In the early morning of that day, before dawn, officials and military lieutenants in the North went to the nearest coal mines to start coal mining projects.

At the same time, when the North City Gate opened, two groups of people in ragged clothes, skinny and like refugees stepped into the North City.


"Zhang remuneration." "Literature department."


"The Mohist."

The person in charge of registration at the city gate glanced at the two leaders and saw that one of them was in rags and skinny, and the other was in rags and had two of his toes frozen off. He couldn't help but feel suspicious.

"Are you really a Mohist?"

Zhang Zou's eyes widened, "With this status, can you still deceive people?"

The literature department was much kinder. He explained: "We were invited by the general to come to help the North."

After a pause, he added: "I wonder if there is someone like Chen Jie in Beidi City? We are all from the same sect."

When Zhang Zou heard this, he immediately cursed: "That traitor who follows the trend of others..."

Before he finished scolding, the guard looked at him coldly, "How dare you insult Shang Fanling!"

Zhang Zhi was stunned.

Shang Fang Ling?
That old guy Chen Hui actually became Shang Fanling?
He couldn't help but ask: "May I ask, what did he do that was so valued by the general?"

The guard immediately showed a proud expression, "So that you all know that the curved shaft plows used for farming by the people in the North today, the improved tables and chairs, and the hemp paper that has become popular in the world these days are all made by Shang Fangling! "

Zhang Zou was really shocked now.

Putting aside the plow and tables and chairs for the moment, the hemp paper was actually made by Chen Hui?
Why doesn't he believe it?

Zhang Zou wanted to continue asking, but the literary department said: "We are really Mohists. If you don't believe it, you can ask Lord Shang Fangli to come to see us."

The guard shook his head and said, "You are unlucky to be here. Shang Fanling is not in the city."

"Oh, with such heavy snow, where did he go?" the literature department asked.

Guard: "It has been snowing in the north recently. The princess is kind and considerate of the people. She specially ordered Shang Fangling and them to develop something called a fire kang. This thing can resist the cold. Lord Shang Fangling took Shang Fang and others to various places. Teach them how to make a hot bed."

Zhang Zou and the literary department said at the same time, "Fire Kang?"

The guard nodded, but was unwilling to say more, "This thing is simple to make and can be used by ordinary people. With it, people will no longer freeze to death."

Zhang Zhi didn't believe it, "You can use it at home?"

The guard's eyes widened and he said, "Princess has an order. Although this thing is easy to make, there are not enough manpower. It takes time to make the Kang. Therefore, we must keep the people close to us first. We and other officials cannot compete with the people. We have to wait until later to make the kang."

This simply overturned Zhang Zhi's understanding of the superiors.

Zhang Zou thought to himself, could it be that I am too narrow-minded and underestimated Beidi?
Department of Literature: "We are all Mohists, and we are all proficient in what Chen Jie is. Please inform me on my behalf. I want to see Her Royal Highness the Princess. I can also lead my disciples to help the common people make bed beds!"

When Zhang Zou heard this, he was unwilling to be outdone and immediately said: "We can do it too!"

The guards saw that what they said was true and that there was indeed a shortage of talents in the North, so they immediately arranged for someone to go to the palace to report the news.

Half an hour later, these two groups of Mohists arrived at the palace.

"Meet Her Royal Highness Princess Jinyang!"

Everyone bowed and saluted.

Princess Jinyang asked them all to sit down. They had never sat on a chair before and felt a little uncomfortable, so they knelt down and sat down.

When Zhang Fu asked about the fire kang, Princess Jinyang introduced Jin Yan, and then it was Jin Yan's home court.

She explained the principles while drawing drawings on paper, and then showed everyone a clay model of the fire pit. "This is the production process, do you understand?" Jin Yan asked.

Zhang Zou and the literature department were more interested in Jin Yan than something like a fire kang, which they had never seen before.

This little princess, only three years old, speaks clearly and talks well. She is very clear about many principles of the fire kang. In order to make it easier for them to understand, she can even talk about other things by analogy.

Zhang Zou glanced at the literature department calmly.

Although Chen Hui and his disciples led the people to make the curved shaft plow, compost retting, and hemp paper, I am afraid that someone else came up with the idea.

The more they looked at Jin Yan, the more certain they became about their guess.

Many changes have taken place in the Northland in the past two years, and I am afraid that they are all related to this little princess.

Princess Jinyang: "Everyone is tired from traveling and traveling, so we should have a banquet to entertain you, but the heavy snow is not stopping right now, and the situation is really critical, so I have to ask you to help the Northland."

Zhang Hui immediately said: "I have traveled thousands of miles to come here just to help the North. This time there is something like this that can save people from freezing to death. Naturally, I have to make it quickly without any delay."

Department of Literature: "We don't need a banquet, we just need some dry food to take with us on the road. My disciples and I can set off now."

Zhang Zou glared at the literary department, "Hasn't this old man always had a non-competitive and non-competitive temperament?" Why are you so radical all of a sudden?
Could it be that he was stimulated by being regarded as Shang Fangling by Chen Hui and being so respected and respected by the people in the North?

Criticisms come true, he is always competitive, and now he is not willing to lag behind and immediately asks for orders.

Princess Jinyang was a little stunned.

She had people prepare meals, and after treating everyone to eat, she arranged for the soldiers to carry dry food on their backs and escort these Mohists to various places.

As soon as the two inkmen left, a messenger came rushing over.

He carried several black stones with him, which were exactly the coal Jin Yan was looking for.

Jin Yan immediately asked people to smash the coal, and brought a brazier and put some debris and small pieces of coal into it. After a while, everyone saw the black stone burning.

And the heat it releases is far more than charcoal.

Xiao Jinan squatted next to the brazier and put his hand on top of the brazier. He tried to grab the flames, but Xiao Quji pulled him away.

Everyone looked over worriedly, only to see that his face was burnt red.

Xiao Jinan rubbed his face and struggled to take off his clothes, still complaining, "Mom, it's so warm!"

After hearing his words, Princess Jinyang felt relieved.

That night, Xiao Buyu and Zhong Xing also returned to the palace.

It was snowing heavily outside, a thick layer fell on both of them, and their hair was frozen.

But as soon as they entered the hall, the two immediately noticed the difference.

"Why is it so warm?"

When Zhong Xing spoke, Zhang An had already stepped forward and took off their cloaks. When they went outside to shake off the snow, they discovered that there was still a thin young man standing under the eaves, it was Chen Sui.

At this time, Zhong Xing came out again and said, "Chen Sui, come close to me."

Chen Sui widened his eyes and looked at Zhong Xing in confusion, wondering why he was wearing so thin clothes.

After a while, when he walked into the hall and sat around the charcoal stove, he finally understood.

There was a bright light in his eyes.



With these two things, no one will freeze to death this winter, right? (End of chapter)

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