Chapter 762 The whole family is a rebel (46)

The naked people with nowhere to go were escorted by the guards of the Northland Palace to Jin Yan's farm. There, they would eat full food, wear warm clothes, and there would also be doctors to help them. They see doctors.

And all they have to do is only one thing, and that is farming.

For the people at the lowest level, working in the fields is their innate ability. They know when to sow, when to weed, and when to harvest.

Their relationship with the land is the deepest.

It's just that the world is unfair. The food they worked so hard to grow has either become an insignificant figure in the huge tax, or it has become a moldy grain of wheat in the warehouses of corrupt officials and local powerful people.

Even the land they cherish most, together with their families, will become part of the family property of the powerful family.

Having lost the land on which they relied for survival, they still had to perform the corvées, and the people in their families were scattered to death. In the end, all that was left was to hang on for dear life and survive, and then collapse on an ordinary cold night or under the scorching sun. There was a pile of carrion on the roadside. Countless mosquitoes, flies, maggots and vultures crawled on them, greedily eating the rotten meat in one bite. In the end, only the bones were left, which were deeply buried by the thick loess.

Perhaps, after a few years, when the loess here is dug up, everything that happened here will be known.

Perhaps, as the cold and summer come and the stars change, everything here will be buried deeper in the loess and never see the light of day.

But for these more than a hundred people, under Jin Yan's command, except for the uncontrollable birth, old age, illness and death, every one of them will survive.


"Xiao Yan'er, don't you already know that person's intention, why did you still take in all these people?"

Zhong Xing asked in confusion.

Jin Yan said: "Your Majesty's fear of the North has long been ingrained and is as hard to get rid of as a gangrene on the bones. Whether I take in these one hundred people will not change his suspicion and fear of my great father and grandfather."

No matter what they do, they can't change the emperor's mind, so why doesn't she do what she wants and do something that is beneficial to the people?

Is it just because of the emperor's fear that he ignored the refugees and allowed them to die miserably on the roadside, their bodies covered with yellow sand?

If this is the case, even if the world is eventually destroyed, how can they make the world surrender and make them believe that their father is not another Xia Emperor?

After Jin Yan finished speaking about his considerations, the King of the North Land looked at her with relief, and then looked at his two grandsons critically.

Xiao Quji and Zhong Xing looked at each other, both extremely embarrassed.

Thinking of Jin Yan's treatment for the refugees, Zhong Xing asked again: "Then are their treatments too good?"

Not to mention new clothes and bathing in winter and summer, just three meals a day is enough to make most people in the world jealous.

In today's world, it's good to have two meals a day. Many people only eat one meal a day, which is extremely thin porridge.

Jin Yan said matter-of-factly: "How come? The workers in the Beidi Papermaking Workshop also have three meals a day."

Zhong Xing reminded him, "But this is Chang'an."

Jin Yan disagreed and said, "What about Chang'an? The people of Chang'an are no longer ordinary people? Are they inferior just because they were born in Chang'an?"

The word "inferior" was associated with Chang'an, and Zhong Xing, who was drinking tea, almost couldn't help but spit it out.

Xiao Yaner really dares to say it!

People in Chang'an always look at others through their nostrils, so little Yan'er can say that the people in Chang'an are "inferior".

Zhong Xing couldn't refute Jin Yan, so he turned his attention to Xiao Quji, "Quji, this is your biological sister, please take care of her!"
Xiao Quji coughed and spoke under Zhong Xing's expectant gaze, "If that's the case, then let's settle it."

Zhong Xing: "Huh?"

Zhong Xing: "What???" The corners of his mouth twitched and he looked at Xiao Quji in disbelief. His eyes were filled with pain and sorrow, as if he were looking at a traitor.

Do you know what you are talking about?

Knowing that the emperor is most afraid of these things, Xiao Yan'er is trying to make trouble on Tai Sui's head, and you, the elder brother, don't stop him?

Jin Yan didn't take it seriously and said, "Cousin, you are too conservative for looking forward and backward when doing things."

The King of the North, who was drinking tea above, had his mouth twitching, Xiao Quji was holding back his laughter, and Zhong Xing also looked like he had been struck by lightning.

What do you mean?
Co-author You conservatives think I am too conservative for a radical?

This is simply a great humiliation to him!

Although Zhong Xing felt that Jin Yan's move was somewhat risky, he could not refute Jin Yan, so he could only let it go and assist him so that the matter could be completed more thoroughly.

On the third day after taking in the refugees, someone came to the palace again and passed the emperor's order to recruit Jin Yan into the palace.

After coming to Chang'an for so long, the two of them were brother and sister together every time they entered the palace. It was the first time that Jin Yan was ordered to enter the palace alone. Thinking of Jin Yan having to face the dangerous palace alone, Xiao Quji simply sat on his back. Uneasy.

"Brother, don't worry, nothing will happen."

After appeasing his family, Jin Yan followed the envoy and left the palace.

When she got outside and got on the carriage, Jin Yan caught a glimpse of a familiar figure from the corner of her eye. She couldn't help but pause and glance at that person again.

Zhao Ying.

Since they exchanged a few words on the day they met, she has hardly seen Zhao Ying again in this month.

She guessed that maybe because of what she said to Zhao Ying, Zhao Ying was suspected by the emperor and was investigated privately.

But now that Zhao Ying has reappeared, it means that no information about his collusion with the Northland Palace has been found, and he has been cleared of suspicion.

Of course, the possibility that he is a decoy cannot be ruled out.

"Master Zhao, long time no see."

After Jin Yan spoke, Zhao Ying blessed her body respectfully, but her face was solemn and she stopped talking to Jin Yan, as if she was avoiding Jin Yan and wanted to distance herself from her.

Jin Yan was not angry at being treated so coldly, and entered the large carriage by himself.

On the contrary, Zhong Xing, who was seeing him off at the door, snorted with evil intentions. Not only did he remember Zhao Ying's face deeply in his heart, but he also designed multiple ways for Zhao Ying to die.

On the other side, Jin Yan entered the palace under the escort of Lang Wei.

Unlike before, where he went directly to see the emperor every time he entered the palace, this time, Jin Yan was taken to an unfamiliar palace first.

The atmosphere here is even more gloomy and terrifying than that of the Emperor. All the palace officials, regardless of their position, are trembling with fear, as if they are afraid that if they are not careful, their heads will fall to the ground.

After Jin Yan arrived, she was told that the imperial doctor was diagnosing the queen's pulse and asked her to wait outside the palace. However, the wait lasted an hour.

The holy morning sun turned into a dazzling red sun. Jin Yan was sweating under the scorching sun, and his limbs were cold.

I don't know how much time passed, but when the palace messenger appeared again and Queen Yan finished diagnosing the pulse and asked Jin Yan to get ready to meet the queen, he heard the steady and familiar footsteps coming from behind, Jin Yan smiled innocently at the palace servant, and then As soon as his eyes closed, he fell straight to the ground.

"My lord!"

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