win

Chapter 672 The Daily Life of Xianxiawen Eating Melons and Farming

There were too many people fleeing, and countless people died every day. Everyone had long been accustomed to all kinds of dead people, but the death of the grandfather and grandson still gave everyone a heavy blow.

The yamen officer reported the matter to Shen Chen. When Shen Chen heard this, he frowned and said, "Why didn't you report it before?"

As he spoke, he hurriedly walked out.

When he went out, most of the people surrounding the grandfather and grandson had dispersed, but there were a few more things around them.

There are steamed buns as hard as stone, rough-carved birds, writing brushes broken into two parts, and tattered clothes...

These things were worthless, tattered, and had no use value, but they were their treasures, and they left these treasures to their deceased grandfather and grandson.

After Chen Chen came out and looked at this scene, his heart felt as heavy as a mountain, depressed and furious.

He stood in front of his grandfather and grandson for a long time before asking, "Where is Princess Zixia?"

The yamen servant was stunned, and looked up at Shen Chen. After confirming that he heard correctly, he immediately lowered his head pretending not to know anything.

"Sir, when I came to find you, they were still here. Maybe they saw that the situation was not right, so they left." said the Yamen servant.

Chen Chen: "Does anyone know this old man?"

The officer shook his head.

Chen Chen: "Ask about the old man's name and ancestral home, and send someone to investigate the unjust cases that the old man mentioned."

"grown ups……"

The yamen officer wants to say that there are enough things going on now, should we still go across counties to investigate cases and redress injustices?
But it's not like they adults have never done this kind of thing, even if they are retaliated against every time, and they are isolated and excluded by other counties every time.

Chen Chen: "After finding out the origin of the old man, give them a good burial."

Yamen servant: "Yes."

Other government officials came to Chen Chen and said they had something important to report.

Chen Chen asked the man to wait, and then said: "Princess Zixia is in the palace, but there are some people who are bold enough to use the princess's orders to force the people to death, which has caused people's resentment to boil. The situation will inevitably expand and have a bad impact. This palace will deal with it as soon as possible. Please arrange for some people to spread the word about someone pretending to be Her Royal Highness, so that no one will be deceived."

Yamen: "...Yes."

The woman's behavior became more and more like the favored and lawless Princess Zixia.

Adults can't fail to see it.

But why, sir...

The yamen servant couldn't figure out Chen Chen's intention, but he didn't dare to delay the matter. After Shen Chen finished speaking, he immediately went to do the work.

But what Jinse said here had already been spread by the people they rescued, and there was no need for them, the government servants, to do anything.


Ling Tianyu took Jinse and left the county.

Jinse didn't say a word along the way. After stopping in a deserted place in the wild, Ling Tianyu said helplessly: "Sese..."

"Brother Tianyu, do you think I did something wrong?" Jinse looked at Ling Tianyu, feeling extremely aggrieved.

What did she do wrong?

Those untouchables blamed her and hated her, and brother Tianyu didn't help her.

Ling Tianyu was heartbroken and was about to touch Jinse's face to comfort her, but Jinse threw her head to the side.

He had no choice but to say: "Sese, you grew up in the palace and were loved by thousands of people. Everyone around you pampered you, which made you develop such an innocent and ignorant temperament..."

"You mean I'm not good enough like this?" Jinse became increasingly unhappy.Isn’t it bad to be innocent?
Isn’t it bad to be ignorant of the world?
She was a princess, the apple of her father's and mother's concubine's eye. She was born with endless wealth and glory. From childhood, except for the fact that the prince's brother didn't like her, there was nothing that could bother her.

Does she still have to think about why those untouchables can't survive?
Seeing that she was angry again, Ling Tianyu shook his head and said: "It's not a bad thing. You are pure and innocent by nature. It is good that you can always maintain your innocent nature, but there are rules for how the world operates in the world. You must learn it when you are in it. Just adapt..."

Jinse immediately said: "I don't want it, I don't want to adapt, I don't want to learn those so-called etiquette, I don't want to be bound by those rules and regulations!"

Ling Tianyu sighed again.

Looking at Jinse who was still angry, he suddenly felt unsure whether his original decision was a good or bad one.

Jin Se had no idea what Ling Tianyu was thinking. When she saw that Ling Tianyu didn't coax her in time, she started acting coquettishly and making trouble again.

What happened next was as she wished.

In order to coax her and make her happy, Ling Tianyu would obey her no matter what she said. Even when Jinse asked him to kill the untouchables that she hated, he complied.

But at this moment, a thunder suddenly sounded in the sky.

Ling Tianyu's expression changed, and he instantly looked up to the sky.

Jinse was startled, and in the next life she threw herself into Ling Tianyu's arms and hugged him. Her voice trembled, "Brother Tianyu, this thunder is so scary, it seems like it is right above my head."

Ling Tianyu's expression was sharp, but his hand gently patted Jinse's back, "Don't be afraid, I'm here."

Just after he finished speaking, there was a mocking laugh not far away, followed by three more clapping sounds.

Jinse looked up and saw a man dressed in black standing not far away but couldn't see what his face looked like. She tugged on Ling Tianyu's clothes in fear, "Brother Tianyu, there's a ghost! There's a ghost! "

Ling Tianyu knew who it was from the moment he heard the laughter.

He let go of Jinse and turned to look at the person, "Why are you here?"

Song Huai sneered, "I should be asking you this, fighting openly..."

Ling Tianyu raised his hand and covered his sleeves, setting up a barrier that was completely isolated from the outside world. He looked worriedly at Jinse who was in a daze, "Are you scared?"

Jinse: "Brother Tianyu, that figure..."

Ling Tianyu explained, "He is someone I know. I have something to say with him. You can stay here with peace of mind and wait for me to come back..."

Jinse held his arm tightly and shook his head: "No, I'm afraid. Brother Tianyu, don't leave me. I only have you now, don't leave me!"

Ling Tianyu said softly: "I will not abandon you. That person is my enemy. I have a life-and-death relationship with him. If you follow me, I am afraid that you will be accidentally injured and stay here. I can feel relieved."

Jinse still held on to him, she sobbed and said, "Then you swear, you swear you will never leave me, never want me!"

Ling Tianyu couldn't refuse, so he had to swear, "Heaven and earth are proof, I will never abandon Sese, and I will never give up Se..."


Another thunderclap.

Ling Tianyu's expression darkened, and his face had darkened.

Jinse couldn't hear the sound outside, and seeing Ling Tianyu's bad expression, she thought he was unhappy with his swearing, so he got angry again, "Okay, let's go, I heard your swearing."


"You hurry up or I won't let you go."

"Good, I'll be back soon."

Ling Tianyu left the barrier, looked at the person opposite with an expressionless face, and asked sternly, "Song Huai, why are you in the human world, and what conspiracy are you plotting?"

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