After transmigrating into the villain's daughter, I lie down and win

Chapter 686 The Daily Life of Xianxiawen Eating Melons and Farming

After arranging things, Jin Yan was about to leave when Jin Se suddenly rushed over.

Wang Fu shouted: "Protect His Highness!"

The guards nearby reacted quickly, raising their knives and facing Jinse, blocking her at the periphery.

Wang Fu stood up and walked towards Jinse, scolding coldly: "How dare you be disrespectful to Her Royal Highness the Princess!"

Jinse's eyes were scarlet, and his face was full of anger and hatred, "I am the princess, she is an evil spirit, what kind of princess is she..."

"Come here, slap the mouth!" Wang Fu ordered.

Before the guard could take action, he saw Jinse's head swinging to both sides uncontrollably as if someone had slapped him.

Wang Fu and the imperial army were stunned for a moment. They did not make a move, but Jinse's movements were indeed a dodge only after being slapped.

It was as if there was an invisible person standing next to Jinse and slapping her.

They remembered Jinse's weird behavior before. She said there was a ghost, she said she was haunted by a ghost...

It turned out that Jinse was not shouting randomly, but there was really a ghost.

After being slapped a dozen times in a row, Jinse's head slowly stopped swinging, but many layers of palm prints appeared inexplicably on her face.

Wang Fu calmly glanced in the direction of Jin Yan. He didn't see anything unusual about Jin Yan, but he saw a woman in red beside Jin Yan saying something in the air next to him.

If there really are ghosts, then the woman who can see ghosts and talk to ghosts must not be an ordinary person.

And these people were all standing behind Her Royal Highness, as if they respected her.

So what if he is a ghost?
Some people are scarier than ghosts.

He stopped thinking about it and turned around to tell the imperial guards, "This woman has repeatedly spoken rudely to His Majesty and the Princess, so she will be thrown into death row..."

"Wait." Jin Yan said.

Wang Fu: "What are your orders, Your Highness?"

Jin Yan: "There is another one, let's take it with us."

Wang Fu glanced at Yu Tian who was kneeling under the Chengying Sword, and winked at the imperial army, "Take the person away quickly, don't taint the eyes of Her Royal Highness the Princess."

Jinse clamored that she was the princess and shouted that Jin Yan would be killed without mercy, but no one paid attention to her. In anger, she began to curse the emperor and Xi Kingdom again.

Without saying a word, Wang Fu pulled a piece of cloth from his body and stuffed it into Jinse's mouth. "Hurry, take them both down, and don't forget to serve them well!"

Chengying put away his sword, Yutian and Jinse were finally taken away, and the peace outside the city instantly returned to the past.

Jin Yan told Wang Fu: "Just have my gold carried to the foot of the mountain. Leave the other belongings to Shen Chen. You send someone to keep it with Shen Chen."

Wang Fu: "Yes."

He was confused, could he just carry it to the bottom of the mountain?It is not easy to carry so many boxes up the mountain. How can Her Royal Highness go up the mountain with just a few people?

Jin Yan: "I have a way to move the box up the mountain. You can do whatever you need to do."

Wang Fu immediately said: "Your Highness, Your Majesty also ordered that after those who return to Beijing to report the news, the rest of us must stay here and listen to His Highness's orders."

Jin Yan was slightly stunned, what does the Dog Emperor mean?
Send her gold.

Give it to her as a gift.

Then the next step is to send troops to her?

But at the moment she was more concerned about another issue, "It's okay to stay, I'm worried that no one will use it, but has he ever said, who will pay your salary?"

Wang Fu: "..."

Forbidden Army: "..."

Doesn’t Her Highness the Princess suspect that they stayed to monitor her?
Why does she only care about money?
When Wang Fu didn't answer, Jin Yan frowned and said, "You don't want me to give you a monthly salary, do you?"

Wang Fu immediately said: "Your Highness misunderstood. It was the servant who did not answer in time. The salary of the servant and the imperial army will all be paid out of the palace." Jin Yan: "Then I am relieved."

Wang Fu: "..."

Jin Yan: "There are many of you, and it is not convenient for you to go to my mountain. Let Master Shen settle you down. There are still many houses to house the people. For the time being, you can make do with the people. Regarding food and accommodation, we will improve it later. "

Chen Chen: "I will obey your orders."

Wang Fu thanked Jin Yan for his concern for them.

Soon, Jin Yan and Chengying returned to the mountain.

Wang Fu, Chen Chen and others watched them go away. At this moment, Song Huai and Fuyao both flew down from the trees, while the miracle doctor followed them like a leisurely stroll.

Is this an immortal?

Wang Fu was thinking to himself, and suddenly he saw that the two figures in front of him, one black and one white, disappeared, except for the miracle doctor in coarse linen clothes who was still walking step by step into the woods.

"It turned out to be a miracle doctor." Wang Fu said.

Chen Chen: "What did Mr. Wang say?"

Wang Fu pointed to the place where the miraculous doctor was, "This is a miraculous doctor. I saw him once in the palace when Her Royal Highness the Princess was born. I heard him call the Imperial Preceptor, Senior Brother, and it was him and the Imperial Preceptor at that time. Your Majesty, we will escort His Highness here together."

Chen Chen had long heard about the magical powers of the Imperial Master, and now that he heard that the miraculous doctor next to Jin Yan was the same person as the Imperial Master, he was not surprised at all.

Even many of the questions that had puzzled him before had answers.

It turns out that the miracle doctor is actually a real "miraculous" doctor.

Chen Chen didn't have much curiosity about the imperial master. He was more concerned about another question now, "Master Wang, what should we do with the two people in the prison?"

When Wang Fu heard this, his lips curled up slightly and he said coldly: "Leave this matter to me. Lord Shen, don't worry. Lord Shen can just finish the errands assigned by Her Highness the Princess."

Chen Chen followed the good example and said, "Then I'll trouble you, Mr. Wang."

The two complimented each other some more, and then Shen Chen asked the government officials to lead the imperial guards to rest in the controlled house, while he took Wang Fu and some people who escorted the money back to the county government office.


In the prison.

Jinse and Yutian were placed in two different cells, with many rooms separated in between.

Jinse was cursing all the way, and nothing changed after being put in a cell. She still cursed the emperor and Jin Yan. When she stopped, she would call out to brother Tianyu and ask Yutian to save her.

But the place where Yutian was imprisoned was different from hers. Knowing that Yutian had magical powers and an extraordinary background, the Imperial Army imprisoned him in the deepest cell underground after questioning the officials.

Rather than a cell, it is more like a deep well where the air is so thin that it is difficult to breathe, a black hole where you can't see your fingers. It is surrounded by extremely hard stone walls. The chains that bind the prisoners extend from the walls. Only the sky above There was a small window through which air entered, as well as food, and a thick iron chain hung there, with the prisoner's neck tied at the other end.

If there is heavy rain and the prison is flooded, the people living in this cell will be lucky enough to experience the joy of taking a bath.

After all, other people in prison cannot take a bath in 800 years.

After Chen Chen showed Wang Fu the cell where Yu Tian was imprisoned, Wang Fu sighed that the designer of this prison was a genius.

If a prison like this were used in the Criminal Department, it wouldn't take long for those tough-talking prisoners to be arrested.

After hearing this, Chen Chen smiled and said, "Young masters also know this genius."

Wang Fu: "..."

Wang Fu: "…………"

That's it!

No wonder Her Royal Highness the Princess said that Your Majesty is too kind!

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