Chapter 761 The whole family is a rebel (45)

"Xiao Yan'er, here!"

Jin Yan was drowsy when he heard his cousin's voice.

She immediately opened the car curtain, and after seeing Zhong Xing outside, she quickly tugged on Xiao Quji's sleeve and said, "Second brother, my cousin is outside, let's get out of the car."

Naturally, Xiao Quji would not object, but when they got out of the car, they were opposed by Lang Weijun.

"My dear sir, Your Majesty ordered us to send you two to the palace."

Lang Wei said so.

Jin Yan argued: "The palace is just ahead. It's only a few hundred steps away. My eldest father, the King of the North, is waiting at the door. Your mission has been completed."

But Lang Wei was very stubborn, "Your Majesty's will is for us to watch you two enter the palace safely."

Jin Yan pursed his lips and said helplessly: "In that case, you can just follow us. We are just going for a stroll on the street, and we will naturally go home after shopping."

Lang Wei, who was responsible for escorting them, looked at each other and reluctantly agreed.

It has been a month since I came to Chang'an. Except for the first few days when I rested in the mansion due to illness, I had to go to the palace to pay respects to the emperor almost every day.

The itinerary for their brothers and sisters was also extremely simple. They entered the palace to pay their respects, had a conversation with the emperor, had a meal, and were then escorted home by Lang Wei. During this period, they were not allowed to go anywhere or contact anyone.

In short, the palace and palace have two points and one line.

On the day he first arrived, Jin Yan had already seen the bustling scene of Chang'an City, but only by immersing himself in it could he discover how much blood and misery was hidden behind the vain prosperity.

There are countless streets in the huge city of Chang'an, but just on the street Jin Yan and the others walked through, there were hundreds of people selling their sons and daughters.

It's not that parents are cruel and want to sell their children to others as slaves, or to sell their children to their wives as prostitutes. It's because they simply can't afford to raise their children. If they are sold to others, they may die, but before they die, they may still have a bite to eat. To have enough to eat, instead of dying unwillingly in endless suffering and hunger like more people.

When passing by a pair of grandsons and grandsons who stood opposite each other with yellow muscles and thin bodies, Jin Yan stopped and Zhong Xing and Xiao Quji immediately looked at her.

Because of all the miserable things he saw along the way, Xiao Quji glared at Zhong Xing countless times, allowing his most soft-hearted and kind sister to see this miserable world.

Zhong Xing did not defend himself, although everything today was indeed a coincidence.

Because the emperor intentionally did not want the North Land King to know the true situation in Chang'an, and sent many people to monitor the North Land Palace, the street where the North Land Palace is located is actually relatively good among all the streets in Chang'an.

In the past, there weren't so many people selling their sons and daughters, but for some reason, today there were so many dishonest people, and they happened to meet them.

Zhong Xing sighed and was about to say that he would buy both the grandfather and grandson and go to the palace to do some work, but Jin Yan suddenly turned around and walked away.

Not only Zhong Xing, but also Xiao Quji was stunned.

Turn a blind eye?

How could my sister be like this?

They had watched Jin Yan grow up, so they naturally knew how soft-hearted Jin Yan was.

She couldn't see the people freezing to death in winter, so she made the fire pit and found coal to help the people survive the harsh winter.

After seeing people dying of famine, she made manure, improved farm tools, and worked with farmers to create high-yielding seeds, allowing people to bring high-yielding crops from outside the Great Wall.

She has done many things to improve people's livelihood and society, but turned a blind eye and turned a blind eye when a pair of skinny grandfather and grandson with protruding eyes needed help.

Although they felt strange, they immediately followed Jin Yan.

The entire journey was silent. Soon, they arrived outside the palace.

The King of the North sat on the stone steps at the door and waited as usual. When he saw the Jin Yan brothers and sisters returning safely, he smiled at first. After noticing the different expressions of several people, his smile subsided.

After returning to the mansion, Jin Yan was taken down by the maid to wash up, and then the King of the North asked why.

After Zhong Xing told the story, he asked puzzledly: "Father, do you have any questions?" c
The King of the North pondered for a moment and said, "I have lived here for many years and have never seen what you are seeing."

But just because you can’t see it doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.

He knew very well that the world today had become the same as before the fall of the previous dynasty.

Xiao Quji looked slightly calm, "My eldest father, are you saying that those people who sell their sons and daughters in ragged clothes were specially arranged by someone?"

Zhong Xing shook his head, "Each of them is skinny and skinny, and riddled with diseases. They can't fake the aura that only a dying person has."

Xiao Quji glanced at him, and both of them had the answer in their hearts.

Those people were specially arranged or driven to this street. As for the purpose...

Zhong Xing sneered and said sarcastically: "Is this another plan of that person? What is the purpose of his arrangement like this? Are you and Xiao Yan'er willing to do good deeds and buy off those poor people?"

"Your Majesty, you are worrying too much. No matter how stupid I am, I will not go to the feet of the Emperor of Chang'an to win people's hearts." Xiao Quji said mockingly to himself.

After saying that, he smiled helplessly, "Neither of us saw through such a trick, and it almost ruined the situation."

Just as he said that, the guards hurried in.

"Your Majesty, I have brought all the important people back, how should I arrange them?"

As soon as these words came out, Xiao Quji and Zhong Xing changed their faces at the same time, and turned to look at the guards who were waiting for orders.

Zhong Xing said in surprise: "Du?"

Xiao Quji also asked: "Where is he?"

A moment later, the King of the North and his two grandsons stood at the door of the palace, staring dumbly at the hundreds of people staggering outside the palace.

To say they are "human beings" is actually a bit understated. Many of them are already terminally ill and can no longer be called human beings.

But Jin Yan asked them by name, they are human beings!
Zhong Xing asked the guard, "When did Xiao Yaner give you the order?"

He and Qu Ji had been following Xiao Yan'er, and they didn't even notice that she was giving orders to these personal guards.

The guard said in a matter-of-fact tone: "My young lady gave this order three years ago."

Zhong Xing's mouth twitched, looking extremely funny.

And Qu Ji said clearly: "I remembered that when I took Yan'er out before, she saw someone starving to death by the roadside, so she told the people in the house that if she sees such a situation in the future, no matter how many people there are, she will take them back. Placement, I didn’t expect…”

Unexpectedly, Yan'er would not change his original intention even if he saw through the emperor's sinister intentions.

Even if there are many spies sent by the emperor mixed in here.

While several people were discussing how to resettle these people, Jin Yan came out and said, "Your Majesty rewarded me with a hundred acres of land. We just happened to bring wheat seeds from the north, so let them grow wheat for me."

In troubled times, the scarcest resource is people.

When her wheat is ripe, more people will be able to survive.

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