After the hemp paper was successfully made, it became popular among the royal palace and officials in the North.

Whether writing official documents, posting notices or writing letters, everyone has switched to hemp paper, which is light, convenient and easy to carry.

At the same time, officials began to produce hemp paper in large quantities.

Not to mention students from poor families, even children from farmers whose families have good harvests can also afford the cost of hemp paper.

Due to intentional or unintentional delays by Xiao Buyi, Zhong Xing and many northern officials, it was more than a month later that everyone in the court saw the "hemp paper".

At this time, no one in the court, including the emperor, thought that the hemp paper that shocked them was already being used as a toilet in the Beidi Palace.

In the entire Northland official system, everyone uses paper that is more refined, softer, and easier to write and preserve after repeated experiments by the Mohists.

Towards the end of the year, the weather is getting colder and it starts to snow heavily in the north. Princess Jinyang and Xiao Buyi made preparations before the snow fell and went out to inspect various measures to deal with the cold winter. Jin Yan and Xiao Jinan stayed at home because they were feeling unwell. Xiao Quji, who was not suitable to go out, took care of him.

But Xiao Jinan is disobedient to discipline.

Normally he is enough to drive people crazy.

When it snows, he becomes more like a puppy that has lost its temper. He gets up early in the morning and rolls into the snow, unwilling to come out no matter who tries to persuade him.

Jin Yan also loves snow, but she is in poor health and is afraid of the cold, so she always sits in the house and is watched by the maid, or lets Xiao Quji hold her and sit under the eaves by the stove to watch the snow.

She couldn't do something like Xiao Jinan rolling in the snow, and no one else in the house would allow her to do this.

Five days later, Princess Jinyang returned to the palace dragging her illness.

She contracted the cold on the second day she went out. She had been taking medicine for the past few days, but it didn't feel better. Instead, it got worse, so she had to come back first.

It had only been five days, but her face was actually chapped from the cold, not to mention her hands and feet, her fingers and toes were all red and swollen from the cold, and some places were rotten.

The majestic princess wears warm clothes with fox fur on her body, deer boots on her feet, and warm fury in her hands. She also has attendants to protect her from the wind and rain when traveling, but she is all frozen like this.

One can only imagine what ordinary people would be like.

Even though she was sick, even if her hands and feet were frozen, the first thing Princess Jinyang did after returning to the palace was not to recover from her illness. Instead, she summoned the officials in the north and asked them to open warehouses to store grain, distribute quilts, and help the people.

The new year is approaching, and these people cannot be allowed to fall before the new year.

After the officials left, Jin Yan and Xiao Jinan immediately threw themselves into Princess Jinyang's arms. Jin Yan rubbed Princess Jinyang's face and comforted her and said, "Mom, please rest. My second brother and I can handle these matters." Do."

Not to be outdone, Xiao Jinan immediately said: "An, An can do it too!"

Princess Jinyang looked at them with joy and touched the heads of the two children, "I know, you want to share my worries, but you are still too young..."

"We are not small!"

Xiao Jinan snorted, "My sister can make paper and print. I can easily kill a rabbit!"

Jin Yan looked at the sky speechlessly.

Killing a rabbit, he said, was like killing a tiger with one punch!

Princess Jinyang couldn't help laughing.

This was the first time she had smiled in a while.

"Mom, please take a nap."

After coaxing Princess Jinyang to sleep, Jin Yan immediately took Xiao Jinan to Shang Fang. The masters and apprentices of the Moh family who had officially taken over Shang Fang and some master craftsmen immediately came to visit them.

"It's windy today, why are you here?" Chen Ye looked at Jin Yan with concern and expectancy. An idea revealed inadvertently by the little princess can improve people's livelihood, promote the spread of knowledge, and benefit the entire world.

This little princess must not make any mistakes!

But he also hoped that Jin Yan could bring more fantastic ideas and give them an idea to make more artifacts that would benefit all people.

Naturally, Jin Yan would not let him down.

She handed a drawing to Chen Hui. Master and apprentice Chen Hui looked at the drawing and were a little surprised, "What the master is making is called a fire kang?"

Jin Yan: "Yeah."

Nowadays, cotton and coal have not yet come out, so there is basically no need to think about quilts and coats. Most ordinary people use straw, catkins, charcoal and the like to keep warm.

Fortunately, the ecology in this era is excellent, and there is no shortage of trees. Now is a good time to cut down trees. You can cut down more firewood for heating, and it can also be used for burning the kang.

Jin Yan told them, "There is no rush to improve papermaking and research on printing. The top priority is to deal with this harsh winter. You and other craftsmen will make the fire pit as soon as possible. Officials will then summon officials and craftsmen from all counties and pavilions." Come and learn how to make a kang. When the kang spreads throughout the north and every household has a kang, there won’t be so many people freezing to death in the future.

"Don't worry, My Lord, we will gather the manpower right now and ensure that the fire pit can be made within today!" Chen Huidao said.

They Mo scholars have the world in mind, but they are far less considerate than this little princess.

Thinking of this, Chen Hui couldn't help but feel a little angry.

Those Mohists who hide in the mountains and hide themselves from others, turn a blind eye to the suffering of the people, and do not care. Do they still deserve to be called "Mokers"?

Jin Yan: "You people alone are not enough. Later I will ask my mother to send disabled soldiers who have retired from the battlefield to learn from you. You must teach them well, and they will start the subsequent dissemination work." play a key role.”

Chen Jiao and Chen Ye said at the same time: "Follow your orders!"

After a pause, looking at Jin Yan's face that was blown white by the cold wind, Chen Ye quickly said: "The wind is too strong, I'd better go back quickly."

Jin Yan nodded, and bowed to the many craftsmen again, "The lives and deaths of hundreds of thousands of people are up to you!"

The others were startled, and all bowed back to Jin Yan, "We will do our best and live up to our mission!"

Jin Yan was about to go back when Zhang An came over.

He also held a fiery red fox fur in his hand, and immediately wrapped Jin Yan's whole body and hugged him. When he went to hold Xiao Jin'an, he ran away.


Jin Yan looked at him.

Xiao Jinan stuck out his tongue, "Sister, you go back first, I'll play here for a while, and I also want to learn to make a fire bed!"

Zhang An was a little worried, but Jin Yan agreed to him, "What all the great craftsmen have done is to save tens of thousands of people. Don't do anything wrong and don't disturb them. Otherwise, if Indonesia delays the project, I will punish you." Military law is at your service!”

Not only was Xiao Jinan not afraid, but he was eager to try, "Go back quickly. I promise not to cause trouble. I just want to learn how to make a fire pit. I will make one for our little pony later, so it won't feel cold anymore!"

After that, Xiao followed Chen Ye closely, watching and learning, and asking questions from time to time.

On the other side, when Jin Yan returned, Princess Jinyang had already woken up, and she told Princess Jinyang about the fire kang.

Unlike papermaking and printing, Huokang's profits are too small and its influence is not far-reaching enough. It cannot threaten the status of aristocratic families at all. Therefore, it will not be monopolized by aristocratic families. Naturally, there is no fear of being stolen by the court or informants from various places. .

In fact, Jin Yan wished that the whole north would send people to learn how to play the kang.

That way not too many people would freeze to death.

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