After transmigrating into the villain's daughter, I lie down and win

Chapter 685 The Daily Life of Xianxiawen Eating Melons and Farming

Yutian failed to escape from Chengying's sword, and Jinse was still trapped in the fear of being haunted by ghosts. At this time, the people sent by the emperor to deliver gifts arrived outside the city.

The scene in front of me is a little unusual, but people who have been working in the palace all year round have long been used to seeing all kinds of big scenes, and have developed a super strong heart, so even if they see Cheng Ying holding his sword across the seemingly god people's necks, and there was no reaction on their faces.

But that was just a blank expression, and the shock in their hearts was beyond what they could describe.

The gift-giving team passed through the center of the Forbidden Army as if there were no one around, passing by Chengying and Yutian. They didn't even look at Jinse, who was stunned on the spot, and went straight to the city gate.

The emperor's servant, who was reminded by Chen Chen of Jin Yan's location, had come down from the city and trotted to lead everyone to the tree where Jin Yan was.

"Slave sees Her Royal Highness the Princess!"

The emperor's attendants knelt down, the guards who were escorting the gold and silver jewelry and the imperial guards who were watching the battle all knelt down and shouted in unison, "See you, Your Highness!"

The shocking voice brought Jinse back to reality from fear.

She just said "flat body" when she saw Jin Yan, wearing a green dress, flying down from the tallest tree.

Landing with her, there were two very beautiful women with somewhat coquettish and charming manners, but their appearance was not at the same level as Jin Yan.

Jin Se stared at Jin Yan blankly, thinking that this was the evil spirit that had not been killed, and thinking that this man had taken everything that belonged to her and was still hiding in the tree watching her jokes.

She was furious and wanted to have Jin Yan killed, but the eunuch guards who had obeyed her orders now knelt respectfully in front of Jin Yan.

Not far away, Jin Yan motioned to everyone, "Everyone, get up."

Everyone thanked them and stood up. The emperor's attendants knelt down again and said, "Your Majesty, Your Majesty knows that Her Majesty is considerate of the people and saves all peoples, and has specially ordered us to send gold and silver to Her Majesty to show support. This is the list. Also, Please take a look at it, Your Highness the Princess."

A'luo immediately went over and took the booklet from the waiter. She glanced at it briefly and was shocked.

On this list, the gold to be given to Jin Yan and the finance for the people are separate, but the amounts are both staggering.

The emperor was suddenly so generous. Could it be that he sent all the money that was originally used to celebrate the birthday of the fake princess here?

Jin Yan didn't care about anything else. She only looked at the data. Although the emperor's character was not very good, he was quite generous with his actions.

After reading it, Jin Yan said: "If you give me so much money at once, you won't empty out the treasury, right?"

The attendant said cautiously: "Your Majesty, don't worry, most of these properties came from your Majesty's private treasury, and the national treasury is currently full..."

Jin Yan pretended to be surprised, "Does the treasury actually have money? I thought the treasury had been empty a long time ago. Otherwise, why would these county magistrates keep complaining about their poverty? It's not that they are hard-hearted and don't care about the lives of the people. In fact, the imperial court has not allocated any relief at all. silver."

The Emperor's Attendant: "..."

He dared not take it.

Several county magistrates: "..."

If they had known earlier that this woman with so many experts around her without a trace was the princess of the dynasty, how could they have turned away Her Highness, and how could they have refused Her Highness's order?

It seems that this princess was not a princess before!
Even if they knew the identity of Her Royal Highness the Princess, they would probably make the same choice.

The past cannot be forgotten, what matters is how they survive in the present.

Several county magistrates frowned. Before they could think of how to explain, the emperor's servant said coldly: "Your Highness, these people deceived the superiors and concealed the truth, ignored the disaster and treated the lives of the people as nothing, causing the people to be displaced and starving to death all over the ground. The people's resentment is boiling, they deserve death, please forgive me, Princess!"

Jin Yan listened and nodded, "What you said makes sense..."

The emperor's servant's ears twitched, and he was about to have these people pushed down and beheaded when he heard Jin Yan say: "It's not a pity for them to die, but the living are much more useful than the dead. Send a few people to follow them. In the new county Before Ling Lai took office, they also handled the affairs of each county, and arranged a few people to check the accounts, collect all the people's fat and money that they had embezzled during their reign, and return it to the people."

The attendant said respectfully, "Yes, I have remembered this. What other instructions does His Highness have?" Jin Yan said, "You are serving as servants in the palace, so you should know a lot of punishments, right?"

The attendant didn't know why and nodded hesitantly.

The punishments he was most familiar with had been experienced countless times before he climbed to this position.

Jin Yan: "Give them some punishment, but don't kill them. The dam has just begun to be built, many people's livelihood facilities are still being planned, and the construction of various workshops has not yet begun. There are still many things I want to do that I have not done, and they are lacking. It’s manpower, if they die, who will work for me for free?”

Thinking of something, Jin Yan added: "It doesn't matter if you die. I got a book of ancient medical skills before, which records in detail the operation process of heart, lung, stomach and blood transfusion. But what does the human body look like after being cut open? I've never seen them before. If they die because they can't bear the punishment, they can be used for my dissection, and they can be considered waste."

The Emperor's Attendant: "..."

Several county magistrates: "..."

Song Huai and Fuyao were stunned for a moment when they heard this, and then shook their heads helplessly.

This is something Jin Yan can do.

Several county magistrates were scared to death.

But the servant's mind was spinning very quickly, "I have remembered everything His Highness told me. I have a suggestion. If His Highness is short of manpower, why not report it to Your Majesty and bring the most heinous prisoners on death row here?"

Jin Yan glanced at the attendant and said, "Yes, you have a very flexible mind. What is your name?"

Attendant: "Back to Your Highness, my servant Wang Fu."

Jin Yan: "The idea you mentioned is very good. In this way, you can write a memorial for me and have it sent to the capital as quickly as possible."

Wang Fu: "Yes, I obey."

Jin Yan: "Get up, it's such a pity. I heard that 1000 people in the Mei family are all dead. It's such a pity."

Not far away, Jinse was so angry that his eyes were on fire.

Wang Fu thought that Jin Yan was regretting the loss of a thousand slaves. He was about to comfort her when he heard her say: "It's such a pity. It's so easy to die. Not many people have experienced the pain of being killed by them." How can they realize that they are scum, how can they realize their mistakes, given the pain that people have suffered.”

Wang Fu: "..."

Jin Yan looked at him, "Our Majesty is too kind, isn't he?"

Wang Fu: "..."

Forbidden Army: "..."

It was indeed a bit too easy for the Mei family to die.

But how did Her Royal Highness connect Her Majesty with the word "mercy"?

Suddenly, someone's soul is blessed.

Your Majesty's murder was a one-shot kill.

His Highness's murder was murder and heart-wrenching.

Compared with Her Royal Highness the Princess's methods, Your Majesty may actually be a little merciful.

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