Chapter 275 Entanglement and Death
Wen Qixing recounted in detail what happened after his wife and his eldest son met Deng Yuejin and his wife.

He even told the other party about the abuse Wen Nian experienced in that house.

Hearing these contents, Wen Yun was frightened and turned pale.

He thought that the biological parents who were able to plan to switch him with the Wen family's children back then should be very shrewd.

With their ruthless and decisive methods, wouldn't it be easy to make a name for themselves?
The reason why I spend a lot of energy and financial resources to ask my wife to go back to her natal family to find them secretly is to hope to get some help.

Unexpectedly, not only did the biological parents fail to make a bright road as I thought, but instead put themselves in prison.

The man was startled and frightened, trembling with fear.

Seeing his reaction in Wen Qixing's eyes, he couldn't help frowning secretly.

The general looked at the pale-faced Wen Yun calmly, and said in a gentle voice, "I don't blame you as a father for what happened back then."

"After all, you have just been born, and you can only passively accept your parents' choices."

Then, after learning that they had been imprisoned for the crime of intentional wounding and endangering meritorious descendants, his thoughts were cut off in an instant.

"I'm telling you this so that you don't let your daughter-in-law always run away to her natal family in the future. It's not good for you and your husband."

His eyes were slightly red, but he didn't know what to say for a while.

"Besides, it's up to you to choose whether to go back to your hometown and restore your original identity, or stay in the capital and watch yourself."


Wen Yun looked at the familiar faces in the hall, hesitating for a moment, struggling.

Wen Yun pursed his lips, shouted out the word tremblingly, and looked at his father in front of him anxiously.

"It's up to him to choose."

"If he feels that he is from the Deng family in Yongxing Village, then he will stop interacting with him in the future."

"I won't embarrass you for my father and your brother and sister."

"After all, your household registration has been in Kyoto for more than 30 years. If you want to go back, I will show my father's face and say hello to others, and I will do things cheaply for you."

If he wanted to find his biological parents before and feel the real affection from them.


"If you don't want to go back, you still want to recognize me as your father, and you still think of yourself as a member of the Wen family, you have to watch your words and deeds, so as not to bring trouble to the family."

Speaking of this, after a slight pause, he changed his tone: "But, from now on, your father and your brother can only help you to a limited extent."

"Dad, shall we still call him Second Brother in the future?"

Wen Qixing did not give him too much time to accept this cruel fact.

Seeing the silence in the hall, Wen Zhenzhen opened her mouth cautiously, hesitating not to say more for Wen Yun.

"From now on, you can only rely on yourself in everything. Your husband and wife are loving and your children are sensible. As long as you live a good life, you won't suffer any hardships."

They observed the changes in Wen Yun's face, until Wen Qixing finished speaking, the complex emotions that flashed in Wen Yun's eyes did not escape their eyes.

Wen Qixing didn't answer the little girl directly, "If he thinks he is still from the Wen family, then he is your second brother."

During the whole process, Wen Zhengyuan, his wife, Wen Zhenzhen, and Wen Sicheng were silent.

The reason why I want to find them is to get help.

Instead of finding a bunch of cumbersome things to add to yourself.

But if he were to say that he was born a Wen family and died a Wen family ghost, these people in front of him probably wouldn't believe it.

Even because of his ruthlessness, he would be labeled as ruthless by the Wen family.

(End of this chapter)

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