Master Chen Hui said that the fire pit could be made in one day. In fact, only half a day passed before someone reported the results to Princess Jinyang.

"Is this done?" Princess Jinyang was a little surprised.

Jin Yan told her the principle of the fire kang, "This is no better than paper making. The process is simple, but making it so quickly is the level that a painter should be."

Princess Jinyang smiled fondly and immediately ordered Zhang An, "Pass the message overnight and ask officials from various places to send people as soon as possible. If there is any delay, I will question them."

After Zhang An went down, Princess Jinyang sighed, "I hope I can save more people."

Looking at Princess Jinyang's frowning face, Jin Yan felt very unhappy. After returning to the bedroom and falling asleep, Jin Yan called 288.

Since the last world, 288 has disappeared.

Jin Yan didn't expect that little thing to jump out suddenly. Just as she didn't believe the information presented in the system database that her father was a villain, she also maintained a skeptical and defensive attitude towards 288.

The plot is fake, the information is fake, and even her father and her are fake. The existence of 288 makes it even more suspicious.

Only this time, 288 appeared quickly.


288's voice is very well-behaved, like a child who has made a mistake.

Jin Yan: "Do you want to untie me?"

288 shook his head repeatedly, "Why would the host think so?"

Jin Yan asked again: "Then what did you do when you suddenly disappeared after the end of the world? Did you meet an old friend and reminisce about the past?"

Listening to Jin Yan's calm tone, 288 felt a little scared inexplicably. It explained: "Host, it's not that I disappeared, it's that there is a barrier in the Xianxia world that keeps me out."

This world has no restrictions on it, but it is worried that Jin Yan no longer wants its system, so it has never dared to show up.

Jin Yan chuckled, "Really?"

288 nodded heavily, "That's it!"

Jin Yan: "I thought that after you found your true master and saw your creator, you would be happy to go home."


You can't say that, right?

Although it did have some doubts when it saw the other "Huo Jinyan", it finally identified the real host!

Jin Yan: "Although you hid many things from me and were unfaithful to me..."

"Host, I am absolutely honest with you! What you think I concealed from you is because the content shown in the system data misled me. My loyalty to the host can be learned from heaven and earth!" 288 said hurriedly.

Jin Yan smiled and said, "Why are you anxious?"


If you don't rush, won't you be labeled a traitor?

If it falls into the hands of the villains and their daughter, will it still survive?

Jin Yan: "Although you are of no use, you are better than nothing. Now, use your detection function to find all the coal mines in the North."

288 was stunned for a moment, that’s it?

The host finally summoned it once, but it was for this purpose?
Seemingly understanding its thoughts, Jin Yan said: "If the situation were not urgent and I was too young to travel long distances, I would have brought the Kanyu family members with me to find the coal mine myself."

288 heard what Jin Yan meant.

As long as Jinyan doesn't have any heart problems, and if she is a little older, then she is not looking for someone with a sense of existence that is "better than nothing", but an expert who really has a real study of geography and landforms.


Why is this so!
288 shed tears for his relationship with Jin Yan, and then said firmly with eyes: "Don't worry, host. I'm not like them. I can find all the coal mines without being there."

However, when scanning the Northland with the help of system programs, 288 discovered something incredible.

Good guy.

What's that black thing?
Northland is like building a city on top of a coal mine!
Expand the range and continue scanning. 288 were all shocked.

Gold, silver, copper, iron, zinc, nickel, lead and selenium...

Are the mineral resources here a bit too rich?

When 288 told Jin Yan the result with a surprised look on his face, he found that Jin Yan was not surprised at all.

Historically, the north has been rich in mineral resources.

The current territory of Northland includes almost all these resource-rich places.

After the entire Hexi land is captured in the future, all oil and natural gas will be in the Northland's pocket.


The current productivity level is too low, and mining and transportation are huge problems, so these resources will not be used in the short term.

of course!

This is on the premise that the land west of Hexi has been conquered.

After Jin Yan got the location of the mineral, he immediately got up and got out of bed. When she moved, the maid guarding the bed was startled.

"My lord..."

"I want to see my mother."

As soon as Jin Yan spoke, the maid immediately picked up the fox fur and wrapped her in it, then carried her to Princess Jinyang's bedroom.

The movement of the servants here had already alerted Zhang An and others. Princess Jinyang had received the news early and was waiting at the door.

"what happened?"

She took Jin Yan over, held her in her arms, and asked worriedly: "What nightmare did you have?"

Jin Yan shook his head, "Mom, it's not a nightmare, it's a dream from a god!"

Upon hearing this, before Princess Jinyang gave her orders, Zhang An had already dismissed everyone and blocked the entrance of the hall.

After mother and daughter were the only two people left in the palace, Jin Yan asked Princess Jinyang to carry her to the side room, where there was a large map on the wall.

Over the years, whenever they went on an expedition, the King of the North and his son would record the topography and local conditions of the places they visited and draw maps.

After the King of the North was placed under house arrest in Chang'an, this burden fell entirely on Xiao Ji. Every time he conquered a piece of land, he would add that piece of land to the map.

Over the years, the scope of the Northland on this map has expanded several times. To Jin Yan's regret, the land west of Hexi is still in the hands of the Xiongnu and Yueshi.

"Mom, come closer."

"Mom, I just had a dream. I dreamed of here, here, and here...there are coal mines in many places..."

"Is it the black burning thing you mentioned before?" Princess Jinyang asked.

Jin Yan said "Eh", "Did I say that?"

Princess Jinyang had a smile in her eyes and said dotingly: "You have been different since you were a child. You often say things that we don't understand, but my mother and your father both remember it."

Jin Yan: "..."

So how much did she reveal unconsciously when she was sick or asleep?
You’re not going to spoil the history that doesn’t exist here, are you?
Jin Yan felt guilty.

Princess Jinyang smiled and touched her forehead, "Yan'er, don't worry. Only our family knows what you were born to know."

Jin Yan: "..."

Good guy.

Doesn't she have any privacy?
Now that Princess Jinyang said so, Jin Yan no longer hid it. She pointed on the map with her fingers and pointed out the places containing coal, iron, gold, and limestone.

There is no rush to mine the other types. You only need to send manpower to hold the mine temporarily.

The top priority is to mine large quantities of coal so that the people in the north can survive this cold winter.

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