Chapter 764 The whole family is a rebel (48)

Three days later, when Xiao Quji entered the palace again, he heard on the way that Zhou Yushi had impeached the King of the North for his evil plans to win over the people.

However, unlike what the emperor and others wanted to see, the people's reaction to this incident was completely different from their purpose.

A group of people from different religions were squatting together, and one of the cloth vendors said matter-of-factly: "I have heard a long time ago that the Northland has many preferential policies for lowly vendors like us, and as long as you don't do anything If you're a criminal and don't murder others, they won't just come and take away all your property and leave your family in ruins without any reason!"

Next to him was a beggar who was picking his teeth. While he was picking his teeth, he rubbed the dirt on his body. After grinding it into balls, he picked it up and looked at it, and then continued to rub it with concentration.

Others are not surprised by this.

The beggar is a frequent visitor here and often mixes among them. However, he always talks about these important national affairs without any trouble on his face.

Of course, no one noticed that when another businessman said that the Northland is very friendly to beggars, as long as they work hard and abide by the law, they will not only give them food, drink, work, but also money, and they can enjoy the treatment only common people in the Northland have. His eyes actually lit up for a moment, but then went out again.

He has seen too many things like this.

In the beginning, both landlords and powerful people tempted them with "profit", but after the matter was over, they pushed them into the abyss.

Once they were deceived into building a cemetery for a powerful family. At first, the powerful family treated them with good food and drinks. However, when the cemetery was about to be built, the powerful family suddenly changed their attitude and wanted to kill those who knew the location of the cemetery gate. Kill them all.

In this way, more than a dozen fellow villagers who escaped with him after his hometown was flooded all died under the vicious plot of the powerful. Although he was lucky enough to survive, he also lost an arm and a leg. I will never be a normal person again.

After experiencing such a brutal murder scam, it was not that he never thought of reporting the crime, but before he reported the crime, the powerful family colluded with the government under the pretext of false accusations and killed more than a dozen people who reported the crime after discovering the conspiracy.

The beggar spoke softly and had little information. He didn't know whether those people were scapegoats found by the powerful to scare the monkeys or were real victims like him, but this behavior did serve as a warning to him.

He is a refugee who has lost his home, land, and relatives. He is a beggar who is as humble as an ant. Even if he dies in the street, no one will look at him. He wants to use his humble and weak power to overthrow the government that even smiles at him. Being powerful is simply a fantasy.

But he is not willing to give in!

All of them are honest farmers. They paid taxes, performed corvee service, and obeyed all the orders of the government. They also made a small contribution to the world, but when they suffered injustice and lost their lives At that time, no one stood up to uphold justice for them.

How could he be reconciled to this?

Not reconciled!

The beggar lowered his head, and his dirty hair covered his face, making it impossible to see clearly what he was thinking about writing.

At this time, a craftsman who had been silent for a long time said: "I am going to the Northland."

When the others heard this, they were slightly startled and looked at him in surprise.

The craftsman was only in his twenties, but he already had gray hair on his temples, his face was covered with traces of vicissitudes of life, and he was blind in one eye.

Faced with everyone's confusion, he raised his right hand, and suddenly saw half of his hand with fingers cut off. Some people were shocked, but others who were familiar with the craftsman were silent.

They all knew how that dexterous and powerful hand became like this.

The craftsman looked at his hands that had made many instruments with a sad smile on his face, "Just because I made an instrument similar to the waterwheel in the North, they used my method to get the method." My family threatened me and killed them all after I taught them how to make a waterwheel..."

When he said this, a tear fell from his eyes, and his voice became choked with sobs, filled with deep hatred. "There are nine people, pity my parents and brothers, pity my wife... and my two children, they are only three years old." Even at the age of 18, he was cut in half and his body was burned..." Such a heartbreaking incident made the craftsman unable to calm down and unable to continue what he said.

A craftsman who was familiar with him explained for him: "His hand was cut off at that time."

Everyone was silent.

Then someone asked: "Then why is he still alive?"

After saying this, the man also felt that his words were ambiguous, so he quickly apologized and explained: "I mean, don't those powerful people like to eliminate the roots of things?"

The man smiled bitterly and said, "Eradicate the weeds? They are all covering up the sky with one hand. Even if he is alive, he can't take revenge. He can still be a deterrent to other craftsmen. Why do they want to eradicate the weeds?"

The person who asked the question was silent again.

Everyone was silent, as if they had become mute.

After a long time, the craftsman said: "I heard that the North places great importance on craftsmen. No matter what you do, as long as you have skills, you can find a job."

He looked at his crippled right hand and then at his left hand. "My right hand is crippled, but I still have my left hand and a pair of feet. As long as I'm still alive and breathing, I won't Even if I give up my ancestral skills, I won’t forget the hatred of my family.”

One day, he will avenge his family!
After the craftsman finished speaking, he looked at the others and said, "I heard that many refugees were killed in the west of the city last night. Although I died, I still carry a lot of hatred. I can't die here, so I am willing to give it a try in the north."

After a pause, he fixed his gaze on the beggar who was catching lice for him to eat. "Anyone who is willing to go with me, meet outside the city before the curfew."

After that, the craftsman stood up and left.

Everyone looked at each other, seemingly interested in making a move, but also hesitant.

Go or stay?

Just when everyone was hesitating, the beggar supported the stone pillar beside him, slowly stood up, and left with one leg lame.

On the other side, Xiao Quji has entered the palace.

The queen was under grounding, so he didn't have to pay a visit to the high-ranking queen, he only had to deal with the emperor alone.

The emperor asked him if he had heard anything when he came. Xiao Quji knelt down and apologized, saying that as an elder brother, he was not strict in his discipline, so he let Jin Yan take care of the refugees on his own. If this was against the law, he would wait until he returned. , they immediately dispersed the refugees and gave Jin Yan a good meal. The brother and sister worked together to atone for this matter.

After the emperor heard this, he was silent for a long time.

Not long after, Xiao Quji staggered and left the palace.

That night, outside Chang'an City.

The craftsman leaned on his sore legs and feet and looked at the Chang'an city gate for a long time. Finally, he shook his head and turned around without a trace of disappointment.

Just as he was about to leave, a thin rustling sound came from behind him.

He suddenly turned back and stared at the swinging grass, only to see a man in ragged clothes and unkempt face struggling to stand up from the grass.

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