Chapter 766 The whole family is a rebel (50)

There are many people like the old doctor's disciples in Chang'an City.

They all more or less saw the corpses that were shot to death by arrows and lying in the wilderness, the eyes hollowed out by vultures, and the blood that had long been soaked in the soil and mixed with the earth.

Even some of the dead bodies were people they knew well.

Just last night, the day before yesterday, and a few days ago, they either passed each other on the street, or they argued over trivial matters, or they kowtowed to each other in gratitude for a little charity, or they discussed privately how to get to the Northland...

And now, it's all over.

They will no longer see the merchants who quarrel over a little thing, they will no longer see the hungry and skinny old beggars huddled in the streets, they will no longer see the neighbors who worked together in the corvee in the past, and they will no longer run away easily. .


A short period of suppression will only lead to a more intense explosion.

When they couldn't bear it anymore and finally broke out, it would be the end of Chang'an.


After it was completely dark, Xiao Quji came out of the palace. When he saw the leader of Lang Weijun following him, the palace gate guard's expression changed and he hurriedly told the story about the palace sending people to look for him.

Xiao Quji was polite and thanked the guard for his message, but found that the guard looked evasive and did not dare to look directly at him, with a guilty look on his face.

He immediately asked what the royal guard said, but the guard knelt down with a thump, "Young master, I'm sorry, I was confused for a moment and forgot to send a message. Someone from the royal palace said that the young lady in the palace vomited blood and fainted..." "

Before he finished speaking, Xiao Quji glanced at Lang Zhongling and said, "Lend me your horse."

After that, he grabbed the reins directly from Lang Wei's hand, got on his horse and galloped away.

The guard was still kneeling on the ground, worriedly thinking about what punishment he would receive, but he heard the doctor order: "Go and plead guilty yourself. Maybe a whole body can be kept."

Lang Zhongling also left.

He led everyone to chase Xiao Quji.

If something really goes wrong with the little princess, I'm afraid the world will be in chaos.

The palace gate returned to peace again.

The person kneeling on the ground had already turned ashen.

After returning to the palace, Xiao Quji quickly came to Jin Yan's room. Before Jin Yan woke up, the King of Beidi was sitting at the table looking at something.

He ignored the salute and hurried to the bedside, calling Jin Yan's name softly. When he got no response, he started to check the pulse again.

"The doctor said that it's okay to be anxious and attack your heart." The king of the North said.

Xiao Quji's worry subsided a little, but he was full of doubts. He came to the King of Beidi, and after bowing respectfully, he said: "Father, what happened? How could little Yan'er..."

The King of the North asked: "You were in the palace and no one told you that the palace was looking for you?"

Xiao Quji shook his head, "No one came to see me. His Majesty gave me some books to test me, and asked me to study with several princes. If I knew that something happened to Yan'er, I would have left the palace long ago."

The King of Beidi was silent for a moment, but then he understood something. "Even a small guard at the palace gate dared to do this. This shows how many people in Chang'an City, in your Majesty's world, are deceiving their superiors and subordinates."

But that doesn't matter anymore.

He said to Xiao Quji, "I'm watching Xiao Yan'er. Go and see if A Xing is back."

"Isn't my cousin here? Where has he gone?" Xiao Quji asked.

The King of the North didn't answer.

Xiao Quji had no choice but to go out. When he arrived at the gate with full of doubts, he saw Zhong Xing coming back.

However, compared with the usual Zhong Xing, the person in front of him had messy hair, disheveled clothes, sleeves and corners full of mud-like things, and a very unpleasant rancid smell, which made Xiao Quji feel embarrassed. They almost didn't recognize him.


Xiao Quji stepped forward and shouted several times. It wasn't until he grabbed Zhong Xing's arm that Zhong Xing came back to his senses, but his eyes were a little dazed and filled with cold and piercing hatred.

"what happened?"

"What happened……"

Xiao Quji's voice stopped suddenly. He stared at the blood stains on Zhong Xing's clothes in shock and disbelief. He finally realized the source of the rancid smell.

He said in a deep voice: "Where have you been? Whose blood is this? Is Yan'er's fainting and vomiting blood related to this matter?"

Zhong Xing was a little dazed, but when he heard Jin Yan's name, his eyes suddenly became sharp, "What did you say? Xiao Yan'er vomited blood and fainted?"

Xiao Quji was a little surprised, "You don't know?"

Zhong Xing looked solemn and walked straight inside. He was stopped by Xiao Quji outside the hospital, "Cousin, you...go change your clothes first."

A quarter of an hour later, both of them returned to the room.

Even Zhong Xing, who had fought with the army, pondered for a long time before he began to talk about what he had seen. In his description, the tragic situation outside the city was a hundred times more tragic than what the guards and other people had seen before. Scenes.

Zhong Xing's voice was hoarse and choked with sobs, "They are not rebels, not enemies, they are the people of Daxia, they are innocent people, they are unarmed common people, they are poor people with no clothes or incomplete clothes..."

Today, these people all have a common name.


Xiao Quji listened quickly and couldn't come back to his senses for a long time, "Cousin, are you talking about those people who want to defect to the North?"

When he entered the palace in the morning, he also saw a lame craftsman saying goodbye to someone, saying that when he found a job, he would send a message to ask his friends to join him.

Has that craftsman also become a corpse in the mass grave?

After a long silence, Xiao Quji sneered, "I thought that His Majesty gave Yan'er permission to cultivate at home and no longer cared about her taking in the refugees. It turns out that Your Majesty has another plan."

Your Majesty wants to use the lives of these innocent people to beat them. If you don't stop in time, more people will die.

Now some beggars, refugees, craftsmen and traders have died, and those who will die later are the old people of the palace, important ministers of the North, and members of the Xiao family.

Xiao Quji closed his eyes and slowly opened them again. He said coldly: "Your Majesty is wrong. Wanton suppression will not make the resentment in the hearts of the people disappear. On the contrary, it will encourage this resentment until the suppression reaches the extreme. , the resentment of the people will turn into overwhelming anger, and the whole world will be burned!"

At this moment, Jin Yan woke up.

Several people quickly stopped talking and came to the bedside. Jin Yan still couldn't see a trace of blood on his face, but he was awake at least.

"Second brother, write a letter to my mother and say I'm fine."

"Cousin, send someone to find my father. I want the mutton barbarian horses outside the Great Wall. Please ask my father to raise more for me."

"Xiao Yan'er..."

Zhong Xing felt that Jin Yan was a little strange and wanted to interrupt her, but Jin Yan took out some papers from under the pillow.

She handed the paper to Zhong Xing. The moment Zhong Xing took it, he vaguely saw the words "saddle, stirrup and gunpowder".

Jin Yan's voice was hoarse and fragile, with cold determination in her innocence. She said, "My father has won another battle. There will be no awards from the court. I want to give my father a big gift."

A gift that can change the world and allow all people in the world to live in peace.

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