Chapter 763 The whole family is a rebel (47)


Jin Yan felt uncomfortable all over, and when he opened his eyes, he saw three faces full of concern.

She wanted to call "Big Father", but her throat was dry and she couldn't make a sound. Then Xiao Quji brought a bowl of sugar water to her mouth.

After his voice got better, Jin Yan asked, "Who sent me out of the palace?"

Xiao Quji said: "Zhao Ying."

When Jin Yan fainted in the Queen's Palace, Zhao Ying appeared in time to save her and brought her back to the palace. After the imperial doctor diagnosed Jin Yan, he said that Jin Yan needed to rest quietly, so the emperor ordered Zhao Ying to take her to the palace. Sent back to the palace.

Also sent along were some rare treasures and precious medicinal materials.

Thinking of the oral instructions brought by Zhao Ying, Xiao Quji's face was full of coldness. He said: "The Emperor is kind and kind, and pities you for your young age and frailty. Therefore, in the next one month, unless there are special circumstances, little Yan'er will not have to go back." Entering the palace."

It was obviously the emperor's cruelty that caused Xiao Yan'er to faint, but now they were told to be grateful due to an order, as if they had received so much kindness from the royal family.

After hearing this, Jin Yan asked curiously: "Where is the queen? How to deal with it?"

When he mentioned the queen, Xiao Quji's face became even more ugly, "I was banned for a month, stayed behind closed doors to reflect on my mistakes, and was fined a small amount of money."

Jin Yan looked calm, as if he had already guessed this result.

She knew that the queen would definitely make things difficult for her, so before she fainted, she asked 288 to check the situation nearby. She knew that Zhao Ying was on the way, so she fainted when Zhao Ying appeared.

And 288 also told her that even if she didn't use 288 at that time, there would still be people in the Queen's Palace who would pass on the news to the outside world.

I just don't know whether those people are the people left by my mother and the deceased Princess Wancheng, or the people of my eldest father, or other people who have a grudge against the queen.

Just as Jin Yan was thinking, a rough, calloused hand was placed on her forehead. The King of the North looked at her lovingly, "Don't think about anything, just rest."

His hand seemed to have some magic power. When it slid down from Jin Yan's forehead and touched her eyes, she actually felt irresistibly sleepy.

Jin Yan fell asleep again, and the King of Beidi called Xiao Quji and Zhong Xing to the study.

"Big father..."

Just as Zhong Xing was about to speak, the North King stopped him and handed him some paper.

He took it and looked at it for a few times, his pupils slowly widening, "This is..."

Zhong Xing quickly read one page, handed it to Xiao Quji, and continued to scroll down. After reading three pages in a row, the shock on his face turned into coldness.

This is actually evidence of a crime committed by the Queen's natal Qi family!

More importantly, once these evidences are made public, even if they cannot achieve the purpose of deposing the prince and deposing the queen, they will definitely make those in the Qi family who have done everything evil and are greedy and deserve to die lose their titles and everything.

He clutched the papers, and veins popped out in his hands. He looked excited and excited, as if he had grasped the lifeblood of his enemy.

Xiao Quji took it and looked at it, slightly surprised, "Uncle..."

The King of the North looked out the window and closed his eyes because of the dazzling sunshine outside. He said slowly: "During the years when I led the troops to fight, the queen's brothers often embezzled and deducted military pay. Later, Xiao Ji and your mother-in-law When we got married, the queen obstructed her in every possible way and framed your mother many times. Knowing that there might be a war in the future, I ordered people to keep these evidences."

After all, the queen was the emperor's wife and gave birth to three children. Moreover, her people were also "heroes" who accompanied the emperor all the way to the war. They were also married to many of the founding heroes. Under such huge interests, It was almost impossible to bring down the queen with this evidence, so he could only look for another opportunity. Although the Queen cannot be brought down now, as long as the roots of the Qi family in the court are uprooted, it will be equivalent to cutting off both arms of the Queen and the Crown Prince.

It might even be able to bring them to a standstill!
The King of Beidi motioned to Zhong Xing, "Take these evidences and go find Zhou Jin."

As soon as he finished speaking, the study fell into silence.

Zhong Xing and Xiao Quji both looked at the King of the North in disbelief.

Zhou Jin?

That towering emperor, who disowned all his relatives, was cold-blooded, ungrateful, and fearless of death, was Zhou Jin the imperial censor?

Aren't the eldest father and him old enemies, and haven't they been inseparable since old age?

It is said that when the King of the North was still a soldier, he was punished by Zhou Jin, who was a military judge at the time, for violating military discipline. It was originally just a beating with a stick, but because of the villain's obstruction, the King of the North almost lost a leg. , so the king of the north had a grudge with Zhou Jin.

Later, unfortunately, Zhou Jin was assigned to serve as a military judge under the King of the North. It is said that the King of the North, who was promoted for his military merits, was very harsh on Zhou Jin, beating and scolding him at every turn, and often lynched him. Jin also hates the King of the North Land to the core.

Later, when the world was unified and the war stopped, Zhou Jin entered the imperial censor's mansion, and with his desperate spirit, he climbed up step by step and became the current imperial censor doctor; and Xiao Sui also stepped into the ranks of famous generals. Because of his high military achievements and high prestige, he could not be sealed, so he became a thorn in the emperor's side.

However, the interactions between the two are even less than when they were in the military.

They were officials in the same dynasty, but they seemed to be strangers who had never met each other. Zhou Jin even impeached the king of the North many times, impeached the general Xiao Ji, and impeached the North for everything that was contrary to the court. A place that is not tolerated.

It can be said that Zhou Jin was indispensable in all the impeachments that the Northland King and his son encountered.

But the North King himself asked them to take such an important thing to find Zhou Jin, to find his mortal enemy in everyone's eyes.

Is there anything more puzzling than this?
But Xiao Quji and Zhong Xing were both smart people, and they figured everything out immediately.

Xiao Quji said: "Uncle, the rumors in the army that you lynched Zhou Yushi, humiliated and beat him, and asked him to keep vigil for you and pour you urine at night are all false?"

The North King glared at him and said angrily: "That's nonsense! When did I ask Zhou Jin to urinate for me..."

"That's what everyone in the army says," Xiao Quji said.

He heard these things when he first went to the army.

The King of the North coughed and said calmly: "Those are all false. Zhou Jin deliberately spread them. At that time, he had already left an impression in front of His Majesty. Your Majesty once said that he was sent by God. As a royal censor, Zhou Jin did his best, complied with the emperor's wishes, and became the lone minister that your majesty hoped to see."

Since he was a lonely minister, how could he have a personal relationship with the King of the North, who held a large number of soldiers? This is absolutely not allowed!
Xiao Quji looked at the King of the North, then looked at the evidence, and was speechless for a moment.

And Zhong Xing added: "Then he was still trying to win over the people with his uncle a few days ago and plotting against evil..."

Halfway through, he paused and remembered what happened on the street yesterday.

Zhou Yushi was impeached, the refugees took to the streets, Xiao Yan'er saved the people, the emperor summoned him, the queen was in trouble, Xiao Yan'er left the palace, and there was no need to go to that land of tigers and wolves in the short term...

It turns out that all of this is under the control of the Great Father!


Older gingers are more spicy!
I stubbed my toe today, but I have paronychia TT

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