After transmigrating into the villain's daughter, I lie down and win

Chapter 705 The Daily Life of Xianxiawen Eating Melons and Farming

Chapter 705 The Daily Life of Xianxiawen Eating Melons and Farming (81)


In the farm, a man who looked like a young boy shouted to several young people working in the fields, "Qin Shu, have you calculated the accounts? Hurry up and give them to me. I want to show them to the old steward."

The tallest boy straightened up and shouted to the man: "Brother Li, I put the account book on the table in the bedroom. I have marked two doubtful places. Please tell the manager and let him check it."

"Brother Li" responded, then thought of something and said: "By the way, I almost forgot to mention that I met someone on the way here who said he was your classmate. Let me tell you, don't forget to complete the homework assigned by the teacher. .”

Qin Shu nodded, "Thank you, Brother Li, I understand."

After "Brother Li" left, Qin Shu bent down again.

After a pause, he suddenly raised his head when he noticed it, and quickly looked in the direction of the distant house.

The little brother on the side asked him, "Brother Qin, what are you looking at?"

Qin Shu shook his head.

He seemed to have seen his benefactor.


He looked again without giving up, only to see Jin Yan and Cheng Ying already standing under the big tree next to the house.

Qin Shu's eyes suddenly widened, and he subconsciously murmured: "My benefactor!"

The other children were stunned and followed his gaze. They recognized Jin Yan and Cheng Ying as the benefactors who gave them buns to eat and gave them a way to live. They all shouted.

After shouting, several people showed restless expressions.

Now they have all entered the school and learned etiquette. They know that it is wrong to shout like this, but just now they were too excited and forgot about etiquette.

After a while, several teenagers came to the two of them.

When we first met, they were young beggars huddled on the street corner. They were half-clothed, starved of food, sallow and skinny, and covered in injuries.

At that time, except for Qin Shu, the eyes of the other teenagers were gray, like a pool of stagnant water.

Nowadays, each of them is wearing brand new clothes. Although they are just coarse linen clothes for work, they are very clean. Even if there are some torn places, they are sewn firmly with poor stitches. It is obvious that they cherish their clothes. This outfit.

Qin Shu has grown the fastest, has lost a lot of weight, is full of energy, has become more bookish, and seems to have changed the most.

Although the others do not have the indifferent and bookish spirit that is inherent in him, they have changed a lot. Their eyes have become brighter and their spirits have become brighter. They all know that they will never return to their current self. Once upon a time.

When several people saw Jin Yan and Cheng Ying, they knelt down and saluted, unable to stop them.

After the ceremony, Qin Shu immediately said: "My lord, we followed your instructions and arrived at the farm that evening..."

"Don't talk yet, get up." Jin Yan said.

Qin Shu hesitated and stood up.

Jin Yan looked at Chengying, who turned around and brought a large food box from behind the tree.

The fragrant smell wafted out of the food box. Qin Shu and the others were startled and looked at Jin Yan in disbelief.

Jin Yan: "I guessed it, why are you still standing there? It's still the steamed buns from that store, they are authentic and hot, so hurry up and eat them."


"This is an order. Do you dare to disobey it?"



Before the kids could react, Qin Shu had already opened the food box and took out the steaming buns inside.

He gave one to everyone, and then he picked up a bun to eat.

After arriving at the farm, they have never been hungry again. However, the farm is located in a remote area. In addition to reading and literacy, they usually have to do work, and there is no extra time for them to wander in the lively market.

After eating the steamed bun that changed their fate again, several people's emotions were quite complicated.

Jin Yan and Cheng Ying were not idle either. They went around the field and when they came back, they had already finished their buns.

With permission, Qin Shu told Jin Yan everything that happened after they arrived at the farm.

Jin Yan randomly took a few questions and everyone answered them well, but Qin Shu was the best.But Jin Yan did not treat one favorably. She praised several people and told them to be serious about studying or doing work, to be worthy of their efforts, and to become useful people to the country and the people.

When leaving the farm, as soon as the two of them left, Qin Shu led several people to kneel down and bowed respectfully.

The youngest boy was puzzled and said: "Brother Qin, the teacher told you not to do this kind of courtesy to ordinary people. We..."

Qin Shu: "The benefactor is not an ordinary person."

As soon as they arrived at the farm, the Zhenguo Government sent someone to settle them down. From the conversation between the stranger and the manager of the farm, he originally thought that the benefactor was the lady of the Zhenguo Government. Later he found out that the daughter of the Zhenguo Government was richer than the benefactor. Some.

Although she was not a daughter of the Zhenguo Duke's Mansion, she could make the housekeeper of the Zhenguo Duke's Mansion arrange for these little beggars in person with just one sentence, and even let the prince specially come to the farm to see them. This is enough to show how much the benefactor meant to the Zhenguo Duke's Mansion. important.

Not to mention the entire capital, but also the entire world, how many women can be so valued by the Zhenguo Government?

At that time he had a guess.

What happened later also verified his guess step by step.

Until today, he finally no longer doubted it.

The benefactor is Her Royal Highness the Princess!


After leaving the farm, Jin Yan and Cheng Ying went to the street to buy some things before eating steamed buns and arriving at the palace gate.

Before the two of them got close, the guard at the palace gate shouted, "Stop!"

Jin Yan: "Do you know who I am?"

The guard was selfless and said, "No one can break into the palace!"

Jin Yan: "I am a princess."

The guard looked her up and down, "What evidence do you have?"

Jin Yan: "Chengying."

Chengying understood and reached out to reach for the package behind him. However, before he could untie the package, the gatekeepers who thought he was about to attack surrounded him aggressively.

Seeing them using the knife, Chengying was not polite and put several people to the ground in a few seconds.

When the guards inside the palace gate heard the commotion, they notified their superiors and came out to support them. Without exception, they were all defeated by Chengying.


"The palace gate was attacked!"

The guard delivering the message first bumped into the prince and Liu Huaijin who were about to leave the palace.

Hearing the news, he was stunned for a moment.

Liu Huaijin asked the messenger, "What did you just say? The palace gate was attacked?"

The guard hurriedly went to convey the message, "Master Hui Shi, it is indeed true!"

Liu Huaijin was shocked and said: "Who dares to attack the palace gate without risking his life? It's really a strange thing. It's unheard of and unseen."

Guard: "That man's martial arts is very powerful. Brothers can't even see his moves clearly, and he has already fallen to the ground..."

Prince: "What does that man look like? Is he alone?"

Guard: "Wearing black clothes, holding a sword..."

"Is there a woman beside him?" Liu Huaijin asked hurriedly.

The guard felt something was wrong in his heart. He looked embarrassed and said slowly: "There is a girl, and she calls herself the princess..."

Before he finished speaking, the prince disappeared.

The guard was also hit on the head with a folding fan.

The owner of the folding fan lost his temper at their stupidity, "What does it mean to claim to be a princess? That means she is the most noble princess of our Xi Kingdom!"

 Thanks to the two ladies of "Other Aegean Sea" and "Feng Qing Yueying" for their rewards~
(End of this chapter)

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