Chapter 81 Killing the Son-in-Law (9)

Coming out of the brothel, Lin Ao, who was in a happy mood, hummed a little song and set foot on the way home.

After walking for a while, he stopped suddenly and looked around furtively.


As soon as Guard Wang spoke, everyone stopped.

"Boss, he won't find us, will he?" a guard said.

Guard Wang: "He's not that vigilant."

Pearl whispered, "What if? Why don't you hurry up..."

Before he finished speaking, his eyes were covered by a pair of warm but rough hands.

Not far away, after confirming that there was no one around, Lin Ao untied his belt, and urinated in a corner recklessly.

Wang Huwei frowned and gave the person next to him a look.

Both were brothers for more than ten years, the man quickly understood what he meant, and immediately went around to the gambling house.

After a while, the gambling shop thug who copied the guy went towards Lin Ao cursing.

After a while of jumping around, the thugs left quickly, and Lin Ao lay there like a dead dog with his pants still on.

Under his body was the urine he had just released. The fishy smell of urine was mixed with the unique smell of powder and alcohol in the brothel, which made Lin Ao sneezed several times.

"I really didn't read the almanac when I went out today!"

Lin Ao was complaining, when he heard the movement from behind, he quickly stood up while enduring the pain while supporting the wall.

After he put on his clothes and walked away, Wang Weiwei let go of his hand.

Pearl patted him several times angrily, "Why did you cover my eyes just now? I can't see anything now."

Several guards around him showed contemptuous expressions.

Wang Huwei coughed and explained the reason.

Pearl immediately cursed angrily, "You are actually in the street... No wonder you can do those disgusting things, you really look like a dog, disgusting!"

She felt disgusted even by cursing one more word.

So he urged Wang Weiwei, "He has been beaten just now, let's follow up, otherwise if he is unlucky and falls into the river and drowns, it will be too cheap for him."

Guards: "..."

Makes sense!
"Hurry up, find a place where no one is around and do it quickly, otherwise he will die so easily, what about the mission that the lady gave?" Pearl said.

After hearing this, several people quickly followed.

Lin Ao walked through the flat street, and just turned into the alley leading to Lin's house, when his eyes suddenly went dark, and a huge thing fell from his head.

He thought it was bad.

Just as he was about to speak, someone punched him hard in the face.

A rough voice said, "Boss, is that him?"

Wang Huwei's voice was a little calmer, and he said: "Who cares if he is right or not, just hit him first."

"If you don't fight for nothing, don't fight! Let's talk about it when the brothers are happy!" Another person echoed.

Lin Ao: "..."


Is this fucking human language?
At this time, he was suddenly kicked on the buttocks.

Lin Ao was kicked until he bared his teeth and screamed, thinking that these people's fucking attacks were really cruel.

While begging for mercy, "Stop beating, all heroes, be merciful!"

Wang Weiwei signaled everyone to stop for a while.

There was no sound of punching and kicking, Lin Ao hastily breathed a sigh of relief, "Everyone, you have something to say. I have never been against anyone, and I have no enemies. I wonder if you brothers have found the wrong person?"

"Are you Lin Ao?" Wang Huwei lowered his voice and asked.

Lin Ao nodded subconsciously, and broke out in a cold sweat when it was over.

Thinking that he was in the sack and people outside couldn't see him nodding, he hurriedly retorted, "Who is Lin Ao? I don't know Lin Ao, my name is Lin Aotian!"

Wang Huwei and others: "..."

The name chosen by the parents can be changed as soon as they say.

Such greed for life and fear of death has no literary integrity.

Is this fucking worthy of being called a scholar?
 Ask for tickets~ Keep going, come on, come on~
(End of this chapter)

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