Chapter 767 The whole family is a rebel (51)


On a sunny and warm day, Jin Yan, who had been recuperating for more than two months, finally stepped out of the Beidi Palace again.

This was also the first time she walked out of the palace after she vomited blood and fainted last time.

This was a street she was familiar with, but it was not the street she remembered.

In the past, the streets were filled with vendors and pedestrians whose authenticity was unknown, refugees from unknown places were stumbling in the street corners, and occasionally there were children from wealthy families who did not have to work playing in the streets.

But now, what appeared before Jin Yan's eyes was a silent and cold scene. At a glance, everything he saw was black.

Black armor, black spears, black terrified faces, and the dried black blood on the ground.

Is this Chang'an?

Is this the alley entrance to the Beidi Palace?
Jin Yan was stunned when a hand gently touched her hair. She heard her second brother's voice, "Yan, do you remember what I told you yesterday?"

A month ago, the royal family went out of the city to hunt. The emperor was so kind that he allowed Xiao Quji, who was a hostage, to accompany them. He returned to the city first after the hunting was over, claiming he was unwell.

However, Xiao Quji did not mention a word about what happened during the hunting.

But even if he said nothing, Jin Yan still knew something.

For example, during a hunting trip, there were as many as a hundred people who attempted to assassinate the emperor.

Even though these people were unknown knights, or illiterate commoners who could only operate farm tools, or refugee beggars who had nothing...

However, their assassination still dealt an unprecedented blow to the dignity of the almighty emperor.

For example, the soldiers guarding the hunting ground mutinied. Some of them shouted to punish the tyrant and the treacherous, and pointed their weapons at the emperor and the powerful.

The outcome is predictable. The rebellion of one or two people could not change the current situation, nor could it stop the aristocratic families from continuing to encroach on the land and oppress the people, causing trouble for the world. Instead, it brought disaster upon themselves.

What’s funny is that when the emperor issued an order to execute nine generations of an ethnic group, and the ministers went to kill people according to the emperor’s order, the ministers and officials who were carrying out the order were all stunned.

Those who died, the people in the family, either died of natural disasters or were destroyed by man-made calamities. In short, only a half-starved dog was left at the door of the house. How could there be any nine generations of the family to be executed?
But the emperor had given the order, and they couldn't just leave empty-handed, so they arrested anyone they saw. Anyone who lived in the same village as the conspirators of rebellion, or had some contact with them, became an innocent victim in this treason case.

Jin Yan had heard Zhong Xing curse the emperor for being unjust more than once, and urged the world to unite and attack him.

This was another massacre following the massacre of beggars and craftsmen outside the city. More innocent souls died and the area affected was wider. So much so that when the hunting was over and the emperor returned to the court, common people kneeling and praying could be seen everywhere on the road.

They thought that if they met the emperor, there would be hope, and that they would be able to bring justice to their innocent wives, children, husbands and parents who had been killed, and that they would be able to gain some comfort.

But they had no idea that the one who destroyed their family was the very person they were kneeling to.

When the emperor was angry, he laid down millions of corpses and bled for thousands of miles.

But how many people died and how much blood was shed?

On the last day of hunting, an assassination occurred again in the hunting ground. The assassins were all people who had been marching for many years and were top-notch fighters. After the assassination failed, they all committed suicide.

The emperor ordered a thorough investigation.

The Supreme Court confirmed that the assassins were either subordinates of the King of Beidi and his son, or someone in their family held an important position in Beidi.

All the evidence points to the North.

A minister suggested that all the people in Beidi Palace be arrested immediately and that people be sent to Beidi to escort General Xiao Ji back to Chang'an. However, the emperor stopped him and allowed Xiao Quji, who was unwell, to return to Beidi Palace.

Just last night, an imperial edict came from the palace asking them to enter the palace this morning. After the messenger left, Xiao Quji told Jin Yan that from now on, no matter what they saw or heard, they should ignore it, and they should act like deaf, blind, stupid and lame people.

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