After transmigrating into the villain's daughter, I lie down and win

Chapter 716: Fairy Tales, Daily Life of Eating Melons and Farming

The robot's warning is like a reminder.

Jin Yan turned a deaf ear.

She moved on.

The sound of a trigger being pulled rang in my ears.

A bullet had accurately landed less than one centimeter away from her toes.

The bullet shot in, and the huge force caused the ground to split into pieces instantly. Jin Yan fell backwards and hit the ground heavily.

She coughed instantly, so violently that her internal organs seemed to be displaced.

But Jin Yan didn't flinch. She raised her eyes and glanced at the unfamiliar-looking guard. She stood up slowly with her hands on the ground and continued walking towards the door.

"Three warnings! In this important military area, intruders will be killed!"

The innocent and cold voice of the robot sounded, and the sound of countless trigger pulls flashed past Jin Yan's ears. At the same time, countless bullets were fired at Jin Yan.

It is conceivable that once so many bullets hit the target, the target person at this moment has become a sieve.

But the reality is that countless bullets passed through Jin Yan's body and hit the ground behind her, but Jin Yan still stood resolutely.


Jin Yan suddenly had a painful expression on her face, her facial features wrinkled together, and a strong smell of blood came from her throat, making her unable to hold back any longer and vomiting.

The ground in front of him was soon soaked with blood.

Jin Yan raised her hand and casually wiped her lips with her sleeve. Some blood was brought to her cheeks, leaving a beautiful blush, which made her cold face even more ruthless.

She stood up again, stood still, and looked at the densely packed guards who had gathered on the tower with cold eyes, a sinister smile flashed across her face.


"Who are you going to kill?"

"Who gave you the order?"

"Who built this place, have you forgotten?"

"When dad and I were designing this base, you didn't know where the hell you were eating dirt!"

Everyone on the tower had expressionless faces. No one answered Jin Yan's words, but the guns were all pointed at her without exception.

The robot's voice sounded again.

But this time, the sound is no longer the innocent and cold mechanical sound set by the previous system, but has a bit more of a real person.

Soon, Jin Yan heard something was wrong.

This is her voice.


This was her voice before she died, not now.

"Do I still need a reason to kill you?"

Listening to this familiar voice, Jin Yan's eyes became more fierce, "It turns out that I guessed right."

"What did you guess?"

the robot asked.

Jin Yan sneered but didn't answer.

The robot repeated again, "What did you guess?"

Jin Yan smiled coldly, and her expression suddenly became strange. She looked at a surveillance camera on the tower and said with some disdain: "You have all my data, and it has the function of automatic updating. Can't you guess what I am thinking at the moment?" Are you here?"

The robot was silent.

After a moment, she said: "You know?"

Jin Yan: "What do you know?"

The robot stopped talking.

After a while, the robot said again: "Why are you back? You shouldn't be here."

Jin Yan said "heh", "Then where should I be?"

The robot was silent again.

Suddenly, she gave an order.


As soon as he finished speaking, countless bullets were shot out at the same time.


"Your Highness!"

"your Highness!"

"Xiao Jinyan!"

Numerous familiar and close voices rang in his ears, and Jin Yan suddenly woke up.

As soon as she opened her eyes, she saw Chengying Song Huai and the Imperial Master surrounding her. Everyone looked worried and heartbroken. When they saw her waking up, they all asked her what was wrong, where she hurt, and where she felt uncomfortable. .

Thousands of arrows pierce the heart.

Jin Yan lowered her head and looked at herself. Her clothes were intact and clean. Not to mention the holes made by bullets, there was not even a speck of dust to be found, but she also really felt the countless bullets that had penetrated her. The endless pain in the body.

Even though she knew that she was very safe and uninjured at the moment, the pain of a thousand arrows piercing her heart could not go away. Chengying nervously grabbed Jin Yan's wrist, with pain and reluctance in his eyes.

He had already lost His Highness once.

From now on, no matter what happens, he will never let go of His Highness's hand.

At this moment, looking at the painful expression on Jin Yan's face, he felt as if thousands of ants were eating away at his heart, and he was in pain.

After he woke up from the illusion, he discovered something strange about Jin Yan. At that time, Jin Yan was supported by the imperial master and was still unconscious.

But when Song Huai woke up, Jin Yan had completely lost consciousness.

The three of them checked Jin Yan's pulse, and they all knew that there was nothing wrong with Jin Yan's body, but the pain on her face could not be hidden from anyone.

What has happened to His Highness?

"Your Highness..."

"I am fine."

Jin Yan stood up with the help of several people. The jade in front of him was no longer as clear and translucent as before. After the golden light on it faded, it turned back into an ordinary stone, a dispensable stone wall.

Seeing Jin Yan still staring at the stone wall, the Imperial Master couldn't bear it, "Your Highness, this is the only thing the Emperor has taught me."

He knew that these three people would enter the illusion, but even if he could figure out everything that happened in the illusion, he had no idea.

Song Huai glared at the Imperial Master with dissatisfaction, "What do you mean this is all, how can he be so irresponsible..."

"No problem."

Jin Yan said.

Everyone looked at Jin Yan.

Jin Yan reached out and touched the tarnished stone wall, and everything he saw in the fantasy flashed through his mind.

"That's enough," she said.

Chengying looked at her worriedly, "Your Highness..."

Song Huai was still very dissatisfied, "That's enough, he didn't even show up..."

The Imperial Master also hesitated to speak.

Jin Yan put down her hand, and the determination and indifference in her eyes disappeared when she turned around. She smiled softly, as if she had given up all her obsessions.

She said: "Don't worry, he told me everything I want to know."

The words were like a riddle, no one knew what she was talking about.

Jin Yan saluted the Imperial Preceptor and solemnly thanked the Imperial Preceptor, "Master Imperial Preceptor, I have troubled you to make a trip. Please tell the emperor and the queen mother when you return to the capital. After I finish handling some things about Qixia Mirror, I will Will return to the capital."

The Imperial Master stared into her eyes, and after a glance, he also smiled and said, "Congratulations to Your Highness for achieving your wish. I will bring you your Highness's words."

After saying that, the Imperial Master left the ghost world.

Song Huai looked at the direction in which the Imperial Master was leaving in confusion, and then approached Jin Yan, "What's going on? I haven't found it yet, why don't you look for it..."

"Of course I'm not looking for it because I've already found it," Jin Yan said.

Song Huai's expression froze, and his face suddenly looked like he was crying.

Sure enough, he still couldn't be selfless.

Thinking that someone would snatch his daughter from him next, thinking that he would have to listen to Jin Yan calling another person's daughter, he wanted to kill that person.


Jin Yan's voice suddenly sounded, like the sound of nature.

Song Huai stared blankly at Jin Yan who was approaching him. He couldn't react for a moment and was completely stunned.


Ben Emperor?

Is he the person Jin Yan has been looking for?

So, he killed him?

Song Huai's expression was silly. After Jin Yan called him, he ignored him and walked out holding Cheng Ying's arm.

Chengying: "Your Highness, what can I do for you?"

Jin Yan: "You don't have to do anything now... No, you have to accompany me to travel around the world, punish good and eliminate evil, and restore peace to the world, and clear seas and rivers."

Chengying looked at her tenderly, "What else?"

He didn't know why His Highness suddenly gave up her obsession. Maybe she really had the answer and found her father, or maybe it was because of other reasons.

But no matter what, he will stay with His Highness.

Jin Yan: "Stay with me forever until I find..."

Before she could finish speaking, Song Huai's furious voice came from behind her, "What are you looking for! Daddy is right here!"

Jin Yan couldn't help but laugh.

The corners of Chengying's lips also raised slightly.

Life after life.

He noted it down.

Jin Yan grabbed his hand, the two looked at each other, and soon disappeared into the ghost world.

Behind them, Song Huai was yelling, "Damn Chengying, where did you take my precious girl?"

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