After transmigrating into the villain's daughter, I lie down and win

Chapter 706 The Daily Life of Xianxiawen Eating Melons and Farming

Chapter 706 The Daily Life of Xianxiawen Eating Melons and Farming (82)

"Where is Her Royal Highness?"

The prince and Liu Huaijin arrived at the palace gate one after another, but Jin Yan and Cheng Ying were no longer there. Instead, the injured guards were blocked together, like a sandbag wall, dividing the entire palace gate from the outside. world.

Hearing Liu Huaijin's words, the leader was stunned for a moment, "Your Highness the Princess?"

Liu Huaijin: "What else?"

The guards were all dumbfounded.

your Highness?

Is that woman really the princess?
So what did they just do?
Offend Her Highness the Princess, treat Her Highness the Princess as a thief, and want to chop off Her Highness’s head...

This is an absolute horror story.

No one dares to continue thinking about it. They only care about how their head will fall to the ground.

"A bunch of idiots, do you want me to ask you a third time?" Liu Huaijin cursed.

The leader immediately said: "Go back to Prince Liu, the princess and the princess have entered the palace together with the master."

After hearing this, the prince turned around and ran away.

The superb Qinggong, the light steps, and the figure that is so fast that it is almost dazzling, are definitely not what a dying person should look like.

Before they could think deeply, they heard a cold snort.

Liu Huaijin looked at them with gloating, "We are already facing a disaster, so what else can we think about?"

When everyone heard this, they felt as if they were mourning for their heirs.

Liu Huaijin: "Do you want to live?"

Everyone nodded.

Can live, who wants to die?

Liu Huaijin: "Then shut up. I have stopped the people who went to deliver the message. Apart from you, what is happening here can only be seen by some small merchants and hawkers in the distance. You..."

Seeing someone wipe his neck, Liu Huaijin cursed: "You bastards, is the only way to silence people is to kill people? If innocent people deserve to die, how many times will you die?"

No one spoke.

"Watch your mouth. Your Highness the Princess will not pursue the matters here." Liu Huaijin said.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, but didn't quite believe it.

One person asked: "Prince Liu, is what you said true?"

The previous Princess Jinse, let alone being offended like this, would have beaten them to pieces even if she was even the slightest bit slow in her salute.

The true princess is more noble than Princess Jinse. After returning to the palace for the first time after regaining her princess status, she was offended by them like this. Does the true princess really not get angry or take revenge on them?
Liu Huaijin: "Whether it is true or not, you will know if you open your eyes and take a good look."

At first, the guards thought that Liu Huaijin was saying good things for Jin Yan and protecting Jin Yan's reputation. After a long time, they did not wait for punishment. Instead, they received good ointment for bruises. Only then did they realize that Liu Huaijin had not Liar.

Her Royal Highness the Princess is indeed as rumored, broad-minded, kind and kind.


Fearing that Jin Yan would be attacked again by guards who did not know the truth in the palace, the prince asked Liu Huaijin and Chengfeng to find them immediately.

But they didn't know that Jin Yan was already in the Queen's Palace at this moment.

Jin Yan sat drinking tea and eating snacks, Chengying stood aside, and the queen and Wan Yue looked at her with loving and gentle eyes.

The queen had met Jin Yan last time, but now she looked at this daughter whom she could see and touch, and she still liked her the same way in her heart.

This was the first time that Wan Yue saw Jin Yan's appearance, but she didn't feel that Jin Yan was strange. Instead, she liked him more and more the more she looked at him.

"Your Majesty, your Highness the Princess looks exactly the same as what I want in my heart." Wan Yue said.

The queen smiled gently and said, "It's exactly what I thought."

She asked Jin Yan not to always eat one flavor but to try others, and she also asked Wan Yue to send someone to the imperial kitchen to urge for new snacks.

Jin Yan: "I ate it, Queen Mother. There are some things I bought for you here. You and Aunt Wan Yue should try them too." The Queen responded repeatedly. Seeing the snacks everywhere, she was reluctant to eat them and just held them in her hands. , looking at it with great sadness.

Suddenly, Jin Yan paused.

Queen: "What's wrong?"

Jin Yan: "Someone is coming."

Sure enough, the humble and hoarse voice of the eunuch chief beside the emperor sounded outside.

"This slave sends greetings to Her Royal Highness the Princess. Her Royal Highness the Princess is a thousand years old!"

"Your Majesty is overjoyed that the princess has returned to the palace. He specially ordered the servant to come and invite the princess to see her in person. He also asked the princess to accompany the old slave!"

The Queen said solemnly, "Wan Yue, go and tell him that I haven't seen my daughter for sixteen years. Now that Yan'er has just returned to the palace, I can't bear to have her leave me."

Just as Wan Yue was about to leave, Jin Yan said, "Queen mother, don't worry, I'll go with him, it won't be a problem."


"It's okay. Chengying is by my side to protect me. Besides, I am now a person outside the world. He will not attack me easily again."

"But the queen mother..."

"This pastry is indeed delicious. Mother will send someone to remind you. I will have new pastries when I come back."

Seeing Jin Yan's insistence, the queen had no choice but to compromise, "Okay, the queen mother will send someone to hurry her up."

She sent Jin Yan to the entrance of the palace and gave a few warnings to the chief eunuch. Seeing Jin Yan and the others walking out of sight, she immediately ordered Wan Yue, "Send someone to find the prince quickly!"

Wan Yue: "I have already sent someone."

On the other side, Jin Yan and Chengying followed the steward to the Qinzheng Hall. The steward bowed his lower body respectfully and said, "Your Highness, please wait a moment. I will go and report to Your Majesty..."

"Aren't you afraid that I'll take the opportunity to escape?" Jin Yan joked.

But the head eunuch couldn't tell that she was joking.

How could a person who dared to kill gods and break into the palace with just one guard be restricted by the red tape and rules of the palace?

At this time, a voice came from inside: "Let her come in."

The chief eunuch immediately stood aside and said, "Your Highness, please!"

Jin Yan and Cheng Ying moved at the same time.

The chief eunuch wanted to stop him, but he didn't dare to stretch his hand, so he had to persuade him: "Your Highness, your majesty only allows you to enter."

Jin Yan looked at him expressionlessly, "Are you sure?"

The chief eunuch paused, hesitated, and then explained: "Even His Highness the Crown Prince will not carry a sword with him when meeting the Emperor. This master..."

"How did you know that was his sword?" Jin Yan said.

The head eunuch's expression became even more confused. If it's not a sword, what is it?
Jin Yan: "How do you know that this sword is not his true body? Have you heard of the union of human and sword? This sword is like his soul. Can you be separated from your own soul?"

She can do it, but for others, it's hard to say.

Chief Eunuch: "..."

Chengying: "..."

Chengying couldn't hide his surprise and looked at Jin Yan. He had never told Jin Yan about the secret of the sword, and Jin Yan had never asked anything. So how did she know?

The head eunuch looked as if he had heard something big.

this sword?
this person?
This ancient sword is actually the master's true form. Is Her Highness the Princess joking?

Before he could figure it out, the emperor's voice came from inside again.

"Let them in."

(End of this chapter)

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