After transmigrating into the villain's daughter, I lie down and win

Chapter 8 The Crown Princess Who Was Disengaged

Chapter 8 The Crown Princess Who Was Disengaged (8)

Eunuch Wang and his party were sent away, and Wangshan Bieyuan returned to its former tranquility.

When Gu Yong returned, his obedient daughter was lying on a chair basking in the sun, while his son who had been scolded several times by him in public was peeling oranges.

"Open your mouth, you can't eat any more after eating this one." Gu Jinhe said.

Jin Yan: "No, I can eat another one!"

Seeing Gu Yong's return from the corner of the eye, he immediately jumped up from the chair and ran to Gu Yong, "Daddy, is the eunuch Wang gone?"

Gu Yong didn't speak, just looked at her quietly.

Jin Yan thought of something, guilt flashed in his eyes, and he was about to back away when Gu Yong stopped him again.

Jin Yan took a look and quickly explained: "Daddy, did I pretend to look like that just now? This is a method I read in a miscellaneous book. It said that as long as the time and method of holding your breath are right, you can create the illusion of suffocation and illness." , you didn’t see it, the eunuch Wang was scared to death..."

"How dare you say it!" Gu Yong said angrily.

Gu Jinhe hurriedly stepped forward to persuade: "Father, Yanyan is fine now, so don't hold her accountable for her mischief just now."

"Yes, Dad, today's matter is over, I promise that I will never do what you worry about in the future, so don't be angry, okay? Okay!"

As soon as Jin Yan finished speaking, Gu Yong laughed angrily.

He poked Jin Yan's forehead, and said helplessly, "That's all for now. If you don't obey me again, I won't care about you when your mother disciplines you next time."

Jin Yan immediately said: "How can I do that! Daddy is the best, don't you have the heart to watch me being locked up in the room by mother and endorsing me?"

Gu Yong gently pushed Jin Yan away, "So what if you can't bear it, your mother is the eldest princess, how dare father take care of the eldest princess?"

Jin Yan: "..."

Gu Jinhe: "..."

What I said was really against my will.

Now the only eldest princess, the mother's status is indeed noble, but who in Beijing does not know that the eldest princess Fukang has a deep affection for Liuyuan and the first Prime Minister Gu?
Being stared at by a pair of children with contempt, Gu Yong did not change his face.

He wasn't lying.

Sometimes, he really didn't dare to care about the eldest princess.

However, there is no need to tell a pair of children about the relevant details.

"Father, mother didn't enter the palace with you, why hasn't she come back?" Jin Yan asked.

Suddenly, she had an idea, "Maybe she is going to complain to the Empress Dowager?"

Gu Yong smiled, "I went to file a complaint, but not the Queen Mother."

"Who is that? Grandmother? But grandma didn't go to Yuntai Mountain to worship the Buddha. Even if she got the news immediately, she wouldn't be able to come back in two days." Jin Yan said.

Gu Yong looked at the innocent daughter and said, "It's Your Majesty."

Jin Yan curled her lips when she heard the words, "If Your Majesty really felt ashamed of our family, he wouldn't have waited for Mother to enter the palace in person."

Gu Yong was noncommittal.

"But the emperor's heart is dirty, understandable." Jin Yan said.

Then she added, "Playing tricks all day long, anyone with a clean heart will be killed."

Gu Yong: "..."

Gu Jinhe: "..."

The father and son were silent for a moment, and then both laughed again.

Gu Yong couldn't help but rubbed his daughter's hair, and couldn't help laughing, "What kind of nonsense is this?"

Jin Yan didn't want the beautiful hairstyles the maids made for her to be messed up, so she hurriedly avoided it.

While pinching Gu Yong's shoulders, he said: "It's not a lie, it's what the history books told me."

Gu Yong felt in his heart that his daughter had really grown up, and heard another sentence that made him dumbfounded.

Jin Yan said: "But don't worry, I don't mean you, you are my father, and whatever you do is right!"

 Our Jinyan is still a young sprout, everyone votes together to make her grow into a towering tree^-^
(End of this chapter)

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