Just after midnight, the officials who had just slept for a short time were woken up by the palace attendants, and they all came outside the palace with confused faces.

"What's going on? Why did the princess summon us overnight?"

"I asked the waiter who delivered the message, but he didn't get anything out of me."


"The princess contracted the cold when she was on patrol. She won't..."

"Be careful!"

The person who spoke did not hesitate to give him a slap in the face, "My lords, please be aware that I am not disrespectful to Her Highness the Princess, I am just worried about her condition!"

The others did not answer, but stood further away.

How did such an idiot get into the ranks of officials?
It's better to stand farther away to avoid splattering yourself with blood!

After a while, Zhang An came out and said, "The princess felt really sorry for bothering you all night, so I asked the villain to take over the banquet to apologize to you!"

The officials looked at each other.

A late night summons and a banquet?
Princess what does this mean?
Some looked magnanimous, some looked doubtful, and some looked guilty and frightened, as if they had been caught doing something bad.

"What are you going to do, Your Highness? Could this be the last drink I will drink in this world?"

As soon as the man finished speaking, Zhang An winked, and soon someone came forward and arrested the man with a frightened face.

When everyone else was sitting at the banquet and looking at the "coal mine" distribution map marked in Princess Jinyang's hand, the man who was captured could no longer bear the interrogation and confessed everything.

It turned out that he had recently fallen in love with a beautiful and graceful married woman. In order to get the beauty of his heart, he designed to kill the woman's husband, raped and humiliated the woman, killed her two children, and then made He created the illusion that the woman had committed adultery with others and collaborated to murder her husband, causing the woman to be despised by everyone in the neighborhood. She was also beaten to death by thugs sent by this man to fish in troubled waters.

And this is not an isolated case.

Almost every few months, this man would do the same thing.

This does not include the fact that he accepted bribes, allowed his clan slaves to seize common people's land, etc.

When Zhang An finished talking about this, everyone else showed anger.

One person immediately said: "The general once said that no matter men, women, old or young, disabled or weak, as long as they breathe, they are the people of the North and enjoy the protection of the law. This person knows the law and breaks the law, framed good people, and took human life lightly. He should be in the capital punishment!"

Another person cursed bitterly: "Nowadays, many things are going on in the Northland, and the most lacking thing is manpower. For his own selfish desires, he actually killed dozens of people, including many children under five years old. It's really He is extremely cruel and deserves death. In my opinion, this person deserves to be torn apart by a car!"

After many ministers expressed their opinions, Princess Jinyang looked at Tingwei Li Cong.

Li Cong stood up and said expressionlessly that this man had violated many laws and that he should be punished for several crimes and should be sentenced to death.

Princess Jinyang nodded.

Li Cong is a Legalist, and he always strictly abides by the regulations specified by the law when doing things. He will never bend the law for personal gain, nor will he impose his personal emotions.

But soon, Li Cong spoke again, "But I think that what you all said is reasonable. In the past few years, the prince used to live in Chang'an, the generals often went to war, and many officials at all levels and wealthy families gradually appeared. Those who are daring may endanger the safety of the Northland if they are not dealt with in time."

He paused and bowed for a long time: "Therefore, as I see it, I will test all the punishments proposed by the great lords on him, and then inform other places to serve as a warning to others!"

As soon as the words fell, the whole hall was shocked.

Everyone just wants that person to die. Lord Ting Wei wants that person to live in peace even if he dies!
wrong. If he really followed what Tingwei said and used all those capital punishments, then this person would probably die in the end without even a scum left!
But Li Cong looked calm, as if he just did something very ordinary.

After a while, Princess Jinyang ordered Li Cong to take charge of the matter.

After that, she ordered, "Zhang An, order someone to write down all the crimes committed by this person and spread them to various places. Be sure to let all officials know this person's fate!"

Zhang An: "Here."

After Zhang An went down, Princess Jinyang talked about coal again, "This thing is completely black, but it can burn like wood. It burns longer than wood and has more firepower. With this thing, in the future, Cold winter will no longer be a serious problem in the Northland."

When everyone heard this, although they were doubtful, they suppressed it and congratulated Princess Jinyang one after another.

Princess Jinyang said calmly: "This matter cannot be delayed. Please be prepared when you go down. Tomorrow morning, I will send military officers and soldiers to assist you in mining coal mines together!"

After everyone left, Princess Jinyang read the results of the interrogation again. With a gloomy face, she slapped the papers recording the crimes on the table.

At this time, she suddenly felt hot around her.

Turning her head, she saw the youngest pair of children had come over at some point, and they were crowded on both sides of her.

She ruffled the toddler's hair and looked to the side reproachfully.

Xiao Quji, who was standing on one side, looked innocent, "Mom, I didn't bring them here. I woke up at night and found that my sister was gone. She kept crying and no one could calm her down, so I had to bring them here." Come on."

After seeing this case tonight, he was very angry and wanted to kill someone, not to mention his mother who loves her people like her own children.

If I don't bring my younger brother and younger sister, I'm afraid my mother won't be able to leave here tonight.

Xiao Jinan was still trying to identify the words on the paper, but Jin Yan had already read them all and knew what happened.

She asked: "Mom, has the punishment been decided?"

Zhang An answered her question.

Jin Yan: "What about his people?"

Princess Jinyang was a little hesitant for a while, but now she was mining coal, making fire pits, and cutting wood, all of which required manpower.

After seeing why she hesitated, Jin Yan said: "Mom, we really need manpower right now, but what Li Tingwei said is not a trivial matter. If the result of this case is not enough to deter everyone, then others will always take chances. I thought that even if I was discovered, I would only die alone, so I didn’t have much awe in my heart.”

But if the punishment is increased and they are barbarians, then the deterrent effect will be infinitely expanded.

Even if the criminal is lucky or has no fear of heaven or earth, wouldn't his wife, children, parents, tribesmen and servants be afraid of death?
As long as there are people who are afraid and unwilling to take the risk, the possibility of being reported will increase a lot, and they will naturally act more restrained.

"Furthermore, we are going to mine coal mines now. For Northland, coal mines are as much a resource as copper and iron. If someone fills their own pockets and raises the price arbitrarily, to make profits or to quarrel with the court..."

Jin Yan did not say anything further, but Princess Jinyang had already made a decision in her heart.

"Zhang An, go see Wei Ting, he knows what to do."

The Yi tribe is not a problem.

But this order should not come from the mouth of a three-year-old child.

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