Chapter 80 Killing the Son-in-Law (8)

288 didn't seem to say anything, but said everything.

But it still looks like "I kept the secret".

Jin Yan deliberately said: "Is there no concept of 'self-explosion' in the data of your system?"

288: "Suicide bombing."

Jin Yan: "..."


One person communicated in their minds for a long time.

The silly Tongzi was extremely calm on the surface, but panicked inside.

Where Jinyan couldn't see, it skillfully activated the self-censorship mechanism, emphatically pressing the "Secrecy" and "Loyalty" buttons a few times.

"Self-judgment begins"

Several bold red characters appeared in the void in front of 288's eyes.

But Jin Yan wanted to pretend that he didn't hear anything, that nothing happened, but he couldn't hold back anymore, and finally burst out laughing.

Laughter carried through the house.

After hearing this, the maids were not relieved, but even more worried.

After Jinyan asked some more questions, 288 went from saying "the system has no authority" at the beginning to being completely silent afterwards.


Poor and helpless!

Jin Yan showed great kindness and let it go for the time being.

Just as he was about to return to his room, a little maid hurried in.

Jinyan called her to stop, "Baozhu, come here."

Seeing Jinyan in the courtyard, Baozhu immediately smiled, "Miss, Wang Huwei sent someone back to report and said it was done."

Jin Yan became interested when he heard that, "Have you finished the fight yet?"

Baozhu: "Not yet, but I have figured it out."

Not being able to watch the live broadcast, Jin Yan felt somewhat regretful.

Soon, she had an idea and called out Pearl.

The four maidservants all came out of the house.

"What's the matter, Miss?" Pearl asked.

Jin Yan: "It's not that you like to watch dramas. Right now, there is a drama about 'a loyal warrior beats a white-eyed wolf'. You go to the scene and tell me about it later."

Pearl understood as soon as she heard it.

She was full of excitement and confidence, "Miss, don't worry, I will tell you every word."

She's already gearing up to try it out.

Jin Yan: "Take some silver. After the fight, you guys go to eat roast chicken. Don't forget to bring two for Hu Po and the others."


"Boss, he's here."

"This bastard, who usually pretends to be a dog, unexpectedly turned out to be so shameless. In just a short while, he has hugged six singing girls!"

"Before the decapitation, he has to be given a bowl of decapitated food. He doesn't know how many ways to die. It's understandable to indulge before seeing Lord Yan."


The breath of silence continued to spread.

until the pearl appears.

Hearing that Jin Yan wanted to know the process, the experienced guards felt a little embarrassed.

What they learn is the deadly ruthless trick.

Miss wants to watch a show, so she has to plan well.

Soon, several people discussed a set of actions.

"Stop gesturing, the man is coming, follow him quickly."

"Find the right position when you hit, and try not to kill yourself."

"Also, remember to change your voice a little bit so that Lin Ao thinks you are the thugs hired by his concubine's client."

Pearl's voice was very low, but her excited tone still revealed her mood at the moment.

Several guards looked at Pearl with complicated expressions.

Fortunately, Miss Pearl doesn't know martial arts, otherwise there would be no place for them!
Pearl noticed it, and immediately explained: "Don't look at me, I didn't say it, it was the young lady who taught me this way, and the young lady said that if I let him see through, I won't have fun watching it in the future."

She couldn't think of such a bad idea.

The sleeping Jin Yan suddenly sneezed.

Daddy must have missed her!
 Jin Yan: Meow, meow, am I bad?
  Successfully promoted, the new pk has begun, and please continue to vote for the lovely ladies ^-^ Let’s cheer together~
(End of this chapter)

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