Chapter 258 Wang Qin, who likes to sing (seeking support)
Wen Nian walked out with a smile: "Then I'll go see them."

Although he knew that Wen Zhengyuan would not let the children have trouble, but he didn't check before going to bed, he always felt that there was something missing.

Perhaps this is the true state of mind of being a mother.

There are 12 people big and small, and only bought tickets for ten berths, so Jiasheng brought Jiaqing with one berth.

And Jiaxin shares a bunk with Wen Sirui.

For safety, these children slept in the middle bunk, and Wen Zhengyuan and Liu Yufei looked after them below.

Because Liu Yufei was with Wen Nian just now, Wen Sicheng cooperated with his father to take care of his younger brothers and sisters.

When Wen Nian came over, Wen Zhengyuan immediately woke up.

He got up and asked, "sister, take a rest."

"It's okay, I'll go to the bathroom in a while and rest."

Talking while looking at the sleeping child in the bunk.

"Don't worry, they slept soundly."

Knowing what she was worried about, Wen Zhengyuan comforted her in a low voice, "With my brother here, nothing will happen to them."

"Well, brother, let's take some time to rest."

Wen Nian left a kiss on each of his children's faces, and Wen Sirui's by the way, before turning around and going to the bathroom.

The three days and three nights of the train, in fact, the children are very tired, but fortunately they will reach their destination after tonight.

The train stopped at several stations at night, and some people got off and got on again.

Fortunately, the flow of people in the sleeper compartment is not large, and the movement is not too great.

In the morning, I vaguely feel that there is someone around me.

Wen Nian opened his eyes, and saw a young woman with short haircut and perm standing outside her bunk hesitantly.

She blinked, yawned and rolled over to sit up.

Looking at the small tables and chairs in the aisle, I couldn't help asking curiously: "Girl, why don't you sit?"

"Teacher, I...I have something to tell you."

The young woman carefully observed Wen Nian's face with the help of the light in the corridor.

The corners of Wen Nian's lips raised slightly, he got up and waved to the woman, and led her quietly to the junction of the carriages.

The light at the connection was brighter, and it was only then that Wen Nian noticed that the young woman in front of her was quite handsome.

She has the gracefulness of a southern woman, with a bit of ability in her gracefulness.

"Speak up, if you have something to say boldly."

While observing the girl, Wen Nian didn't stay idle, and said softly with a smile, "I didn't see you appearing in front of me yesterday. Which berth are you in?"

"Middle shop No. 36 is my place."

The girl answered her question first, and then looked at Wen Nian shyly, "Teacher, my name is Wang Qin, and I like singing very much."

"Well, Wang Qin, what a good name."

Wen Nian praised, "Singing is also a good hobby. Singing can cultivate sentiment."

Hearing her praise, Wang Qin pursed her lips and took a deep breath before expressing her appeal: "Teacher, it's like this..."

"I am an artist in our unit. I usually play the radio and sing songs for the workers when I have nothing to do."

"I just want to ask, can I sing the song you taught us yesterday in the unit?"


Listening to Wang Qin's request, Wen Nian agreed, "I'll teach you, and I don't mind if you sing outside."

"Then... the teacher, look, how much copyright fee should I give you?"

"No, you can sing whatever you want."

Wen Nian waved his hands and said, "The copyright is in my hands, but I can authorize you to sing."

"But...but this won't work. If people know about it, my job will be gone."

Wang Qin waved her hands nervously, "Teacher, tell me, how much copyright fee is enough, I will report to the factory when I get back, and then sign a contract with you..."

"That way I can sing in formal occasions."

Wen Nian: "..." This is too strict.

(End of this chapter)

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