After transmigrating into the villain's daughter, I lie down and win

Chapter 9 The Crown Princess Who Was Disengaged

Chapter 9 The Crown Princess Who Was Disengaged (9)

When the story of Wangshan Bieyuan spread to the palace, the eldest princess and Emperor Jianping were playing chess.

Towards the end, Emperor Jianping said: "Don't worry, Ah Ying, Yan Yan was also raised by me, and I will not let her be wronged in vain."

"The prince is still His Majesty's own son." The eldest princess said lightly.

Emperor Jianping: "..."

He said softly: "The crown prince is my own son, that's right, Yan Yan is also my own niece, how could I favor the crown prince?"

"Then what kind of punishment does His Majesty plan to give the prince?" the eldest princess asked.

After the words fell, the hall was surprisingly quiet for an instant.

The servants who served were watching their eyes, their noses, their noses, their hearts, and they were all like the pillars standing quietly.

Emperor Jianping didn't seem to care about the eldest princess's reluctance at all, instead he laughed, "Aying finally spoke to me in a normal tone!"

At last, it's not so yin and yang.

His cousin's mother is the younger sister of the first emperor's mother and a compatriot, she is the noble eldest princess, and her father is Ding Guogong who holds military authority and is highly respected and trusted by the first emperor.

Since she was born, she has been favored by the noble and powerful people in power in this dynasty, and the princes and princesses in the palace can't compare to her in favor.

For him, the emperor who was pushed to the throne by Princess Dachang and Duke Dingguo for the sake of stability in the court and the people, even though Ah Ying respected him, her inherent arrogance and strength would still make her act out of line.

The former Ah Ying had never been so "polite" to him as today.

The eldest princess was about to speak, but there was a commotion at the door.

Emperor Jianping lowered his face, "Who is outside? It's so noisy, what's the matter?"

Qi Deshui, who had been acting as a pillar, hurried out to have a look. .

Soon, he came back again.

Qi Deshui frowned, and glanced at the eldest princess indistinctly.

"What happened?" Emperor Jianping asked.

Eunuch Qi hesitated.

His Majesty took great difficulty to appease the Eldest Princess, but the Empress Empress caused trouble again.

Miss Gu's family, who is as glassy as glass, has suffered from qi sickness again and again, the eldest princess should know, is this okay?
Eunuch Qi didn't speak, and Emperor Jianping realized something.

"Aying, otherwise..."

The eldest princess looked at Emperor Jianping, and said coldly: "I seem to have heard the word 'Gu family' just now, dare to ask Your Majesty, what is there about the Gu family that I, Mrs. Gu, can't listen to? Or is there something wrong with the Gu family? The serious crime of beheading involves military affairs?"

Seeing that she was really pissed off, knowing that today would not be safe again, Emperor Jianping said: "Qi Deshui, what happened outside?"

Only then did Qi Deshui recount what he had heard outside.

When she heard that the Queen sent someone to Wangshan Bieyuan to pay respects to Jinyan, and wanted to force Jinyan to come to the palace after convalescing, and then made Jinyan angry, the eldest princess stood up abruptly. .

She lowered her face and said angrily, "Your Majesty! Could this be Donggong's apology? Could this be what you meant by 'confession'?"

Emperor Jianping's complexion was even uglier than Princess Chang's.

He explained: "Ah Ying, after Gu Yong left the palace today, I have been with you all the time. When did I give such an order? I don't even know about it!"

He asked Qi Deshui again, "Why were you arguing outside just now?"

Qi Deshui: "Back to Your Majesty, it's a little eunuch next to the empress, who wants, wants to stop... the person who spread the message."

Hearing this, the gloomy Emperor Jianping overturned the whole chess table with one palm.

The white jade chess pieces were scattered all over the floor, spread out on the dark red carpet.

It looks like freshly baked human heads on the execution ground.

 Vote a lot ^-^
(End of this chapter)

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