Chapter 259 I'm so ignorant (seeking support)

Although Wen Nian has understood the strictness of copyright in this world over the years.

But I didn't expect it to be so strict.

Of course, she didn't think there was anything wrong with this.

At least this point of the world in the book, she still very much agrees.

"Teacher, don't believe me."

Seeing that Wen Nian was silent, Wang Qin couldn't help explaining nervously, "It's fine if I just sing for fun, but if I want to use it in a serious place, I must formally authorize it."

"Okay, what do you think about 100 yuan?"

Wen Nian hesitated, and said his request, "Of course, you are only allowed to sing on the unit radio."

"Okay, just 100 yuan."

Wang Qin seemed to have made a lot of determination, "Is it okay to buy a one-year usage right for 100 yuan?"

Wen Nian: "..." Is the time set so strict?

Well, she is really ignorant.

"Okay, you go back and discuss it with the unit."

Wen Nian nodded, "I'll give you an address before I get off the bus, and then you can look for me over there."

"Haven't you asked the teacher's name?"

Seeing that she agreed to come down, Wang Qin felt relieved, "By the way, what's the name of that song?"

"Miangui's surname is Deng."

Although Wen Nian knew that his blood relatives in this world were surnamed Wen.

But growing up in Yongxing Village, the name on the household registration is Deng Wennian.

So I didn't change my last name.

After a slight pause, she continued: "That song is called "Young *friends come to meet"."

"Oh, the title of the song is good, the title of the song is good."

Wang Qin nodded cheerfully, "The title of the song is in the lyrics, it's really good."

"Okay, go back and rest, I'll go to the bathroom before I go back."

Seeing that the matter was settled, Wen Nian didn't stand here, turned around and went into the bathroom, "There are still more than two hours until we arrive at the station."


Seeing that she closed the bathroom door, Wang Qin excitedly waved her fist on the spot: "Great, my colleagues can just wait for my new song."


"Get up, get up, the train is about to enter the station, get up."

An hour and a half later, the flight attendants came to call everyone to get up, and they began to pack the berths.

Everyone calmly packed their luggage and stood in front of the window watching the flying scenery outside.

Those who saw Wen Nian and the others yesterday greeted them one after another.

The man surnamed Tian talked to Mr. Zhuang and the others with a big smile on his face: "Teachers, are you returning from a trip?"


The three seniors answered in unison.

Regarding Wen Nian, they all tacitly chose to say less.

After all, for half a day yesterday afternoon, surrounded by so many people, she had no time to create.

Instead of letting her spend her time dealing with admirers, let her spend more time on creation.

Wen Nian didn't know what the seniors were thinking. At this moment, she was stroking the child's little face and talking to Wen Zhengyuan.

"By the way, Brother Zhengyuan, I met a new friend earlier, and she thinks she has something to look for me in the past two days, can you give me an address where she can find it?"

"Then let the other party call home."

Wen Zhengyuan felt a little depressed when he heard that his sister still called him unfamiliar.

But when she heard that she needed help, she readily told her her phone number.

"Then I gave her the number?"

Looking at the phone number, Wen Nian always felt that it was unusual, so he asked more questions.


Wen Zhengyuan readily agreed, and let her make it clear on the phone that she can find you.

"Well, I told her that my surname is Deng. If you get a call at home, don't say there is no such person."

(End of this chapter)

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