After transmigrating into the villain's daughter, I lie down and win

Chapter 715: Fairy Tales, Daily Life of Eating Melons and Farming

When the group of people came to the ghost world, they did not see the ghost emperor who Song Huai said had a very strange and terrifying appearance. However, they first saw the national master who had an immortal style.

"Welcome to Your Highness the Princess."

The Imperial Master's manners were dignified, and his whole body was filled with immortal aura, as if he would transform into an immortal and ascend in the next moment.

He saluted Jin Yan with very complicated and ancient etiquette.

Jin Yan had never seen such etiquette and was a little surprised.

She looked at Chengying, who shook his head.

She looked at Song Huai again, and Song Huai coughed and said with a somewhat unnatural expression: "I, the people in the demon world, are free and easy, so I don't care about these red tapes."

Even though he was very old and had experienced many complicated and grand scenes, he had never seen such strange etiquette from the Imperial Master.

So, don't look at him, he doesn't understand anything.

After the ceremony was over, Jin Yan asked, "Master Imperial Master, what day is it today that you gave me such a great gift?"

There was a faint smile on the Imperial Master's face. He turned slightly sideways and motioned for Jin Yan to step forward, "Your Highness, please move."

Jin Yan didn't hesitate and passed quickly.

Song Huai, on the other hand, glared at Chengying with dissatisfaction, "Why don't you hold Xiao Jinyan back, what if this bastard has evil intentions?"

Chengying ignored him and just looked at Jin Yan.

I saw the Imperial Master put his hand on Jin Yan's forehead. The moment his hand was about to touch Jin Yan's forehead, he flew over in the shadow and pulled Jin Yan behind him.

"Master Imperial Master, what are you going to do?"

Chengying looked at the Imperial Preceptor warily. Although he was not worried that the Imperial Preceptor would murder Jin Yan, he was not worried that this mysterious guy would do some weird things to Jin Yan.

The Imperial Master's eyes first fell on Chengying, and then on Jin Yan. His eyes were sharp and pointed, and there was a faint feeling of seeing through everything.

After a few breaths, the Imperial Master stroked his beard and smiled, "That's it. Congratulations, Your Highness!"

Chengying's heart moved slightly. He seemed to have heard the implication of the Imperial Master's words. His hostility towards the old man was no longer so deep, but his defensiveness had not weakened at all.

Jin Yan directly held Chengying's hand and declared that the world is the same. He smiled at the Imperial Preceptor and said, "Although I have asked Xiao Jing to send a message to my brother, if the Imperial Preceptor can personally bring us together, If I tell my brother and mother the news, they will definitely be very happy."

The Imperial Master paused and said, "Your Highness wishes, but I dare not resign."

After saying that, he raised his hand again.

This time, Chengying hesitated. Seeing the hope emerging in Jin Yan's eyes, he did not stop him.

As soon as the imperial master's hand was placed on Jin Yan's forehead, a golden light appeared between Jin Yan's eyebrows. As the halo of golden light became stronger and stronger, Jin Yan's eyes couldn't help but close.

"Your Highness..."

Chengying was worried, and Song Huai immediately flew to Jin Yan's side, trying to stop the Imperial Preceptor, but the Imperial Preceptor shook his head at them and signaled them not to act rashly.

Suddenly, Jin Yan opened his eyes.

The halo left the center of his eyebrows and projected onto a smooth and transparent jade opposite.

Everyone's eyes turned to Yubi.

There was a flash of golden light, and the jade stone moved as if it was alive. Within three breaths, the jade stone became clear and transparent again, like water.

The old master of the state stood aside, seemingly casual, but his eyes were more respectful than ever.

Song Huai was very nervous.

He wanted to see this "enemy" but didn't want to see him.

Although he kept saying that he was not afraid of comparison, the other person was the "daddy" that was rooted in Jinyan's heart and that she would never forget and look for at all costs. And he was the "daddy" he met halfway. At this moment, he still felt There is really no bottom line.

However, when he turned to look at Jin Yan and noticed that Jin Yan's eyes were slightly red and his hand was subconsciously holding Cheng Ying's arm, he still sighed softly.

That's it.

If you lose, just lose.

Nothing is more important than letting your daughter get what she wants.

At this moment, a picture appeared on the clear jade.

At first, it was a slightly weird cloud pattern. This pattern was very different from ordinary cloud patterns. At first glance, the pattern seemed to have the power to enchant people, making people instantly fall into a scary and silent world.

Song Huai opened his eyes and looked at the familiar layout around him, knowing that he had returned to the demon world, but soon, something seemed to flash in his mind, and his expression began to change instantly.


He shouldn't be in the demon world.

"Xiao Jinyan!"

he suddenly shouted.

Where did his older daughter go?

At this time, there were rapid footsteps in the Demon Palace. The person who came was his confidant. When he saw Song Huai, he hurriedly knelt down on one knee to salute, and said anxiously: "Your Majesty, Your Highness the Princess ran to the Devil's Cliff again. , elders..."    Before he could finish his words, Song Huai had already disappeared on the spot.

The confidant sighed and murmured: "All the elders have already rushed over, your Majesty, don't worry."

But there is no demon emperor anywhere in front of me!

Chengying stood there, the world went blank. He looked around, but when he didn't see Jin Yan, he kept shouting "Your Highness".

He called Your Highness many times and walked around this empty world, but he still could not find Jin Yan.

Chengying couldn't believe that Jin Yan just disappeared.

He kept looking for flaws and wanted to leave here, but this space seemed to have no end. No matter how he walked, no matter how fast he went, he could never find the end.

Jin Yan could not be found either.

After an unknown amount of time, Chengying stopped.

He raised his head and glanced at the sky that enveloped him, a cold murderous intent flashed in his eyes. The next moment, he pulled out the long sword in his hand and pointed it directly at the dome.


With a bang, a hole seemed to have been poked into the perfect world. Soon a huge crack occurred, and the sky was filled with crisp and sweet cracking sounds.

After an unknown amount of time, the sky and the earth began to overturn, the Milky Way turned upside down, and the sky that had been cracked with countless holes suddenly shattered, and countless huge fragments attacked Chengying.

Chengying looked at the day with an indifferent expression.

The world was turned upside down, the world collapsed, and the galaxy was shattered.

But what does this have to do with him?

His Highness was nowhere to be found.

Chengying's eyes suddenly flashed with intense, indescribable sadness and heartache, but soon, only endless solemnity remained on his face.

He raised his sword and split the countless pieces that hit him in half.

At this moment, he seemed to have become an emotionless killer, a devil that made people look down upon him. After the scabbard that bound his murderous sword disappeared, the murderous aura around him was wiped out countless times. The hostility hidden by the forging can no longer be hidden.

As if he would never get tired, he waved his sword and wanted to completely destroy this hateful world.

Finally, the place was completely turned into ruins, and he was finally exhausted and could no longer swing the sword.

Chengying, who temporarily lost his strength, fell backwards, and even his sword fell into a huge bottomless abyss on the ground.

Your Highness.

Chengying murmured, looking at the desolate scene in front of him with reluctance, and a drop of warm liquid slipped from his eyes.

Your Highness.

Chengying slowly closed his eyes and slowly let go of his sword.

If there is no His Highness, then let him sleep with this sword and sleep underneath it forever!

At this moment, a bright green light flashed in front of Chengying's eyes, causing him to close his eyes tightly.

Thinking of something, he suddenly opened his eyes again.

His pupils dilated instantly, and he subconsciously held the sword in his palm again. An expression of disbelief and excitement appeared on his face.

Your Highness!

Suddenly, countless fallen fragments began to condense. They seemed to have their own consciousness. They were all tightly glued together and flew to the sky without hesitation.

The cracks in the sky began to heal, and the countless deep valleys on the ground were closing in and closing.

The world is no longer gray and desolate. Grass and trees are growing, mountains and rivers are towering, and rivers are rushing. The sound of the prosperous times echoes in Cheng Ying's ears again.

But he could see nothing and hear nothing.

His eyes only focused on one place.

Looking carefully, his dark and deep pupils began to look very different from before.

It was a light green figure.

Like Chengying, Jinyan lives in a cold and pale world.

The familiar sight made Jin Yan feel like he had returned to the end of the world.

She walked in the deserted frozen world for a long time, and finally stopped in front of a heavily guarded base.

Before she could get close, the patrolling guard on the tower in the distance pointed his gun at her, and at the same time, a robot shouted to her: "This is an important military area. Anyone who intrudes will die."

Jin Yan paused, but for some unknown reason, she did not stop, but continued to move forward.

Soon, the robot's voice sounded again.

"Second warning! In this important military area, those who trespass will die!" (End of Chapter)

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